About the Department

The Undergraduate Programme B.E. Robotics and Automation started in the year 2019 .Industries need to equip themselves to compete globally in the face of digital manufacturing and Industry 4.0. To outperform competitors, manufacturing companies must reduce manufacturing costs and lead times by implementing new technologies. Automation plays a crucial role in achieving these goals across all stages of manufacturing. Robots are versatile, reprogrammable machines used in various fields such as material handling, welding, machine tool tending, palletization, de-palletizing, assembly, rescue operations, and surgery. The demand for industrial robots has increased significantly due to the trend toward automation and continuous technical advancements. The program in Robotics and Automation covers subjects such as automated system design, robot kinematics and dynamics, motion planning, artificial intelligence, machine vision, and industrial automation and control. These topics are essential for preparing students to design, implement, and manage automated systems effectively.


To become an ecosystem in the domain of Automation and Robotics that develops competent multidisciplinary professionals, researchers and entrepreneurs striving for technology led Socio- economic development of the nation.


  • Arrow

    To impart high quality education through best of the teaching-leaning process by using industry ready curriculum.

  • Arrow

    To establish centers of excellence in the area of Automation and Robotics where ideas, innovations and research will synergize.

  • Arrow

    To align the practices and initiatives with high ethical standards to meet the needs of the society and at large the nation.

HOD Message

Dr.S.Harikrishnan M.E., Ph.D.,

Professor and Head

It is grateful and pleasure of addressing Robotics and Automation. This department gives combines automation and robotics, is both fascinating and challenging. It has been years since we began a comprehensive departmental overhaul to bring the department up to the high requirements of the automation and robotics industries. The department has long been known for being a leader in prioritizing stakeholder involvement, which might have a positive impact on the business, provide it a competitive edge, and enable it to make the biggest impact on the globe. I wish good luck to students.

Faculty List
S.NoName of the Faculty MemberDesignation
1Dr. S. HarikrishnanHOD & Professor
3Dr.K.RajalakshmiAssociate Professor
4Dr.J.Parivendan InbakumarAssociate Professor
5Mr.A.Antony George FernandoAssociate Professor
6Mr.N.SivaramakrishnanAssociate Professor
7Ms.S.LeseAssociate Professor
8Ms.D.MythilyAssistant Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of Solutions
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool usage
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long Learning
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

Multi-disciplinary Engineering in Robotics: Analyze the real world needs and design the robot and Automation solutions using the competency in multi domain engineering elements and integrated software tools.
Enhancement and up gradation: Analyze conventional functions and process of various engineering elements and propose robots and automation solution for enhanced performance of conventional systems.
Robotic system integration and automated Solution and connectivity: Recommend the sensing, interfacing, controlling, actuating, communicating technologies and analysing the data through various subsystems and build the robots.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The program aims to develop a proficient engineer in Robotics and Automation field to serve the various technological needs of Industry and Society.Have strong foundation in basic sciences, mathematics and computational platforms.
To develop the engineers to practice the multidisciplinary engineering knowledge in particularly in mechanical, electrical, electronic, control, manufacturing and software for Robotics and Automation systems development. Engross in life-long learning to keep themselves abreast of new developments.
The program shall create engineers continuously to uplift the knowledge, skill, attitude, selflearning, teamwork, value of ethics and able to protect environmental eco systems

Academic Calendar

Second year Schedule
Third year Schedule

Academic Time Table

Academic Time Table 1
Academic Time Table 2


Regulation 2021
Regulation 2017

Infrastructure Facilities

S.NoFacilityCountTotal Area in Sq.m
1Class Rooms3235
2Tutorial Room180
4Smart Class Rooms3235
5Auditorium / Seminar hall1102
6Video Conferencing Room11
8Drawing Hall21094
9Research Lab11
10HOD's Cabin119
11Department Library140
12Faculty Cabin1442
13Counseling Room119

  • Arrow
    Modeling and Simulation Laboratory
  • Arrow
    Industrial Automation Laboratory
  • Arrow
    Control system Laboratory
  • Arrow
    Fluid power system Laboratory
  • Arrow
    Robot dynamics and kinematics Laboratory
  • Arrow
    Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
  • Arrow
    Sensor and Instrumentation Laboratory

Department Library

Department library furnished with 300 books. It has various Robotics and automation Engineering related books such as Robotics, IoT, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Big Data Analysis etc.., from different authors, Journals, CD’s and Magazines for students reference. NPTEL video library and lectures also effectively utilized by the students.

Workshop & Conferences

National Level Technical Symposium

Mr.A.Antony George Fernando and Mrs.Lesse conducted Two days workshop on BASICS OF ARDUINO PROGRAMMING FOR BEGINNERS from 21 march 2023 to 22 march 2023
Workshop & Conferences

Inauguration function ceremony

Second Slide

Participation Certificate

Additive Manufacturing

Mr.A.Antony George Fernando conducted workshop on “Workshop on Additive Manufacturing” on 21 January 2024

Workshop & Conferences
Workshop & Conferences


Faculty Achievements

  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, filed patent in selection of Optimal location and capacity of EV charging Station.
  • Arrow
    Dr.J.Parivendhan Inbakumar, Assistant Professor/RAA, filed patent in Artificial Electronic Hand with electromyo graphic signals.
  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, completed the Python for Data science NPTEL course.
  • Arrow
    Dr.J.Parivendhan Inbakumar, Ms.S.Lese Assistant Professor/RAA, Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA filed patent in Indigenous robot head attachment using arduino.
  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, Published paper in the title of Enhancing efficiency in electrical distribution system (SCIE - IOS Press - Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy systems)
  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, Published paper in the title of Enhanced Melanoma detection using Fuzzy logic algorithm (SCIE - Elsevier - Biomedical Signal Processing and control)
  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, Published paper in the title of Analysis and mitigation of PQ disturbances in Grid. (SCIE - Nature journal - Scientific reports)
  • Arrow
    Ms.S.Lese, Assistant Professor/RAA, completed the Python for Data science NPTEL course.
  • Arrow
    Mr.N.Sivaramakrishnan, Assistant Professor/RAA, completed the Electrical Vehicle course at Anna university Chennai
  • Arrow
    Mr.N.Sivaramakrishnan, Assistant Professor/RAA, completed the E-Vehicle of electrical mobility course at Anna university Chennai
  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, completed the Digital Marketing Naan mudalvan course at Anna universtiy chennai
  • Arrow
    Mr.Anotny George Fernando, Assistant Professor/RAA, Professional Development Naan mudalvan course at Anna University Chennai

Students Achievements

  • Arrow
    Gowri Shankar, Chandraroyan, Mohanraj 4 th year Robotics students done a project of Design of SCARA Robots under the guidance of Dr.J.Parivendhan Inbakumar,
  • Arrow
    Gowrishankar final year RAA placed in the company of Face prep with package of 4 lacks per annum
  • Arrow
    Chandrya Royan final year RAA Placed in the company of ZF as a robotic trainer

Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs)

  • Arrow
    Signed with “Drone Technologies, Chennai”

Our Recruiters

zf Logofaceprep Logosutherland Logo
fuji Logoidec Logokone Logo
disys Logogeometrix Logokamms Logo
xera Logojoy Logo

Research & Development

It is focussed to develop the robots for domestic and industrial applications by accomplishing the cutting-edge research works. It is aimed to create a great platform to the students for developing the innovative projects which could cater the needs of the specific sectors. Also, it is planned to establish the sophisticated laboratories for making cost effective robots. The faculty members working in the department have been making their efforts in developing advanced sensors and controls which could lead to improve the better communication between the humans and the robots.


  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, Published grants in the title of IoT based 3D printer with audio player

Professional Bodies

  • Arrow
  • Arrow
  • Arrow


  • Arrow
    Department is interested to permit the visitor to make use of the facilities available.
  • Arrow
    It is focussed to provide the solutions to the unsolved problems existing in the industries.
  • Arrow
    Short term courses on Robots are planned to conduct regularly.
  • Arrow
    Based on the specifications and requirements, it is willing to construct the cost-effective robots.

About the Department

The Undergraduate Programme B.E. Robotics and Automation started in the year 2019 .Industries need to equip themselves to compete globally in the face of digital manufacturing and Industry 4.0. To outperform competitors, manufacturing companies must reduce manufacturing costs and lead times by implementing new technologies. Automation plays a crucial role in achieving these goals across all stages of manufacturing. Robots are versatile, reprogrammable machines used in various fields such as material handling, welding, machine tool tending, palletization, de-palletizing, assembly, rescue operations, and surgery. The demand for industrial robots has increased significantly due to the trend toward automation and continuous technical advancements. The program in Robotics and Automation covers subjects such as automated system design, robot kinematics and dynamics, motion planning, artificial intelligence, machine vision, and industrial automation and control. These topics are essential for preparing students to design, implement, and manage automated systems effectively.


To become an ecosystem in the domain of Automation and Robotics that develops competent multidisciplinary professionals, researchers and entrepreneurs striving for technology led Socio- economic development of the nation.


  • Arrow

    To impart high quality education through best of the teaching-leaning process by using industry ready curriculum.

  • Arrow

    To establish centers of excellence in the area of Automation and Robotics where ideas, innovations and research will synergize.

  • Arrow

    To align the practices and initiatives with high ethical standards to meet the needs of the society and at large the nation.

HOD Message

Dr.S.Harikrishnan M.E., Ph.D.,

Professor and Head

It is grateful and pleasure of addressing Robotics and Automation. This department gives combines automation and robotics, is both fascinating and challenging. It has been years since we began a comprehensive departmental overhaul to bring the department up to the high requirements of the automation and robotics industries. The department has long been known for being a leader in prioritizing stakeholder involvement, which might have a positive impact on the business, provide it a competitive edge, and enable it to make the biggest impact on the globe. I wish good luck to students.

Faculty List
S.NoName of the Faculty MemberDesignation
1Dr. S. HarikrishnanHOD & Professor
3Dr.K.RajalakshmiAssociate Professor
4Dr.J.Parivendan InbakumarAssociate Professor
5Mr.A.Antony George FernandoAssociate Professor
6Mr.N.SivaramakrishnanAssociate Professor
7Ms.S.LeseAssociate Professor
8Ms.D.MythilyAssistant Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of Solutions
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool usage
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long Learning
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

Multi-disciplinary Engineering in Robotics: Analyze the real world needs and design the robot and Automation solutions using the competency in multi domain engineering elements and integrated software tools.
Enhancement and up gradation: Analyze conventional functions and process of various engineering elements and propose robots and automation solution for enhanced performance of conventional systems.
Robotic system integration and automated Solution and connectivity: Recommend the sensing, interfacing, controlling, actuating, communicating technologies and analysing the data through various subsystems and build the robots.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The program aims to develop a proficient engineer in Robotics and Automation field to serve the various technological needs of Industry and Society.Have strong foundation in basic sciences, mathematics and computational platforms.
To develop the engineers to practice the multidisciplinary engineering knowledge in particularly in mechanical, electrical, electronic, control, manufacturing and software for Robotics and Automation systems development. Engross in life-long learning to keep themselves abreast of new developments.
The program shall create engineers continuously to uplift the knowledge, skill, attitude, selflearning, teamwork, value of ethics and able to protect environmental eco systems

Academic Calendar

Second year Schedule
Third year Schedule

Academic Time Table

Academic Time Table 1
Academic Time Table 2


Regulation 2021
Regulation 2017

Infrastructure Facilities

S.NoFacilityCountTotal Area in Sq.m
1Class Rooms3235
2Tutorial Room180
4Smart Class Rooms3235
5Auditorium / Seminar hall1102
6Video Conferencing Room11
8Drawing Hall21094
9Research Lab11
10HOD's Cabin119
11Department Library140
12Faculty Cabin1442
13Counseling Room119

  • Arrow
    Modeling and Simulation Laboratory
  • Arrow
    Industrial Automation Laboratory
  • Arrow
    Control system Laboratory
  • Arrow
    Fluid power system Laboratory
  • Arrow
    Robot dynamics and kinematics Laboratory
  • Arrow
    Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
  • Arrow
    Sensor and Instrumentation Laboratory

Department Library

Department library furnished with 300 books. It has various Robotics and automation Engineering related books such as Robotics, IoT, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Big Data Analysis etc.., from different authors, Journals, CD’s and Magazines for students reference. NPTEL video library and lectures also effectively utilized by the students.

Workshop & Conferences

National Level Technical Symposium

Mr.A.Antony George Fernando and Mrs.Lesse conducted Two days workshop on BASICS OF ARDUINO PROGRAMMING FOR BEGINNERS from 21 march 2023 to 22 march 2023
Workshop & Conferences

Inauguration function ceremony

Second Slide

Participation Certificate

Additive Manufacturing

Mr.A.Antony George Fernando conducted workshop on “Workshop on Additive Manufacturing” on 21 January 2024

Workshop & Conferences
Workshop & Conferences


Faculty Achievements

  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, filed patent in selection of Optimal location and capacity of EV charging Station.
  • Arrow
    Dr.J.Parivendhan Inbakumar, Assistant Professor/RAA, filed patent in Artificial Electronic Hand with electromyo graphic signals.
  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, completed the Python for Data science NPTEL course.
  • Arrow
    Dr.J.Parivendhan Inbakumar, Ms.S.Lese Assistant Professor/RAA, Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA filed patent in Indigenous robot head attachment using arduino.
  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, Published paper in the title of Enhancing efficiency in electrical distribution system (SCIE - IOS Press - Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy systems)
  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, Published paper in the title of Enhanced Melanoma detection using Fuzzy logic algorithm (SCIE - Elsevier - Biomedical Signal Processing and control)
  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, Published paper in the title of Analysis and mitigation of PQ disturbances in Grid. (SCIE - Nature journal - Scientific reports)
  • Arrow
    Ms.S.Lese, Assistant Professor/RAA, completed the Python for Data science NPTEL course.
  • Arrow
    Mr.N.Sivaramakrishnan, Assistant Professor/RAA, completed the Electrical Vehicle course at Anna university Chennai
  • Arrow
    Mr.N.Sivaramakrishnan, Assistant Professor/RAA, completed the E-Vehicle of electrical mobility course at Anna university Chennai
  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, completed the Digital Marketing Naan mudalvan course at Anna universtiy chennai
  • Arrow
    Mr.Anotny George Fernando, Assistant Professor/RAA, Professional Development Naan mudalvan course at Anna University Chennai

Students Achievements

  • Arrow
    Gowri Shankar, Chandraroyan, Mohanraj 4 th year Robotics students done a project of Design of SCARA Robots under the guidance of Dr.J.Parivendhan Inbakumar,
  • Arrow
    Gowrishankar final year RAA placed in the company of Face prep with package of 4 lacks per annum
  • Arrow
    Chandrya Royan final year RAA Placed in the company of ZF as a robotic trainer

Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs)

  • Arrow
    Signed with “Drone Technologies, Chennai”

Our Recruiters

zf Logofaceprep Logosutherland Logo
fuji Logoidec Logokone Logo
disys Logogeometrix Logokamms Logo
xera Logojoy Logo

Research & Development

It is focussed to develop the robots for domestic and industrial applications by accomplishing the cutting-edge research works. It is aimed to create a great platform to the students for developing the innovative projects which could cater the needs of the specific sectors. Also, it is planned to establish the sophisticated laboratories for making cost effective robots. The faculty members working in the department have been making their efforts in developing advanced sensors and controls which could lead to improve the better communication between the humans and the robots.


  • Arrow
    Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor/RAA, Published grants in the title of IoT based 3D printer with audio player

Professional Bodies

  • Arrow
  • Arrow
  • Arrow


  • Arrow
    Department is interested to permit the visitor to make use of the facilities available.
  • Arrow
    It is focussed to provide the solutions to the unsolved problems existing in the industries.
  • Arrow
    Short term courses on Robots are planned to conduct regularly.
  • Arrow
    Based on the specifications and requirements, it is willing to construct the cost-effective robots.