About the Department

The Mechanical Engineering Department was established in 2001. It aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the field of mechanical engineering. This branch of engineering deals with the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. The department's faculty members are experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds, including industry and academia. They are responsible for delivering lectures, conducting research, and guiding students in their academic pursuits. Many faculty members engage in research projects, which not only advance knowledge in the field but also provide opportunities for students to participate in cutting-edge research. The department invites industry experts as guest speakers to share their experiences and provide insights into the latest developments in mechanical engineering. Every year, the department organizes workshops, industrial visits, internships, and symposiums to keep students updated with the latest trends and upcoming technological developments.



The vision of the department is to impart quality technical education for promoting centre of excellence in core field through which the professional experts can be produced in order to carter the needs of the industry.


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    To develop the problem solving and analytical skill of the students in the field of Mechanical Engineering with a sound knowledge of basic science and Engineering.

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    To create an arena that encourages exploration, curiosity and creativity of the Students to become an intensive researcher in their domain.

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    To impart the qualities among the students to become a successful team player, Leader and professional challenger in the area of Entrepreneurship.

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    To inculcate the virtue of social responsibility and professional ethics.

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    To motivate the students towards solving problems related to design, analysis and implementation of mechanical systems.

HOD Message

Dr.S.HarikrishnanM.E., Ph.D.,

Professor and Head

As the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Our department has always been a beacon of innovation and practical learning, and it is your relentless pursuit of knowledge and your passion for engineering that makes this possible. Your efforts and achievements have not only raised the bar for academic excellence but have also significantly contributed to making our department one of the most respected in the institution. As we continue to navigate through these challenging times, I want to assure you that our commitment to providing a world-class education and research environment remains unwavering. We will continue to support each one of you in your academic journey, ensuring that you have the necessary resources and opportunities to succeed. Let us continue to strive for excellence, uphold the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, and work together to further enhance the reputation of our esteemed department.

Faculty List

S.No.Name of the Faculty MemberQualificationDesignation
1Dr. S. HarikrishnanM.E., Ph.D.HOD & Professor
2Dr. S. Babu SasikumarM.E., Ph.D.Associate Professor
3Dr. C. SadhasivamM.E., Ph.D.Associate Professor
4Dr. J. Pradeep KumarM.Tech., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
5Mr. Immanuel Sam FranklinM.Tech., Ph.D.Associate Professor
6Mr. VigneshwaranM.E., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
7Mr. K. Chinna DuraiM.E., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
8Mr. J. Joel JobesM.E.Assistant Professor
9Dr. R. Charles GodwinM.Tech., Ph.D.Assistant Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in the mechanical field.
Problem Analysis
An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data with acquired knowledge.
Design/Development of Solution
An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, ethical, health, safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams with potential willpower.
Modern Tool Usage
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
The Engineer and Safety
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility in society.
Environment and Sustainability
An ability to communicate effectively and interactively with different people.
An ability to understand the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
Individual and Team Work
Recognition of the need for and ability to engage in lifelong learning.
An ability to use technologies, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice in their field of application.
Project Management and Finance
To enhance the industry-institute interrelationship through various design and fabrication projects, which are useful to the industry.
Lifelong Learning
To encourage entrepreneurship goals through curriculum, practical-based projects, and comprehension courses.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

To apply, analyze, design, and develop solutions by applying fundamental concepts of mechanical engineering.
To design principles for developing quality products for society and scientific applications.
To adapt emerging design concepts and technologies to innovate and provide solutions to novel problems.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Engineering Fundamentals Have a successful career in Mechanical Engineering and allied industries.
Prepare Graduates Have expertise in the areas of Design, Thermal, Materials, and Manufacturing.
Social Context Contribute towards technological development through academic-research and industrial practices.
Managerial Skills Practice their profession with good communication, leadership, ethics, and social responsibility.
Career Development Make the students understand the emerging technologies through lifelong learning.

Academic Time Table

Time Table
Second year Schedule
Third year Schedule


Regulation 2021
Regulation 2017

Projects & Publications

Creative Projects

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    Charubala, Samson, Pavan, John, final year students did an academic project on “PERFORMANCE MEASURE AND CHARACTERISTICS STUDIES STAINLESS STEEL ON EDM”.
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    Anoj, Guruvignesh, Jafferson, Sanjeevi, final year students did an academic project on “CHARACTERISTIC STUDY AND COMPARISON OF CONVENTIONAL AND UNCONVENTIONAL DRILLING EDM HOLE MAKING METHOD”.
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    Chitrasasu, Samuel, Karthick, Baladhilipan, final year students did an academic project on “SIMULATION OF THE PERFORMANCE AND EMISSION CHARACTERISTICS OF CRDI ENGINE”.
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    Saravanan, Hemanathan, Hariharan, Gowtham, Final year students did an academic project on “HYDROGEN POWERED VEHICLE TO INCREASE THE MILAGE UPTO 40% TO 60% IN PETROL ENGINE BY USING HHO GENERATOR TO PRODUCE HYDROGEN”.

Funded Projects

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    Mr.K.Chinnadurai received a funded project worth Rs.10000 from Garuda Aerospace Private Limited for the project titled “Effectiveness of Heat sink using PCMs”.
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    Mr.Vigneshwaran received a funded project worth Rs.10000 from VEE EEE Technologies Solution Pvt Ltd. for the project titled “Helmet Based Vehicle to Driver / Environment Interaction System for Motorcycles”.
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    Dr.S.Babu Sasi Kumar received a funded project worth Rs.10000 from Averzs Technologies for the project titled “Solar Water Purification by Using Etc”.
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    Dr. Nimel Sworna Ross K received a funded project worth Rs.10200 from TMW, Chennai for the project titled “Experimental Analysis on Drilling of Duplex Stainless Steel 2205 Using Cryogenic Lcoz and MQL”.
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    Dr.S. Harikrishnan received a funded project worth Rs.9800 from Jehova Jireh Engineering for the project titled “Improving Performance of Heat Sink Using PCMs”.

Publication by the Faculty in Referred Journals

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    Babu sasi kumar, Sugumaran, A.K. & Athikesavan, M.M. Improving the performance of novel evacuated tube solar collector by using nanofluids: experimental study. Environment Science Pollution Res 30, 12728–12740 (2023). DOI Arrow
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    Babu Sasi Kumar Subramaniam, Kumaran Palani, Tsegaye Alemayehu Atiso & Mebratu Markos Woldegiorgis (2022) The effect of utilising PCMS-nanofluids on the performance of the parabolic trough among storage medium, International Journal of Ambient Energy, 43:1, 7962-7976, DOI Arrow
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    Dhass, A. D., Nagappan Beemkumar, S. Harikrishnan and Hafız Muhammad Ali. “A Review on Factors Influencing the Mismatch Losses in Solar Photovoltaic System.” International Journal of Photoenergy (2022): n. pag.
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    Subramaniam, B.S.K., Sugumaran, A.K. & Athikesavan, M.M. Performance analysis of a solar dryer integrated with thermal energy storage using PCM-Al2O3 nanofluids. Environ Sci Pollut Res 29, 50617–50631 (2022). DOI Arrow
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    S. Harikrishnan, A.D. Dhass, Hakan F Oztop, Nidal Abu-Hamdeh,Measurement of thermophysical properties with nanomaterials on the Melting/Freezing characteristics of phase change material,Measurement,Volume 199,2022,111477,ISSN 0263-2241, DOI Arrow
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    Akinwande, A.A.; Moskovskikh, D.; Romanovskaia, E.; Balogun, O.A.; Kumar, J.P.; Romanovski, V. Applicability of Extreme Vertices Design in the Compositional Optimization of 3D-Printed Lightweight High-Entropy-Alloy/B4C/ZrO2/Titanium Trihybrid Aero-Composite. Math. Comput. Appl. 2023, 28, 54. DOI Arrow
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    Henry Talabi, Abimbola M. Ojomo, Oluwajuwon E. Folorunsho, John F. Akinfolarin, J. Pradeep Kumar, R. Raj Mohan, Abayomi A. Akinwande & M. Saravana Kumar (2023) Development of hybrid aluminium alloy composites modified with locally sourced environmental wastes, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 9:3, 742-759, DOI Arrow
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    J. Pradeep Kumar, D. S. Robinson Smart, Stephen Manova, Abayomi A. Akinwande & M. Saravana Kumar (2023) Mechanical and tribological assessment of AA7075 reinforcedSi3N4/TaC/Ti hybrid metal matrix composites processed through stir casting process, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, DOI Arrow

Infrastructure Facilities


S.No.FacilityCountTotal Area in Sq.m
1Class Rooms3235
2Tutorial Room180
4Smart Class Rooms3235
5Auditorium / Seminar hall1102
6Video Conferencing Room11
8Drawing Hall21094
9Research Lab11
10HOD's Cabin119
11Department Library140
12Faculty Cabin1442
13Counseling Room119

Department Library

Department library furnished with 1200 books. Project reports, mini project reports, research papers, and lectures materials. It has various Mechanical Engineering books related to major area of Design, Manufacturing, Thermal, Material Science, etc.., from different authors, Journals, CD’s and Magazines for students reference. NPTEL video library and lectures also effectively utilized by the students.

Engineering Practice Laboratory

It’s designed to provide students with hands-on experience in various engineering practices and to develop their understanding of how theoretical concepts are applied in real-world scenarios. Here are some key points. The lab is common to all engineering departments including Civil, CSE, ECE, EEE, and Mechanical. The lab manual is provided in a PDF format to make understanding of the lab easier and to develop the students’ knowledge.
The lab involves various practices depending on the department. For instance, Civil Engineering practices might include plumbing work and woodwork, while Electrical Engineering practices might involve switch board wiring, staircase wiring, fluorescent lamp wiring, and energy meter wiring. The lab aims to give students the basic working knowledge required for the production of various engineering products. It explains the construction, function, use, and application of different working tools, equipment, machines, as well as the technique of manufacturing a product from its raw material.

CAD / CAM and Simulation Laboratory

It’s designed to provide students with hands-on experience in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM). The lab involves various practices depending on the department. For instance, Mechanical Engineering practices might include determination of deflection and stresses in 2D and 3D trusses and beams, development of machining programs for CNC equipment, and development of PLC-based control systems for manufacturing cells. The lab aims to give students the basic working knowledge required for the production of various engineering products. It explains the construction, function, use, and application of different working tools, equipment, machines, as well as the technique of manufacturing a product from its raw material. The software like AutoCAD, CREO, SOLIDWORKS, MASTERCAM, ANSYS are available for the students to practice on.

Thermal Laboratory

A Thermal Lab, also known as a Thermal Engineering Laboratory, is a place where students can learn and experiment with the principles and concepts involved in thermal science. The purpose of a thermal engineering laboratory is to provide knowledge about thermal science, focusing on Internal Combustion Engines, Steam Generators, and Compressors. The lab is often equipped with various apparatus for conducting experiments on conduction, convection, radiation, and refrigeration systems. In these labs, students learn about the measurement of performance, retardation, heat balance, frictional power, etc. They also study and test various oil properties for use as fuel and lubricant in internal combustion engines and thermal systems. The lab often includes facilities like cut section models of 4 stroke diesel engines and 2 stroke petrol engines, Redwood Viscometer Apparatus, Saybolt Viscometer Apparatus, High-Speed Diesel Engine Test Rig, Petrol Engine Test Rig, Optimum Cooling Test Rig, Retardation Test Rig, and Heat Balance without Calorimeter Test Rig.

Strength of Material Laboratory

A Strength of Materials Lab, also known as a Mechanics of Materials Lab, is a place where students can learn and experiment with the principles and concepts involved in the strength of materials. The purpose of a Strength of Materials Lab is to provide knowledge about the strength of materials, focusing on the relation between internal forces, deformations and external loads. The lab is often equipped with various apparatus for conducting experiments to determine material properties such as impact strength, tensile strength, compressive strength, hardness, and so on. In these labs, students learn about the measurement of performance, retardation, heat balance, frictional power, etc. They also study and test various properties of materials under different loading conditions. The lab often includes facilities for conducting experiments like Tension Test, Bending test on (Steel / Wood) Cantilever beam, Bending test on Simply Supported Beam, Torsion Test, Hardness Test, Spring Test, Compression test on wood or concrete or bricks, Impact Test, Shear Test, Verification of Maxwell’s Reciprocal theorem on beams, Use of Electrical Resistance strain gauges, Continuous beam - Deflection test.

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

The purpose of a Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab is to provide knowledge about fluid mechanics and hydraulic machinery, focusing on the relation between internal forces, deformations, and external loads. The lab is often equipped with various apparatus for conducting experiments to determine fluid properties, hydrostatic force on submerged bodies, and stability of floating bodies. In these labs, students learn about the measurement of performance, retardation, heat balance, frictional power, etc. They also study and test various properties of fluids under different loading conditions. The lab often includes facilities for conducting experiments like Verification of Bernoulli’s equation, Determination of Coefficient of discharge for a small orifice by a constant head method, Calibration of Venturimeter / Orifice Meter, Calibration of Triangular / Rectangular/Trapezoidal Notch, Determination of Minor losses in pipe flow, Determination of Friction factor of a pipe line, Determination of Energy loss in Hydraulic jump, Determination of Manning’s and Chezy’s constants for Open channel flow, Impact of jet on vanes, Performance Characteristics of Pelton-wheel turbine, Performance Characteristics of Francis turbine, Performance characteristics of Kaplan Turbine.

Dynamics Laboratory

The purpose of a Dynamics Lab is to provide knowledge about dynamics, focusing on the relation between internal forces, deformations, and external loads. The lab is often equipped with various apparatus for conducting experiments to measure and understand the basic principles of Dynamics. In these labs, students learn about the measurement of performance, retardation, heat balance, frictional power, etc. They also study and test various properties of objects under different loading conditions. The lab often includes facilities for conducting experiments like Verification of Newton’s laws, study of simple harmonic motion, study of rotational motion, study of conservation of momentum, and so on.

Materials Metallurgy and measurements Laboratory

The purpose of a Materials Metallurgy and Measurement Lab is to provide knowledge about materials science and metallurgy, focusing on the relation between internal forces, deformations, and external loads. The lab is often equipped with various apparatus for conducting experiments to measure and understand the basic principles of Materials Science and Metallurgy. In these labs, students learn about the measurement of performance, retardation, heat balance, frictional power, etc. They also study and test various properties of materials under different loading conditions. The lab often includes facilities for conducting experiments like hardness testing, quantitative measurement of constituents of structures, and electron microscopy.

Mechatronics Laboratory

A Mechatronics Lab is a place where students can learn and experiment with the interdisciplinary field of mechatronics, which combines mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, and control engineering.

Workshop & Conferences

List of Workshops & Conferences

S.NoDateWorkshops & Conferences
124/8/2019 One day workshop on Optimization techniques
211/1/2019 Go Karting Championship
316/8/18 One day workshop on Optimization technique
428/5/18 Faculty development programme on Design of machine elements
52/3/18 Kings Moto Championship
620/11/17 Faculty development programme on Thermal Engineering
722/9/17 National level workshop on Lean Six Sigma
824/8/17 One day workshop on Optimization technique
925/10/17 Two day workshop on Autodesk 360 Fusion
1023/2/18 One day workshop on Frame design and motion analysis
1115/9/16 Guest lecture: Engineers day
1217/8/16 One day workshop on Optimization technique
133/9/16 Guest lecture: Advance Industrial process
1413/8/16 ISME student chapter Inauguration and Guest lecture on Advance processes in India
155/8/15 One day carrier oriented workshop on hands-on training in NDT
168/3/16 Guest Lecture on Recent trends in Manufacturing
1712/8/14 Hands on Training using Mini Tab Software

List of Events Organized

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    Virtual Webinar on "Effect of Ocean Environment on Marine Application" Guest speaker Dr.M.Shanthosham, M.Tech (IITM), Ph.D., Former Professor, Saveetha Engineering College, Thandalam, Chennai and organized by Dr.T.Kanagaraju, Mr.K.Chinnadurai, Dr.A.Muniaraj.
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    Webinar on "Ocean environment and Marine applications" on 8/6/2021 guest speaker Dr.M.Santhosham organized by Dr.T.Kanagaraju & Mr.K.Chinnadurai.
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    Webinar on "Current Techniques in Engineering and Technologies" guest speaker Dr. Samuel Ratna Kumar – Kumaraguru College of engineering organized by Dr. T. Kanagaraju.
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    Online presentation on Indian democracy event organized by Dr.S.Babu Sasi Kumar, Mr.B.Vigneshwaran.
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    Hands on Training "e-Library Access" Full stack web application developer, by Vinbytes technology Pvt Ltd, Chennai organized by Mr.B.Vigneshwaran.
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    Webinar on "Recent Trends in Friction Welding and its Application" guest speaker Dr.Sivaraj P, ASP, Mechanical Department, Annamalai University organized by Dr.S.Babu Sasi Kumar.
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    Webinar on "Thermal Management of Buildings" guest speaker Dr.Hakeem Niyas U S, AP/ Energy Institute, Bengaluru, Centre of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology organized by Dr.P.Vignesh.
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    Workshop on "Acoustic Emission Signal Monitoring during manufacturing process" guest speaker Capt. Dr. Seeman M, ASP/Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Annamalai University organized by Prof.Dr.S. Harikrishnan, & Dr.P. Vignesh.
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    Webinar on "Non-destructive testing and evaluation of composites" guest speaker Vimal Samsingh R – SSN College organized by Dr.T.Kanagaraju.
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    Workshop on "Web development" by Mr.Tamilselvan, Full stack web application developer, Vinbytes technology Pvt Ltd, Chennai organized by Dr.T.Kanagaraju.
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    One day guest lecture on "3D printing" by Prof. Dr.L.PRABHU, Vice Principal, AVIT, Chennai organised by Dr.J.Pradeep Kumar.
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    Webinar on "Introduction to drones" by Mr. Shankar & Chitti Sai Sravan Kumar organized by Dr. Vignesh P.

FDP / Workshop Attended by Faculty

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    Mr. K CHINNADURAI has completed one day workshop 13.10.2023 "Workshop on NDT workshop".
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    Dr. HARIKRISHNAN S has completed one day FDP 21.10.2022 "Webinar on Machine vision for factory automation".
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    Mr. VIGNESHWARAN has completed one day FDP 27.01.2023 "Webinar on Project formulation and effective paper writing".
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    Mr. VIGNESHWARAN has completed one day workshop 25.03.2023 "Workshop on Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing".
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    Mr. SAM FRANKLIN has completed one day FDP 28.03.2023 "Webinar on "First and Second Law Analysis on Low-Temperature Power Generation Systems from Exergoecconomic Perspective".
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    DR J PRADEEP KUMAR has completed two day workshop 12.04.2023 & 13.04.2023 "Workshop on "3D Printing Technology".
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    DR J PRADEEP KUMAR has participated in a International conference on 26.04.2023 "International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology".


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    Our final year students (2020-2021 Batch), Mr. Ajith Kumar, Mr. Immanuel Saga, Mr. Kelvin mark, Mr. Sathish Kumar, Mr. Vignesh won 2nd prize in Design Event conducted by Saveetha School of Engineering Under the program of Vikram Sarabhai Centenary Celebrations.

Alumni Association


    The Alumni Association will be organizing the following activities:

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    Technical Seminars and Guest lectures. (We can utilize Alumni as Resource person)
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    Family get together, sports events (cricket, table tennis, Shuttle and bat mitten competitions), alumni musical evening.
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    Maintain a corpus fund for meeting emergency expenses. Support and awards to the student community with:
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    Academic Achievement.
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    Community Service.
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    Maintains a website and provides a platform for interaction among the alumniCommunity.
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    Interacting and providing support to various Chapters in India and abroad.
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    Updating and maintaining the data base of alumni
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    Distribution of learning materials / Books for all the branches / years from Alumni Association


To be, and to be recognized for setting the standards of excellence in engineering-education and high quality research in Science and technology.


The KEC Alumni Association aims to link the alumni to the institution, developsynergistic plans to support the institution and achieve its vision, and to enable the institute to add value to all its stakeholders.

Distinguished Alumni

Alumni Student
Charubala A

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Charubala A

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Gowtham E

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Gowtham E

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Guruvignesh M

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Guruvignesh M

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Hari Haran M

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Hari Haran M

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Johnson Samul G

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Johnson Samul G

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Krishnan C

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Krishnan C

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Lenin Meshach D

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Lenin Meshach D

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Navin Prabhu T

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Navin Prabhu T

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Sanjay A

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Sanjay A

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Akash A

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Akash A

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Solomon X

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Solomon X

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Arun Kumar D

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Arun Kumar D

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Bell Kingston V

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Bell Kingston V

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Chitrarasu V

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Chitrarasu V

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Murali B

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Murali B

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Nandhisiva M

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Nandhisiva M

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Pothyswaran A

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Pothyswaran A

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Prakash Raj T

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Prakash Raj T

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Samuel M

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Samuel M

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Varun P

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Varun P

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Joel Lazvimalson J

Delphi TVS

2.04 LPA

Alumni Student
Joel Lazvimalson J

Delphi TVS

Alumni Student
Sanjeevi R

Delphi TVS

2.04 LPA

Alumni Student
Sanjeevi R

Delphi TVS

Alumni Student
Sanjay S

Industrial Metrological Centre

2.5 LPA

Alumni Student
Sanjay S

Industrial Metrological Centre

Alumni Student
Saravinth C

Industrial Metrological Centre

2.5 LPA

Alumni Student
Saravinth C

Industrial Metrological Centre

Alumni Student
Anoj Pandian R


3.60 PA

Alumni Student
Anoj Pandian R


Alumni Student
Jeferson Samuel J


2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Jeferson Samuel J


Alumni Student
Saravana S

Joy Technology

1.92 LPA

Alumni Student
Saravana S

Joy Technology

Alumni Student
Pavan Shanth G S

National Plastic Technology

1.2 LPA

Alumni Student
Pavan Shanth G S

National Plastic Technology

Alumni Student
Suryaprakash Narayanan E

National Plastic Technology

1.2 LPA

Alumni Student
Suryaprakash Narayanan E

National Plastic Technology

Alumni Student
Thanga Kumar A

National Plastic Technology

1.2 LPA

Alumni Student
Thanga Kumar A

National Plastic Technology

Alumni Student
Karthick C

Q Spider

2.52 LPA

Alumni Student
Karthick C

Q Spider

Our Recruiters

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TCS LogoIBM LogoTech Mahindra Logo
Infosys LogoHealth Watch LogoSutherland Logo
Jilaba LogoCapgemini Logo

Research & Development

Research Publications

Faculty NameResearch TitleYearISSN/DOI
Dr.HarikrishnanExperimental investigation of parallel type - evacuated tube solar collector using nanofluids, Taylor and Francis,ENERGY SOURCES, PART A: RECOVERY, UTILIZATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 2020-21Online ISSN: 1556-7230
Dr. BabuSasi Kumar Experimental investigation of parallel type - evacuated tube solar collector using nanofluids, Taylor and Francis,ENERGY SOURCES, PART A: RECOVERY, UTILIZATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS2020-21Online ISSN: 1556-7230
T.Kanagaraju Effect of cryogenic and wet coolant performance on drilling of super duplex stainless steel (2507)2020-21doi:10.1166/mex.2019.1613
Mr.K.Nimel Ross Investigation of surface modification and tool wear on milling Nimonic 80A under hybrid lubrication is published in Tribology International. (Elsevier-IF- 4.27), 20202020 - 21
Applying visualization techniques to study the fluid flow pattern and the particle distribution in the casting of metal matrix composites” is published in Journal of Manufacturing Processes. (Elsevier-IF- 4.17), 20202020 - 21
Machining Investigation of Nimonic‑80A Superalloy Under Cryogenic CO2 as Coolant Using PVD‑TiAlN/TiN Coated Tool at 45° Nozzle Angle” published in Arabian journal of science and Engineering. (Springer-IF- 1.72), 20202020 - 21
Multi-response optimization of Ti-6Al-4V milling using AlCrN/TiAlN coated tool under cryogenic cooling” published in Journal of production systems and Manufacturing sciences. (Imperial Open), 20202020 - 21
Experimental investigation of Mechanical properties in friction welding parameters for dis-similar metals (SS-304 & SS-410)” published in Materials today Proceedings. (Elsevier), 20202020 - 21


Faculty NameBook/Journal TitleResearch Chapter/TopicInstitutionPublisher
Dr.S.HarikrishnanHandbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental ApplicationsNanomaterials for Latent Thermal Energy StorageSpringer
Dr.S.HarikrishnanHandbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental ApplicationsNanomaterials for Latent Thermal Energy StorageSpringer
Dr. MuniarajEFFECT OF CUTTING PARAMETERS ONKings Engineering CollegeElsevier
Dr. MuniarajSURFACE ROUGHNESS IN DRILLING OFKings Engineering CollegeElsevier
Dr. MuniarajAL-SIC-GR COMPOSITES USING RSM ANDKings Engineering CollegeElsevier
Dr. MuniarajFUZZYLOGIC MODELING METHODKings Engineering CollegeElsevier

Professional Bodies

S.NoCompany NameAddressDate/Year of Signing MOUDuration
1AES Automotive Company Private Limited 27/1-D, Jothi Nagar, Periyapanicherry Road, Paraniputhur, Mangadu Main road,Chennai - 600 122, Tamil Nadu, India12 th August 20142014-152 Years
2Arrow Machine ToolsNew No.18,Old No.1, Balaji Nagar,Ambattur, Chennai- 600 053, Tamil Nadu, India10 th February 20152014-152 Years
3Ceecons Process Technologies Private LimitedSP-66, XVII phase, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai 600 058. Tamil Nadu, India15 th October 2014 2014-153 Years
4Design CAD Technologies No. 3/ 1319, Bharathiyar Nagar, 6th street, O.M.R., Mettukuppam, Chennai-97.19th March 2015 2014-15 3 Years
5Dynatherm Alloys Private LimitedNo.7, Kamala Nagar,Sholinganallur, Chennai – 600 119 15th March 2017 2016-17 2 Years
6IP Rings (P)Ltd D11/12 Industrial Estate, Maraimalai Nagar-603 209, Kancheepuram District,Tamil Nadu, India 25th April 2017 2016-17 2 Years
7Kerith Technical Services,No:72/28, Dr.Moorthy Nagar Main road, Padi, Chennai -600 050, Tamil Nadu, India 6th June2018 2017-18 2 Years
8Precision Machines & Auto Components (P) Ltd No.25 & 26, Mount Poonamallee Road, Nandambakkam, Chennai – 600 089. 8th August 2018 2017-18 2 Years
9Trinity Institute of NDT Technology Trinity NDT 'Aspire', #491, Site No.12,4th Phase, 2nd Stage, Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore – 560 058, India 13 th February 2019 2018-19 2 Years
10TWG Group of Training & Certification No:6 Boopathy Street, Virugampakam,Chennai – 600 092,Tamil Nadu, India 15th March 2109 2018-19 2 Years


In our department, there are sophisticated equipment in Manufacturing Technology Lab where, the scholars/researchers could be permitted to utilize the facility. Also, In the department there are potential and competent doctorates working in the fields of Manufacturing, Thermal and Materials Science. They provide fruitful suggestions and guidance to the research scholars.

About the Department

The Mechanical Engineering Department was established in 2001. It aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the field of mechanical engineering. This branch of engineering deals with the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. The department's faculty members are experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds, including industry and academia. They are responsible for delivering lectures, conducting research, and guiding students in their academic pursuits. Many faculty members engage in research projects, which not only advance knowledge in the field but also provide opportunities for students to participate in cutting-edge research. The department invites industry experts as guest speakers to share their experiences and provide insights into the latest developments in mechanical engineering. Every year, the department organizes workshops, industrial visits, internships, and symposiums to keep students updated with the latest trends and upcoming technological developments.



The vision of the department is to impart quality technical education for promoting centre of excellence in core field through which the professional experts can be produced in order to carter the needs of the industry.


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    To develop the problem solving and analytical skill of the students in the field of Mechanical Engineering with a sound knowledge of basic science and Engineering.

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    To create an arena that encourages exploration, curiosity and creativity of the Students to become an intensive researcher in their domain.

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    To impart the qualities among the students to become a successful team player, Leader and professional challenger in the area of Entrepreneurship.

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    To inculcate the virtue of social responsibility and professional ethics.

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    To motivate the students towards solving problems related to design, analysis and implementation of mechanical systems.

HOD Message

Dr.S.HarikrishnanM.E., Ph.D.,

Professor and Head

As the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Our department has always been a beacon of innovation and practical learning, and it is your relentless pursuit of knowledge and your passion for engineering that makes this possible. Your efforts and achievements have not only raised the bar for academic excellence but have also significantly contributed to making our department one of the most respected in the institution. As we continue to navigate through these challenging times, I want to assure you that our commitment to providing a world-class education and research environment remains unwavering. We will continue to support each one of you in your academic journey, ensuring that you have the necessary resources and opportunities to succeed. Let us continue to strive for excellence, uphold the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, and work together to further enhance the reputation of our esteemed department.

Faculty List

S.No.Name of the Faculty MemberQualificationDesignation
1Dr. S. HarikrishnanM.E., Ph.D.HOD & Professor
2Dr. S. Babu SasikumarM.E., Ph.D.Associate Professor
3Dr. C. SadhasivamM.E., Ph.D.Associate Professor
4Dr. J. Pradeep KumarM.Tech., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
5Mr. Immanuel Sam FranklinM.Tech., Ph.D.Associate Professor
6Mr. VigneshwaranM.E., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
7Mr. K. Chinna DuraiM.E., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
8Mr. J. Joel JobesM.E.Assistant Professor
9Dr. R. Charles GodwinM.Tech., Ph.D.Assistant Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in the mechanical field.
Problem Analysis
An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data with acquired knowledge.
Design/Development of Solution
An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, ethical, health, safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams with potential willpower.
Modern Tool Usage
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
The Engineer and Safety
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility in society.
Environment and Sustainability
An ability to communicate effectively and interactively with different people.
An ability to understand the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
Individual and Team Work
Recognition of the need for and ability to engage in lifelong learning.
An ability to use technologies, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice in their field of application.
Project Management and Finance
To enhance the industry-institute interrelationship through various design and fabrication projects, which are useful to the industry.
Lifelong Learning
To encourage entrepreneurship goals through curriculum, practical-based projects, and comprehension courses.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

To apply, analyze, design, and develop solutions by applying fundamental concepts of mechanical engineering.
To design principles for developing quality products for society and scientific applications.
To adapt emerging design concepts and technologies to innovate and provide solutions to novel problems.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Engineering Fundamentals Have a successful career in Mechanical Engineering and allied industries.
Prepare Graduates Have expertise in the areas of Design, Thermal, Materials, and Manufacturing.
Social Context Contribute towards technological development through academic-research and industrial practices.
Managerial Skills Practice their profession with good communication, leadership, ethics, and social responsibility.
Career Development Make the students understand the emerging technologies through lifelong learning.

Academic Time Table

Time Table
Second year Schedule
Third year Schedule


Regulation 2021
Regulation 2017

Projects & Publications

Creative Projects

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    Charubala, Samson, Pavan, John, final year students did an academic project on “PERFORMANCE MEASURE AND CHARACTERISTICS STUDIES STAINLESS STEEL ON EDM”.
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    Anoj, Guruvignesh, Jafferson, Sanjeevi, final year students did an academic project on “CHARACTERISTIC STUDY AND COMPARISON OF CONVENTIONAL AND UNCONVENTIONAL DRILLING EDM HOLE MAKING METHOD”.
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    Chitrasasu, Samuel, Karthick, Baladhilipan, final year students did an academic project on “SIMULATION OF THE PERFORMANCE AND EMISSION CHARACTERISTICS OF CRDI ENGINE”.
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    Saravanan, Hemanathan, Hariharan, Gowtham, Final year students did an academic project on “HYDROGEN POWERED VEHICLE TO INCREASE THE MILAGE UPTO 40% TO 60% IN PETROL ENGINE BY USING HHO GENERATOR TO PRODUCE HYDROGEN”.

Funded Projects

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    Mr.K.Chinnadurai received a funded project worth Rs.10000 from Garuda Aerospace Private Limited for the project titled “Effectiveness of Heat sink using PCMs”.
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    Mr.Vigneshwaran received a funded project worth Rs.10000 from VEE EEE Technologies Solution Pvt Ltd. for the project titled “Helmet Based Vehicle to Driver / Environment Interaction System for Motorcycles”.
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    Dr.S.Babu Sasi Kumar received a funded project worth Rs.10000 from Averzs Technologies for the project titled “Solar Water Purification by Using Etc”.
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    Dr. Nimel Sworna Ross K received a funded project worth Rs.10200 from TMW, Chennai for the project titled “Experimental Analysis on Drilling of Duplex Stainless Steel 2205 Using Cryogenic Lcoz and MQL”.
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    Dr.S. Harikrishnan received a funded project worth Rs.9800 from Jehova Jireh Engineering for the project titled “Improving Performance of Heat Sink Using PCMs”.

Publication by the Faculty in Referred Journals

  • Arrow
    Babu sasi kumar, Sugumaran, A.K. & Athikesavan, M.M. Improving the performance of novel evacuated tube solar collector by using nanofluids: experimental study. Environment Science Pollution Res 30, 12728–12740 (2023). DOI Arrow
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    Babu Sasi Kumar Subramaniam, Kumaran Palani, Tsegaye Alemayehu Atiso & Mebratu Markos Woldegiorgis (2022) The effect of utilising PCMS-nanofluids on the performance of the parabolic trough among storage medium, International Journal of Ambient Energy, 43:1, 7962-7976, DOI Arrow
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    Dhass, A. D., Nagappan Beemkumar, S. Harikrishnan and Hafız Muhammad Ali. “A Review on Factors Influencing the Mismatch Losses in Solar Photovoltaic System.” International Journal of Photoenergy (2022): n. pag.
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    Subramaniam, B.S.K., Sugumaran, A.K. & Athikesavan, M.M. Performance analysis of a solar dryer integrated with thermal energy storage using PCM-Al2O3 nanofluids. Environ Sci Pollut Res 29, 50617–50631 (2022). DOI Arrow
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    S. Harikrishnan, A.D. Dhass, Hakan F Oztop, Nidal Abu-Hamdeh,Measurement of thermophysical properties with nanomaterials on the Melting/Freezing characteristics of phase change material,Measurement,Volume 199,2022,111477,ISSN 0263-2241, DOI Arrow
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    Akinwande, A.A.; Moskovskikh, D.; Romanovskaia, E.; Balogun, O.A.; Kumar, J.P.; Romanovski, V. Applicability of Extreme Vertices Design in the Compositional Optimization of 3D-Printed Lightweight High-Entropy-Alloy/B4C/ZrO2/Titanium Trihybrid Aero-Composite. Math. Comput. Appl. 2023, 28, 54. DOI Arrow
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    Henry Talabi, Abimbola M. Ojomo, Oluwajuwon E. Folorunsho, John F. Akinfolarin, J. Pradeep Kumar, R. Raj Mohan, Abayomi A. Akinwande & M. Saravana Kumar (2023) Development of hybrid aluminium alloy composites modified with locally sourced environmental wastes, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 9:3, 742-759, DOI Arrow
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    J. Pradeep Kumar, D. S. Robinson Smart, Stephen Manova, Abayomi A. Akinwande & M. Saravana Kumar (2023) Mechanical and tribological assessment of AA7075 reinforcedSi3N4/TaC/Ti hybrid metal matrix composites processed through stir casting process, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, DOI Arrow

Infrastructure Facilities


S.No.FacilityCountTotal Area in Sq.m
1Class Rooms3235
2Tutorial Room180
4Smart Class Rooms3235
5Auditorium / Seminar hall1102
6Video Conferencing Room11
8Drawing Hall21094
9Research Lab11
10HOD's Cabin119
11Department Library140
12Faculty Cabin1442
13Counseling Room119

Department Library

Department library furnished with 1200 books. Project reports, mini project reports, research papers, and lectures materials. It has various Mechanical Engineering books related to major area of Design, Manufacturing, Thermal, Material Science, etc.., from different authors, Journals, CD’s and Magazines for students reference. NPTEL video library and lectures also effectively utilized by the students.

Engineering Practice Laboratory

It’s designed to provide students with hands-on experience in various engineering practices and to develop their understanding of how theoretical concepts are applied in real-world scenarios. Here are some key points. The lab is common to all engineering departments including Civil, CSE, ECE, EEE, and Mechanical. The lab manual is provided in a PDF format to make understanding of the lab easier and to develop the students’ knowledge.
The lab involves various practices depending on the department. For instance, Civil Engineering practices might include plumbing work and woodwork, while Electrical Engineering practices might involve switch board wiring, staircase wiring, fluorescent lamp wiring, and energy meter wiring. The lab aims to give students the basic working knowledge required for the production of various engineering products. It explains the construction, function, use, and application of different working tools, equipment, machines, as well as the technique of manufacturing a product from its raw material.

CAD / CAM and Simulation Laboratory

It’s designed to provide students with hands-on experience in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM). The lab involves various practices depending on the department. For instance, Mechanical Engineering practices might include determination of deflection and stresses in 2D and 3D trusses and beams, development of machining programs for CNC equipment, and development of PLC-based control systems for manufacturing cells. The lab aims to give students the basic working knowledge required for the production of various engineering products. It explains the construction, function, use, and application of different working tools, equipment, machines, as well as the technique of manufacturing a product from its raw material. The software like AutoCAD, CREO, SOLIDWORKS, MASTERCAM, ANSYS are available for the students to practice on.

Thermal Laboratory

A Thermal Lab, also known as a Thermal Engineering Laboratory, is a place where students can learn and experiment with the principles and concepts involved in thermal science. The purpose of a thermal engineering laboratory is to provide knowledge about thermal science, focusing on Internal Combustion Engines, Steam Generators, and Compressors. The lab is often equipped with various apparatus for conducting experiments on conduction, convection, radiation, and refrigeration systems. In these labs, students learn about the measurement of performance, retardation, heat balance, frictional power, etc. They also study and test various oil properties for use as fuel and lubricant in internal combustion engines and thermal systems. The lab often includes facilities like cut section models of 4 stroke diesel engines and 2 stroke petrol engines, Redwood Viscometer Apparatus, Saybolt Viscometer Apparatus, High-Speed Diesel Engine Test Rig, Petrol Engine Test Rig, Optimum Cooling Test Rig, Retardation Test Rig, and Heat Balance without Calorimeter Test Rig.

Strength of Material Laboratory

A Strength of Materials Lab, also known as a Mechanics of Materials Lab, is a place where students can learn and experiment with the principles and concepts involved in the strength of materials. The purpose of a Strength of Materials Lab is to provide knowledge about the strength of materials, focusing on the relation between internal forces, deformations and external loads. The lab is often equipped with various apparatus for conducting experiments to determine material properties such as impact strength, tensile strength, compressive strength, hardness, and so on. In these labs, students learn about the measurement of performance, retardation, heat balance, frictional power, etc. They also study and test various properties of materials under different loading conditions. The lab often includes facilities for conducting experiments like Tension Test, Bending test on (Steel / Wood) Cantilever beam, Bending test on Simply Supported Beam, Torsion Test, Hardness Test, Spring Test, Compression test on wood or concrete or bricks, Impact Test, Shear Test, Verification of Maxwell’s Reciprocal theorem on beams, Use of Electrical Resistance strain gauges, Continuous beam - Deflection test.

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

The purpose of a Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab is to provide knowledge about fluid mechanics and hydraulic machinery, focusing on the relation between internal forces, deformations, and external loads. The lab is often equipped with various apparatus for conducting experiments to determine fluid properties, hydrostatic force on submerged bodies, and stability of floating bodies. In these labs, students learn about the measurement of performance, retardation, heat balance, frictional power, etc. They also study and test various properties of fluids under different loading conditions. The lab often includes facilities for conducting experiments like Verification of Bernoulli’s equation, Determination of Coefficient of discharge for a small orifice by a constant head method, Calibration of Venturimeter / Orifice Meter, Calibration of Triangular / Rectangular/Trapezoidal Notch, Determination of Minor losses in pipe flow, Determination of Friction factor of a pipe line, Determination of Energy loss in Hydraulic jump, Determination of Manning’s and Chezy’s constants for Open channel flow, Impact of jet on vanes, Performance Characteristics of Pelton-wheel turbine, Performance Characteristics of Francis turbine, Performance characteristics of Kaplan Turbine.

Dynamics Laboratory

The purpose of a Dynamics Lab is to provide knowledge about dynamics, focusing on the relation between internal forces, deformations, and external loads. The lab is often equipped with various apparatus for conducting experiments to measure and understand the basic principles of Dynamics. In these labs, students learn about the measurement of performance, retardation, heat balance, frictional power, etc. They also study and test various properties of objects under different loading conditions. The lab often includes facilities for conducting experiments like Verification of Newton’s laws, study of simple harmonic motion, study of rotational motion, study of conservation of momentum, and so on.

Materials Metallurgy and measurements Laboratory

The purpose of a Materials Metallurgy and Measurement Lab is to provide knowledge about materials science and metallurgy, focusing on the relation between internal forces, deformations, and external loads. The lab is often equipped with various apparatus for conducting experiments to measure and understand the basic principles of Materials Science and Metallurgy. In these labs, students learn about the measurement of performance, retardation, heat balance, frictional power, etc. They also study and test various properties of materials under different loading conditions. The lab often includes facilities for conducting experiments like hardness testing, quantitative measurement of constituents of structures, and electron microscopy.

Mechatronics Laboratory

A Mechatronics Lab is a place where students can learn and experiment with the interdisciplinary field of mechatronics, which combines mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, and control engineering.

Workshop & Conferences

List of Workshops & Conferences

S.NoDateWorkshops & Conferences
124/8/2019 One day workshop on Optimization techniques
211/1/2019 Go Karting Championship
316/8/18 One day workshop on Optimization technique
428/5/18 Faculty development programme on Design of machine elements
52/3/18 Kings Moto Championship
620/11/17 Faculty development programme on Thermal Engineering
722/9/17 National level workshop on Lean Six Sigma
824/8/17 One day workshop on Optimization technique
925/10/17 Two day workshop on Autodesk 360 Fusion
1023/2/18 One day workshop on Frame design and motion analysis
1115/9/16 Guest lecture: Engineers day
1217/8/16 One day workshop on Optimization technique
133/9/16 Guest lecture: Advance Industrial process
1413/8/16 ISME student chapter Inauguration and Guest lecture on Advance processes in India
155/8/15 One day carrier oriented workshop on hands-on training in NDT
168/3/16 Guest Lecture on Recent trends in Manufacturing
1712/8/14 Hands on Training using Mini Tab Software

List of Events Organized

  • Arrow
    Virtual Webinar on "Effect of Ocean Environment on Marine Application" Guest speaker Dr.M.Shanthosham, M.Tech (IITM), Ph.D., Former Professor, Saveetha Engineering College, Thandalam, Chennai and organized by Dr.T.Kanagaraju, Mr.K.Chinnadurai, Dr.A.Muniaraj.
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    Webinar on "Ocean environment and Marine applications" on 8/6/2021 guest speaker Dr.M.Santhosham organized by Dr.T.Kanagaraju & Mr.K.Chinnadurai.
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    Webinar on "Current Techniques in Engineering and Technologies" guest speaker Dr. Samuel Ratna Kumar – Kumaraguru College of engineering organized by Dr. T. Kanagaraju.
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    Online presentation on Indian democracy event organized by Dr.S.Babu Sasi Kumar, Mr.B.Vigneshwaran.
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    Hands on Training "e-Library Access" Full stack web application developer, by Vinbytes technology Pvt Ltd, Chennai organized by Mr.B.Vigneshwaran.
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    Webinar on "Recent Trends in Friction Welding and its Application" guest speaker Dr.Sivaraj P, ASP, Mechanical Department, Annamalai University organized by Dr.S.Babu Sasi Kumar.
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    Webinar on "Thermal Management of Buildings" guest speaker Dr.Hakeem Niyas U S, AP/ Energy Institute, Bengaluru, Centre of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology organized by Dr.P.Vignesh.
  • Arrow
    Workshop on "Acoustic Emission Signal Monitoring during manufacturing process" guest speaker Capt. Dr. Seeman M, ASP/Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Annamalai University organized by Prof.Dr.S. Harikrishnan, & Dr.P. Vignesh.
  • Arrow
    Webinar on "Non-destructive testing and evaluation of composites" guest speaker Vimal Samsingh R – SSN College organized by Dr.T.Kanagaraju.
  • Arrow
    Workshop on "Web development" by Mr.Tamilselvan, Full stack web application developer, Vinbytes technology Pvt Ltd, Chennai organized by Dr.T.Kanagaraju.
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    One day guest lecture on "3D printing" by Prof. Dr.L.PRABHU, Vice Principal, AVIT, Chennai organised by Dr.J.Pradeep Kumar.
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    Webinar on "Introduction to drones" by Mr. Shankar & Chitti Sai Sravan Kumar organized by Dr. Vignesh P.

FDP / Workshop Attended by Faculty

  • Arrow
    Mr. K CHINNADURAI has completed one day workshop 13.10.2023 "Workshop on NDT workshop".
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    Dr. HARIKRISHNAN S has completed one day FDP 21.10.2022 "Webinar on Machine vision for factory automation".
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    Mr. VIGNESHWARAN has completed one day FDP 27.01.2023 "Webinar on Project formulation and effective paper writing".
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    Mr. VIGNESHWARAN has completed one day workshop 25.03.2023 "Workshop on Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing".
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    Mr. SAM FRANKLIN has completed one day FDP 28.03.2023 "Webinar on "First and Second Law Analysis on Low-Temperature Power Generation Systems from Exergoecconomic Perspective".
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    DR J PRADEEP KUMAR has completed two day workshop 12.04.2023 & 13.04.2023 "Workshop on "3D Printing Technology".
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    DR J PRADEEP KUMAR has participated in a International conference on 26.04.2023 "International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology".


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    Our final year students (2020-2021 Batch), Mr. Ajith Kumar, Mr. Immanuel Saga, Mr. Kelvin mark, Mr. Sathish Kumar, Mr. Vignesh won 2nd prize in Design Event conducted by Saveetha School of Engineering Under the program of Vikram Sarabhai Centenary Celebrations.

Alumni Association


    The Alumni Association will be organizing the following activities:

  • Arrow
    Technical Seminars and Guest lectures. (We can utilize Alumni as Resource person)
  • Arrow
    Family get together, sports events (cricket, table tennis, Shuttle and bat mitten competitions), alumni musical evening.
  • Arrow
    Maintain a corpus fund for meeting emergency expenses. Support and awards to the student community with:
  • Arrow
    Academic Achievement.
  • Arrow
    Community Service.
  • Arrow
    Maintains a website and provides a platform for interaction among the alumniCommunity.
  • Arrow
    Interacting and providing support to various Chapters in India and abroad.
  • Arrow
    Updating and maintaining the data base of alumni
  • Arrow
    Distribution of learning materials / Books for all the branches / years from Alumni Association


To be, and to be recognized for setting the standards of excellence in engineering-education and high quality research in Science and technology.


The KEC Alumni Association aims to link the alumni to the institution, developsynergistic plans to support the institution and achieve its vision, and to enable the institute to add value to all its stakeholders.

Distinguished Alumni

Alumni Student
Charubala A

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Charubala A

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Gowtham E

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Gowtham E

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Guruvignesh M

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Guruvignesh M

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Hari Haran M

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Hari Haran M

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Johnson Samul G

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Johnson Samul G

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Krishnan C

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Krishnan C

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Lenin Meshach D

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Lenin Meshach D

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Navin Prabhu T

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Navin Prabhu T

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Sanjay A

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Sanjay A

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Akash A

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Akash A

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Solomon X

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Solomon X

Duanamics Machines International Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Arun Kumar D

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Arun Kumar D

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Bell Kingston V

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Bell Kingston V

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Chitrarasu V

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Chitrarasu V

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Murali B

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Murali B

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Nandhisiva M

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Nandhisiva M

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Pothyswaran A

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Pothyswaran A

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Prakash Raj T

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Prakash Raj T

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Samuel M

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Samuel M

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Varun P

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

1.8 LPA

Alumni Student
Varun P

Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Alumni Student
Joel Lazvimalson J

Delphi TVS

2.04 LPA

Alumni Student
Joel Lazvimalson J

Delphi TVS

Alumni Student
Sanjeevi R

Delphi TVS

2.04 LPA

Alumni Student
Sanjeevi R

Delphi TVS

Alumni Student
Sanjay S

Industrial Metrological Centre

2.5 LPA

Alumni Student
Sanjay S

Industrial Metrological Centre

Alumni Student
Saravinth C

Industrial Metrological Centre

2.5 LPA

Alumni Student
Saravinth C

Industrial Metrological Centre

Alumni Student
Anoj Pandian R


3.60 PA

Alumni Student
Anoj Pandian R


Alumni Student
Jeferson Samuel J


2.16 LPA

Alumni Student
Jeferson Samuel J


Alumni Student
Saravana S

Joy Technology

1.92 LPA

Alumni Student
Saravana S

Joy Technology

Alumni Student
Pavan Shanth G S

National Plastic Technology

1.2 LPA

Alumni Student
Pavan Shanth G S

National Plastic Technology

Alumni Student
Suryaprakash Narayanan E

National Plastic Technology

1.2 LPA

Alumni Student
Suryaprakash Narayanan E

National Plastic Technology

Alumni Student
Thanga Kumar A

National Plastic Technology

1.2 LPA

Alumni Student
Thanga Kumar A

National Plastic Technology

Alumni Student
Karthick C

Q Spider

2.52 LPA

Alumni Student
Karthick C

Q Spider

Our Recruiters

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TCS LogoIBM LogoTech Mahindra Logo
Infosys LogoHealth Watch LogoSutherland Logo
Jilaba LogoCapgemini Logo

Research & Development

Research Publications

Faculty NameResearch TitleYearISSN/DOI
Dr.HarikrishnanExperimental investigation of parallel type - evacuated tube solar collector using nanofluids, Taylor and Francis,ENERGY SOURCES, PART A: RECOVERY, UTILIZATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 2020-21Online ISSN: 1556-7230
Dr. BabuSasi Kumar Experimental investigation of parallel type - evacuated tube solar collector using nanofluids, Taylor and Francis,ENERGY SOURCES, PART A: RECOVERY, UTILIZATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS2020-21Online ISSN: 1556-7230
T.Kanagaraju Effect of cryogenic and wet coolant performance on drilling of super duplex stainless steel (2507)2020-21doi:10.1166/mex.2019.1613
Mr.K.Nimel Ross Investigation of surface modification and tool wear on milling Nimonic 80A under hybrid lubrication is published in Tribology International. (Elsevier-IF- 4.27), 20202020 - 21
Applying visualization techniques to study the fluid flow pattern and the particle distribution in the casting of metal matrix composites” is published in Journal of Manufacturing Processes. (Elsevier-IF- 4.17), 20202020 - 21
Machining Investigation of Nimonic‑80A Superalloy Under Cryogenic CO2 as Coolant Using PVD‑TiAlN/TiN Coated Tool at 45° Nozzle Angle” published in Arabian journal of science and Engineering. (Springer-IF- 1.72), 20202020 - 21
Multi-response optimization of Ti-6Al-4V milling using AlCrN/TiAlN coated tool under cryogenic cooling” published in Journal of production systems and Manufacturing sciences. (Imperial Open), 20202020 - 21
Experimental investigation of Mechanical properties in friction welding parameters for dis-similar metals (SS-304 & SS-410)” published in Materials today Proceedings. (Elsevier), 20202020 - 21


Faculty NameBook/Journal TitleResearch Chapter/TopicInstitutionPublisher
Dr.S.HarikrishnanHandbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental ApplicationsNanomaterials for Latent Thermal Energy StorageSpringer
Dr.S.HarikrishnanHandbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental ApplicationsNanomaterials for Latent Thermal Energy StorageSpringer
Dr. MuniarajEFFECT OF CUTTING PARAMETERS ONKings Engineering CollegeElsevier
Dr. MuniarajSURFACE ROUGHNESS IN DRILLING OFKings Engineering CollegeElsevier
Dr. MuniarajAL-SIC-GR COMPOSITES USING RSM ANDKings Engineering CollegeElsevier
Dr. MuniarajFUZZYLOGIC MODELING METHODKings Engineering CollegeElsevier

Professional Bodies

S.NoCompany NameAddressDate/Year of Signing MOUDuration
1AES Automotive Company Private Limited 27/1-D, Jothi Nagar, Periyapanicherry Road, Paraniputhur, Mangadu Main road,Chennai - 600 122, Tamil Nadu, India12 th August 20142014-152 Years
2Arrow Machine ToolsNew No.18,Old No.1, Balaji Nagar,Ambattur, Chennai- 600 053, Tamil Nadu, India10 th February 20152014-152 Years
3Ceecons Process Technologies Private LimitedSP-66, XVII phase, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai 600 058. Tamil Nadu, India15 th October 2014 2014-153 Years
4Design CAD Technologies No. 3/ 1319, Bharathiyar Nagar, 6th street, O.M.R., Mettukuppam, Chennai-97.19th March 2015 2014-15 3 Years
5Dynatherm Alloys Private LimitedNo.7, Kamala Nagar,Sholinganallur, Chennai – 600 119 15th March 2017 2016-17 2 Years
6IP Rings (P)Ltd D11/12 Industrial Estate, Maraimalai Nagar-603 209, Kancheepuram District,Tamil Nadu, India 25th April 2017 2016-17 2 Years
7Kerith Technical Services,No:72/28, Dr.Moorthy Nagar Main road, Padi, Chennai -600 050, Tamil Nadu, India 6th June2018 2017-18 2 Years
8Precision Machines & Auto Components (P) Ltd No.25 & 26, Mount Poonamallee Road, Nandambakkam, Chennai – 600 089. 8th August 2018 2017-18 2 Years
9Trinity Institute of NDT Technology Trinity NDT 'Aspire', #491, Site No.12,4th Phase, 2nd Stage, Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore – 560 058, India 13 th February 2019 2018-19 2 Years
10TWG Group of Training & Certification No:6 Boopathy Street, Virugampakam,Chennai – 600 092,Tamil Nadu, India 15th March 2109 2018-19 2 Years


In our department, there are sophisticated equipment in Manufacturing Technology Lab where, the scholars/researchers could be permitted to utilize the facility. Also, In the department there are potential and competent doctorates working in the fields of Manufacturing, Thermal and Materials Science. They provide fruitful suggestions and guidance to the research scholars.