General Mandatory Disclosure


As per the guidelines of National Assessment and Accreditation Council(NAAC),the establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) is a mandatory requirement for all NAAC-accredited institutions.The Kings Engineering College was accredited by NAAC in the year2017.The IQAC of KEC,since its inception, has been consistently and actively involved in quality sustenance and quality enhancement activities. It is a participative cell that works on evolving strategies to removed eficiencies and enhance quality,thus channelizing the efforts of the Institution towards achieving holistic academic excellence.

As per the In pursuance of its Action Plan for performance evaluation,assessment & accreditation & quality up-gradation of institutions of higher education, NAAC proposes that every accredited institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure. Since quality enhancement is a continuous


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    Kings IQAC evolves mechanisms and procedures for:
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    Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
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    There levance and quality of academic and research programmes.
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    Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society.
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    Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning the credibility of evaluation procedures.
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    Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and functioning of the support structure and services.
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    Research sharing and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.


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    Some of the functions expected of the IQAC are:
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    Development and application of quality bench marks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
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    Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process.
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    Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents and others take holders on quality-related institutional processes.
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    Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
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    Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement acting as a nodal agency of the institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices.
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    Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining/enhancing the institutional quality.
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    Development of Quality Culture in the institution.
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    Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report(AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC.


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    IQAC will facilitate/contribute:
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    Ensure heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement.
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    Ensure internalization of the quality culture.
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    Ensure enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices.
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    Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning act as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs.
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    Build an organised methodology of documentation and internal communication.


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    IQAC may be constituted in everyinstitution under the Chairmanship of the Head of the institution with heads of important academic and administrative units and a few teachers and a few distinguished educationists and representatives of local management and stakeholders.
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    The composition of the IQAC may be as follows:
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    Chairperson:Head of the institution a few senior administrative officers three to eight teachers One member from the Management.
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    One/two nominees from local society, Students and Alumni.
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    One/two nominees from Employers/Industrialists/stakeholders.
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    One of the senior teachers as the coordinator/Director of the IQAC.

Organizational Chart:

Flow Chart

General Mandatory Disclosure

S.NoNameDesignationCategoryPosition in IQAC
1Dr.T.John Oral Baskar Principal Head of the Institution Chairman
2Mr.JoysonSenior General ManagerManagementManagement Representative
3Mr.R. Arulkumar Administrative OfficerManagementManagement Representative
4Dr. D.C. Jullie JosephineHead-CSEFaculty MemberCoordinator
5Dr. C.RameshBabuDuraiHead -ECE Faculty MemberMember
6Dr.HarikrishnanHead -MECHFaculty Member Member
7Mr. B. Muthazhagan Head / ITFaculty Member Member
8Dr. P.GandhimathiS& H -CoordinatorFaculty Member Member
9Dr.G.Manikandan Professor -CSEFaculty Member Member
10Dr.Srinivasalu Professor -CSEFaculty Member Member
11Dr.Maria Siluvai Professor - EnglishFaculty Member Member
12Dr.Jude Sahaya Dhas Professor-PhysicsFaculty Member Member
13Dr. A. Muniaraj Professor - MECHFaculty Member Member
14Dr.A.R.Venmathi Professor-BMEFaculty Member Member
15Dr M.S.Ajmal Deen Ali Professor-ECEFaculty Member Member
16Dr. BabuSasi Kumar Professor - MECHFaculty Member Member
17Mr A.Antony George Fernando Asso.Prof-RAAFaculty Member Member
18Mr.Prakash Asso.Prof-BMEFaculty Member Member
19Mr.Praveenmani CEO-Vinbytes
Faculty Member Member
20Mr.VenkatesanMD- Zenardy Pvt.Ltd
Faculty Member Member
21Ms.Keerthana StudentFaculty Member Member
22Ms.ShruthiStudentFaculty Member Member
23Mr.Dinesh Team Lead-InfosysFaculty Member Member
24Mr.Ravi John DanielSenior Programmer-TCSFaculty Member Member

IQAC Annual Report:






S.NoYear Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Duration ToNumber of participants
12022-23Webinar on "How to identify various IPRs"05.08.2022 05.08.2022 100
22022-232022-23 Steam Club-TechnoQuiz Club Webinar on Hands - On Training on Testing Tools17.08.202217.08.2022100
32022-23STEAM - Robotics Club" Application oriented software for Robotic Simulation and Control21.04.2022 & 22.04.2022 21.04.2022 & 22.04.2022 68
42022-23STEAM - Robotics Club“Workshop on CNC Programming”16.11.2022 16.11.2022 48
52022-23Guest Lecture on "Human Values and Professional Ethics"09.09.2022 09.09.2022 100
62022-23Workshop on ARDUINO 10.09.2022 10.09.2022 50
72022-231 Day FDP LaTeX 24-05-23 24-05-23 15
82022-23Intellectual Property Awareness 3/1/2023 3/1/2023 15
92022-23"Webinar on "Importance of Intellectual Property"31.3.2023 31.3.2023 140
102022-23Six Day FDP on Recent trends in Healthcare Applications using Machine Learning. 13.06.2022 & 18.06.2022, 13.06.2022 & 18.06.2022, 65-IT & CSE
112022-23One Day Webinar on Recent trends in Wireless 09.03.2023 09.03.2023 75-IT
122022-23Seminar on Computer Networking 10.09.2022 10.09.2022 100
132022-23One day online webinar on "Serial Protocol Debugging using Python"10.09.2022 10.09.2022 100
142022-23Seminar on “Classical Encryption Techniques”17.09.2022 17.09.2022 105
152022-23Seminar on "Cyber Security"25.03.2023 25.03.2023 150
162022-23Seminar on Women Harrsement and Act 12.03.2023 12.03.2023 100-CSE
172022-23Value added courses -JAVA 17.09.2022 17.09.2022 100-CSE
182022-23Value added courses - C 10.09.2022 10.09.2022 100-CSE
192022-23Seminar on Remote Sensing concepts 11.01.2023 11.01.2023 100-CSE
202022-23Seminar on Foundation of Robotics 10.01.2023 10.01.2023 100-CSE
212022-23Waste water Management Seminar on 09.01.2023 09.01.2023 100-CSE
222022-23Seminar on Climate Changes and its impact 10.01.2023 10.01.2023 100-CSE
232022-23Value added courses -Python 100-CSE
242022-23Electron Devices & Electronic Materials 10.01.202310.01.2023 100-CSE
252022-23ICT in Agriculture 11.01.2023 11.01.2023 100-CSE
262022-23climate Changes and its impact 10.01.2023 10.01.2023 100-CSE
272022-23“Seminar-"Hospital Management in IT Systems ”26.09.2022 26.09.2022 100-CSE
282022-23Workshop on “Descriptive Statistical Analysis using Tableau" 12.10.2022 12.10.2022 84
292022-23Seminar on "Understanding mental health & what we need to know"13.09.2022 13.09.2022 140
302022-23One day Workshop on Heating, Ventilation, Air, Conditioning on resources on Industrial Engineering, Quality solutions Group. 16.09.2022 @ 9.30 a.m 16.09.2022 @ 9.30 a.m 60
312022-23One day guest lecture on “3D printing”18.11.2022 @ 10.00 a.m 18.11.2022 @ 10.00 a.m 60
322022-23Online Webinar on "Python for AI & Data Science" 17.08.2022 17.08.2022 60
332022-23Seminar on AI in Health Care Applications 03.09.2022 03.09.2022 43
342022-23Seminar on Computer Networking 10.09.2022 10.09.2022 73
352022-23Workshop on SQL Programming 15.10.2022 15.10.2022 60
362022-23Seminar on “AI’s Impact on Cyber Security and its Future Trends” 19.11.2022 19.11.2022 49
372022-23Seminar on "Find the Right Career" & Inauguration of STOS Developers Association 24.11.2022 24.11.2022 470
382022-23Seminar on AR/VR Course and Demo on VR Course 22.12.2022 22.12.2022 200
392022-23Seminar on VIVA: Linux based operating Systems 09.02.2023 09.02.2023 60
402022-23Seminar on Full Stack Web Development 18.02.2023 18.02.2023 60
412022-23Demonstration Workshop on "Robot Maufacturing and Software Simulation" with tribute to NASA 13.03.2023 13.03.2023 49/60
422022-23Guest Lecturer on "ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (ANOVA) FOR STATISTICS AND DATA SCIENCE" 29.04.2023 29.04.2023 45/60
432022-23Seminar on "Recent Trends in Robotics" 10.02.23 10.02.23 80
442022-23Two days Workshop on "Basics of Arduino Programming for Beginners" 21.03.2023 & 22.03.2023 21.03.2023 & 22.03.2023 98
452022-23Application oriented software for Robotics simulation and control 21.4.2022 & 22.04.2022 21.4.2022 & 22.04.2022 60
462022-23Workshop on CNC Programming 16.11.2022 16.11.2022 55


S.NoYear Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Duration ToNumber of participants
12021-22One day Seminar on "Cyber security" 04.12.202104.12.2021250
22021-22National Level Webinar on Patent Design and Intellectual Property -IIC Cell 07.09.2021 07.09.2021 150
32021-22Hands On Workshop on JAVA ENTERPRISE EDITION18.09.2021 18.09.2021 100
42021-22Virtual Power Seminar on EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 27.09.2021 27.09.2021 100
52021-22Webinar on Space Trends 23.09.2021 23.09.2021 100
62021-22Virtual workshop on CloudSim Simulation in Cloud Environment28.09.2021 28.09.2021 40
72021-22Virtual Webinar on "Effect of Ocean Environment on Marine Application" 08.06.2021 08.06.2021 40
82021-22Guest lecture on " Big Data Analytics" 18.09.2021 18.09.2021 50
92021-22Guest lecture on " Trends in IC Design" 28.09.2021 28.09.2021 36
102021-22Guest Lecture on "IoT and its Real Time Applications" 30.3.2022 30.3.2022 150
112021-22Hands on Training with "IoT Using ARDUINO" 31.01.2022 31.01.2022 113
122021-22Webinar on Ocean environment and Marine applications 08.06.2021 08.06.2021 53
132021-22webinar on Current Techniques In Engineering and Technologies 15/9/2021 (1 to 2.30 pm) 15/9/2021 (1 to 2.30 pm) 65
142021-22Online presentation on Indian democracy event 15/9/2021 (2.30 to 4 pm) 15/9/2021 (2.30 to 4 pm) 55
152021-22Hands on Training "e-Library Access" 29.09.2021 29.09.2021 55
162021-22Webinar on Recent Trends in Friction Welding and its Application 05.10.2021 05.10.2021 50
172021-22Webinar on Thermal Management of Buildings 06.10.2021 06.10.2021 55
182021-22Workshop on Acoustic Emission Signal Monitoring during Manufacturing process 12.10.2021 12.10.2021 50
192021-22Webinar on Non-destructive testing and evaluation of composites13.10.2021 13.10.2021 45
202021-22workshop on Web development 12.11.2021 & 13.11.2021 12.11.2021 & 13.11.2021 55
212021-22One day guest lecture on “3D printing” 18.11.2022 @ 10.00 a.m 18.11.2022 @ 10.00 a.m 60
222021-22Webinar on Introduction to drones 15.02.2022 15.02.2022 45
232021-22Webinar on Career opportunities in Civil Services - UPSC/TNPSC 13.10.2021 13.10.2021 45
242021-22Seminar on IOT and Robotics Automation 20.10.2021 20.10.2021 100
252021-22Webinar on Machine Vision for Factory Automation 21.10.2021 21.10.2021 100
262021-22Guest Lecture on "EMI/EMC Compliance approaches using ALTAIR FEKO" 27.10.2021 27.10.2021 100
272021-22Webinar on "Gender Equality Program" 29.10.2021 29.10.2021 234
282021-22Webinar on “The Future of Mobile App Industry” 04.01.2022 04.01.2022 766
292021-22Seminar on Drown Technologies 28.03.2022 28.03.2022 300
302021-22Project Expo on Currents trends in Technolgy- ( STEM Club) 29.03.2022 29.03.2022 100
312021-22Guest Lecture on IoT and Its Applications 30.03.2022 30.03.2022 100
322021-22FDP on Applications of Cognitive Radio Networks 04.01.2022 to 06.04.2022 04.01.2022 to 06.04.2022 100
332021-22Workshop on Java Programming 06.10.2021 to 08.10.2021 06.10.2021 to 08.10.2021 175
342021-22Virtual Workshop on Recent Trends in Machine Learning 12.10.2021 12.10.2021 68
352021-22Workshop on Non-Linear Data Structures 20.10.2021 20.10.2021 77
362021-22Seminar on Cloud Computing and Amazon Web Services 01.11.2021 01.11.2021 100
372021-22Seminar on "Engineeer's Role on Environmental Conservation" and Green Campus Award (OFFLINE) 05.11.2021 05.11.2021 100
382021-22Workshop on Web Development 12.11.2021 & 13.11.2021 12.11.2021 & 13.11.2021 100
392021-22Hands on Workshop on “IOT and Product Development using Raspberry Pi 02.12.2021 02.12.2021 50
402021-22Guest Lecture on Algebraic Structures 21.12.2021 and 9.30 AM to 11.00 PM 21.12.2021 and 9.30 AM to 11.00 PM 225
412021-22Career in the Indian Armed Forces 21.12.2021 21.12.2021 250
422021-22Online Webinar on “Opportunities in IT & Embedded Technologies” 25.01.2022 25.01.2022 300
432021-22Webinar on Importance of Voting 25.01.2022 25.01.2022 100
442021-22Webinar "Project Formulation and Effective Paper Writing" 27.01.2022 27.01.2022 100
452021-22International Virtual Conference on Research Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology 01.03.2022 & 02.03.2022 01.03.2022 & 02.03.2022 300
462021-22Webinar on "Women in involvement in Research & Development" 11.02.2022 11.02.2022 100
472021-22Introduction to Drones 15.02.2022 15.02.2022 100
482021-22Anti - Sexual Harassment Awareness Program 16.02.2022 16.02.2022 Offline
492021-22Entrepreneurship Development Ideas 18.02.2022 18.02.2022 100
502021-22International Mother Language Day 21.02.2022 21.02.2022 121
512021-22Communication skills for Engineering Career 23.02.2022 23.02.2022 100
522021-22Seminar on Career Guidance:Engineering Myths & Tips 24.02.2022 24.02.2022 Offline
532021-22Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow 08.03.2022 08.03.2022 100
542021-22Seminar on "Quality Assurance & Risk management inn Bio-Medical Engineering Related Industries" 14.03.2022 14.03.2022 100
552021-22Seminar on "Need for Integration: Introduction to Mulesoft Anypoint Platform"(Mulesoft's A Saleforece Company) 24.03.2022 24.03.2022 150
562021-22Seminar 28.03.2022 28.03.2022 100
572021-22Seminar on "Hacks for clearing Technical Interviews" 29.03.2022 29.03.2022 100
582021-22Guest Lecture on "IOT and its Realtime Applications" 30.03.2022 30.03.2022 100
592021-22Two days Workshop on Machine Learning 30.03.2022 & 02.04.20222 30.03.2022 & 02.04.20222 150
602021-22Seminar on "Game Plan for High Income 23.04.2022 23.04.2022 220
612021-22Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights-An Overview 30.04.2022 30.04.2022 100
622021-22One day Hands on Workshop on IOT 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 100
632021-22Seminar on "Recent Innovations and Calibration Protocols of Biomedical Equipment in Healthcare" 13.05.2022 13.05.2022 95


S.NoYear Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Duration ToNumber of participants
12020-21Tips And Tricks Of Research Publication, Patent Filing And Research Grant 10.06.202010.06.2020 - 12.06.2020 (3 DAYS) 100
22020-21Short Term Course On "Database And Machine Learning Using R Language" 09.11.202009.11.2020 & 10.11.2020 100
32020-21Elimination Of Violence Against Women 10.12.2020 10.12.2020 100
42020-21International Virtual Conference On Research Innovation In Science, Engineering And Technology 01.03.2021 01.03.2021 & 02.03.2021 100
52020-21Knimbus(Elibrary) Remote Access Training 02.02.2021 02.02.2021 100
62020-21Webinar On "Out Of Box Thinking" 04.05.2021 04.05.2021 100
72020-21Webinar On "Article Writing And Journal Publication" 17.06.2020 17.06.2020 100
82020-21FDP on ICT Tools 03.02.2021 03.02.2021 100
92020-21Aicte Margdershan FDP On Outcome Based Education 08.02.2021 09.02.2021 100
102020-21Webinar On “Challenge To March Towards Optimal Nutrition During Adolescence”. 06.03.2021 06.03.2021 100
112020-21Five Days Faculty Development Programme on "Research Innovation in Computer Vision" 10.05.2021 10.05.2021 – 14.05.2021 100
122020-21FDP on ICT Tools16.05.2021 16.05.2021 100
132020-21International Webinar On “Green Energy And Technology” (Get 2020) 19.06.2020 19.06.2020 100


S.NoYear Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Duration FromDuration ToNumber of participants
12019-20Cyber security18.5.2020 18.5.2020 22.05.2020 1
22019-20Big data tools 18.5.2020 18.5.2020 23.5.2020 1
32019-20Online Faculty Development Programme on Python 3.4.3 16.04.2020 16.04.2020 22.04.2020 3
42019-20Faculty Awarness Program on NAAC Accreditation 10.05.2020 10.05.2020 15.05.2020 18
52019-20Moodle Learning and Management System 26.05.20 26.05.20 30.05.20 1
62019-20Teaching Learning Process in Higher Education 13.12.2019 13.12.2019 14.12.2019 72
72019-205 Day Online Faculty Development Program on “IoT Trends to Drive Innovation for Business and Digital Technology". 11.05.2020 11.05.2020 15.05.2020 3
82019-20Leading ina VUCA World 20.04.2020 20.04.2020 24.04.2020 2
92019-20Five days online Faculty Development Programme 01.06.2020 01.06.2020 05.06.2020 61
102019-20Faculty development program on Evolution of Teaching learning Process 05.11.2020 05.11.2020 15.05.2020 1
112019-20FDP on APPLICATION OF THERMAL ENGINEERING 06.08.2020 06.08.2020 06.12.2020 10
122019-20ONE DAY NATIONAL LEVEL WORKSHOP 03.05.2020 03.05.2020 03.05.2020 10


S.NoDates (From to To)​(DD to MM to YYYY) Title of the professional development program organised for teaching staff Title of the administrative training program organised for non-teaching staff Number of participants
101.06.2018One Day Awareness Programme on "Competency Based Education"93
205.06.2018A One day Programme on "Stress Management"94
311.06.2018ARDINO Projects Hands on training6
409.08.2018Workshop on Programming and Simulation Techniques using LAB View5
513.8.2018 to 16.8.2018Workshop on machine learning and Artificial Intelligence7
616.08.2018One day workshop on Optimization technique4
717.08.2018Design of RC elements & structural analysis4
822.08.2018 & 24.08.2018Workshop on Embedded Based IoT6
929.08.2018Workshop on IoT5
1022.10.2018 to 27.10.2018Lab View16
1122.10.2018 to 27.10.2018Lab View4
1222.10.2018 to 31.10.2018Hands-on Training on Python31
1322.10.2018 to 31.10.2018Hands-on Training on Python13
1413.11.2018 to 16.11.2018Microsoft Office Basics & CO-PO Attainment42
1513.11.2018 to 14.11.2018Microsoft Office Basics8
1617.11.2018One day Workshop on Art of Writing Funding Proposals and Research Articles94
1706.02.2019Workshop on Java Programming3
1815.02.2019 & 16.02.2019Workshop on Digital Image Processing using MATLAB AVERTZ TECH6
1923.02.2019One day Workshop on Cryogenic Machining4
2012.04.2019International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology92
2121.05.2019 to 27.05.2019Embedded & IOT18
2221.05.2019 to 27.05.2019Embedded & IOT4
2320.05.2019 to 25.05.2019Awareness Programme on Recent Trends "Big Data "29
240.05.2019 to 25.05.2019Training Programme on FOSS4
2510.06.2017Guest Lecture on "NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education"114
2603.08.2017Workshop on “Internet of Things”10
2707.08.2017 to 10.08.2017Training Program on “Big Data Analytics”4
2822.08.2017 & 23.08.2017Two day National level workshop on “Embedded system design and real time applications”4
2924.08.2017One day workshop on Optimization technique3
3014.09.2017Online FDP for the faculties on “Networking Simulation using NetSim Software”5
3122.09.2017National level workshop on Lean Six Sigma4
3225.10.2017 to 26.10.2017Two day workshop on Autodesk 360 Fusion4
3320.11.2017 to 27.11.2017Seven days Faculty Development Training Programme on “THERMAL ENGINEERING (ME 6404)”
3425.11.2017+A45One day workshop on “Persuasive Research Promotion Strategies"98
3523.11.2017 to 30.11.2017Training in Server Technologies40
3623.11.2017 to 30.11.2017Training in Server Technologies14
3723.01.2018 & 24.01.2018Workshop on Programming and Simulation Techniques using LABView4
3823.02.2018Workshop on Embedded Based IoT4
3923.02.2018One day workshop on Frame design and motion analysis3
4029.03.2018Research and Methodology workshop112
4107.04.2018International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Engineering and Technology114
4207.05.2018 to 08.05.2018Two Days Faculty Development Program on "Creative Thinking"15
4314.05.2018 to 19.05.2018Hands-on Training on Python40
4414.05.2018 to 19.05.2018Hands-on Training on Python10
4514.05.2018 to 19.05.2018Wireless gesture controlled robot20
4614.05.2018 to 19.05.2018Wireless gesture controlled robot4
4728.05.2018 to 4.06.2018Seven days Faculty Development​Programme on “DESIGN OF MACHINE​ELEMENTS”
4815.07.2016Switching Lab, Transmission Lab3
4916.07.2016Outcome based education96
5021.07.2016 & 22.07.2016Workshop on “Grid and Cloud Computing”13
5126.07.2016One day Programme on "Blooms Taxonomy"98
5229.07.2016Android App Development8
5313.08.2016ISME student chapter Inauguration and Guest lecture on Advance processes in India11
5417.08.2016One day workshop on Optimization technique7
5505.10.2016Workshop on Industrial Drives & Controls3
5629.10.2016AQAR - Writing & Submission as per NAAC Guidelines32
5723.11.16 to 29.11.16Embedded system design and real time applications20
5823.11.2016 to 30.11.2016FDP on MEDICAL ELCTRONICS-EC 600115
5928.11.2016 to 30.11.2016Hands-on Training on Microsoft Office Basics44
6016.11.2016 to 25.11.2016Hands-on Training on "Java Programming"34
6103.12.2016One day Workshop on Research Methodology97
6208.04.2017International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Engineering and Technology98
6324.04.2017 to 28.04.2017Training on Networking(SLN Technologies)31
6424.04.2017 to 28.04.2017Training on Networking(SLN Technologies)8
6503.05.2017 to 04.05.2017Two Days Workshop on "Introduction to Grid & Cloud Computing"36
6616.05.2017 to 20.05.2017Robotics and Automation20
6716.05.2017 to 20.05.2017Robotics and Automation4
6826.08.2015One day Workshop on Artificial Intelligence8
6923.11.2015 to 28.11.2015Embedded system15
7023.11.2015 to 28.11.2015Embedded system4
7123.11.2015 to 30.11.2015Faculty Development Programme on "Data Base Management System"29
7223.11.2015 to 30.11.2015Awareness Programme on DBMS14
7305.12.2015One day Workshop on "Ensuring Quality in Higher Education"94
7419.02.2016 & 20.02.2016Two days workshop on ROBOTICS in automation6
7515.03.2016One day workshop on Industrial Automation3
7615.03.2016One day workshop on optimization techniques3
7709.04.2016International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Engineering and Technology98
7818.04.2016 to 23.04.2016Six days on "NBA and OBE"31
7911.05.2016 to 14.05.2016Hands-on Training Programme on Hardware Servicing12
8016.05.2016 to 24.05.2016Awareness Programme on Recent Technologies, "Cloud Computing"32
8125.04.2016 to 30.04.2016RF controlled robot18
8225.04.2016 to 30.04.2016RF controlled robot4
8309.06.2014SILINX programming and Practice by Dr.B.PaulChamy Associate Prof CIT Kovai5
8408.07.2014One day Workshop on Gesture Controlled Robot7
8512.08.2014Hands on Training using Mini Tab Software6
8612.08.2014 & 13.08.2014Two day Workshop on Java Programming3
8709.09.2014Guest Lecture on Research Methodology110
8810.12.2014 to 17.12.2014Workshop on HTML & CSS(Vin Bytes)30
8910.12.2014 to 17.12.2014Workshop on HTML & CSS(Vin Bytes)9
9010.12.2014 to 17.12.2014Arduino based smart phone controlled robot16
9110.12.2014 to 17.12.2014Arduino based smart phone controlled robot4
9213.02.2015One day workshop on Non-destructive Testing9
9317.02.2015Training Program on C Language5
9416.03.2015One day Workshop on Embedded System Design using ARM Processor4
9504.04.2015International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Engineering and Technology110
9611.04.2015One Day Workshop on NAAC Awareness Programme110
9715.05.2015 to 23.05.2015Hands-on Training Programme on SQL29
9825.05.2015 to 26.05.2015Awareness Programme on "Security Issues"12
9915.05.2015 to 20.05.2015Matlab Simulation20
10015.05.2015 to 20.05.2015Matlab Simulation4


Strategy Plan



S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUsDepartments
1PUMO TECHNOVATION INDIA PVT LTDKings Engineering College 30.07.20223 YearsHands-on training on IOT’s, Cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, Python Programming, Embedded Systems, Special Lecturers100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
2V3TechServKings Engineering College10.08.20222 YearsEducation delivery, Industry connect, Institute deliverables, Campus drivesCSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
3SanscloudtechKings Engineering College10.09.20223 YearsSeminar100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
4SkillSort Technical Solutions Private LimitedKings Engineering College15.11.20223 YearsPlacement300CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
5Career Labs Technologies Private LimitedKings Engineering College05.12.2022LifePlacement100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
6Edureka Learning Private LimitedKings Engineering College22.12.20221 YearFree Seminar, Workshop, Training Sessions, Placement100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
7Sai Tech, ChennaiKings Engineering College22.02.2023LifeSeminar, Workshop, Placement100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
8ECIKings Engineering College16.05.20231 YearFree Seminar, Workshop, Internship, Placement100ECE, MECH, RAA


S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUsDepartments
1Four Steps Training Pvt Ltd.Kings Engineering College08.06.20211 YearWorkshop/Seminar, Skill Development Training, Funding Project Proposal, Industrial Visit, Internship & Placement Assistant60CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
2Infogro TechnologyKings Engineering College22.07.20211 YearWorkshop/Seminar, Soft skill training, Placement Assistant200CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
3Brainovision Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.Kings Engineering College18.08.20213 YearsInternship, Workshop100 CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
4Uniq Technologies Kings Engineering College 19.10.2021 2 Years Workshop, Seminar, Internship 100 CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
5Zenardy Technologies Private LimitedKings Engineering College20.09.20213 YearsSeminar, Placement100CSE, IT, ECE
6Eurocon Instruments Private LimitedKings Engineering College20.09.20211 YearSeminar100MECH, ECE, RAA
7Pantech E LearningKings Engineering College27.09.20211 YearSeminar100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
8Wisetech Source Pvt LtdKings Engineering College29.09.20211 YearPlacement, IntershipCSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
9Embeddvar Technology Solutions Kings Engineering College06.10.20211 YearWorkshop50CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
10Garuda Aerospace Private LimitedKings Engineering College10.12.20213 YearsTraining, Webinar15ECE, RAA,MECH
11Liberwin Technologies Private LimitedKings Engineering College11.02.20225 YearsSkill Development Training, Webinar,Workshop,200CSE, IT, ECE, AI & DS
12Mulesoft ( A Salesforce Company)Kings Engineering College17.02.2022LifeWebinar, Training with Certification, Placement200CSE, IT, ECE, AI & DS
13Enterprise Building Training Solutions (EBTS)Kings Engineering College23.02.2022LifeGuest Lecturers, Workshop, FDP100CSE, IT, ECE, AI & DS
14Mattest Research Academy, ChennaiKings Engineering College25.02.2022LifeGuest Lecturers, Workshop, FDP50MECH & RAA
15MIT Square Group of CompaniesKings Engineering College04.03.20225 YearsTalent Management, Incubation & Innovation Management, Specific training programs, Center of ExcellenceCSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
16Deepam HospitalKings Engineering College14.03.2022LifeSeminar98BME
17RF Info LabsKings Engineering College29.03.2022LifeSeminar, Guest Lecturers, Workshop, Training100CSE, IT, ECE, AI & DS
18Bhumi NGO, Chennai Kings Engineering College05.04.20221 YearSocial ActivitiesCSE, IT, ECE, AI & DS,MECH,RAA
19Youth United Council of India (YUCI), ChennaiKings Engineering College11.05.2022LifeSpecific training programs, FDP, International programs, Personality development programsCSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
20ATHEENAPANDIAN PRIVATE LIMITED ChennaiKings Engineering College13.05.2022LifeSeminar95BME


S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUsDepartments
2Embeddvar SolutionsKings Engineering College22.06.20201 YearWorkshop100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,RAA,BME
3Imarticus Learning Pvt Ltd.Kings Engineering College03.05.20213 YearsWorkshop, Seminar, Data Science Club, Internship & Placement Assistant100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,RAA,BME
4Knowledge Xchange CommunityKings Engineering College29.04.20215 YearsIncubation Center, Centre of Excellence for DS, AI and ML, Patent Filing and Patent Grant Services, Internship, Training & Placement100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,RAA,BME
5Wise source private limitedKings Engineering College24.06.20201 YearPlacement50CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,RAA,BME
6Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. LtdKings Engineering College09.12.20201 YearWorkshop, Seminar, Internship150CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,RAA,BME
7Sansbound Solutions Pvt Ltd.Kings Engineering College12.10.20201 YearWorkshop, Industrial Visit100CSE,IT
8Netalla Innovations Pvt LtdKings Engineering College02.01.20215 yearsR&D and Consultancy Projects, Internship, Augumented Reality and Virtual Reality Lab, Placement,Seminars100CSE,IT


S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUsDepartments
1DLK TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTDKings Engineering College06.12.20194 YearIndustrial Oriented training, Innovative seminars and Workshop, Guest Lectures, Speech by Industrial Persons, Case studies60ECE,CSE,IT
2V3TechServ Delivery Partner of HPEKings Engineering College22.11.20194 YearsGuest Lecture, Workshop, Seminar60CSE,IT
3Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. Ltd.,Kings Engineering College05.12.20191 YearINPLANT TRAINING,Workshop, FDP,Seminar60ECE,CSE,IT
4Averzs Technologies,Research and DevelopmentKings Engineering College08.11.2019LifeRESEARCH PUBLICATION,WORKSHOP, INTERNSHIP60MECH,ECE,CSE, IT
5CHASE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONSKings Engineering College14.12.20192 YearsINPLANT TRAINING,Workshop, FDP,Seminar,PATENTS & publication60ECE,CSE,IT,
6Vee Eee Technologies Solutions Pvt. Ltd.Kings Engineering College02.11.20193 YearsInternships, Industrial Visits, Research and Development, Skill Development Programme150ECE, MECH,CSE,IT
7Wise source private limitedKings Engineering College22.07.20191 YearPlacement50CSE,IT
8VinbytesKings Engineering College27.06.20192 YearTraining on Programming300CSE,IT
9Zenardy Technologies Pvt LtdKings Engineering College17.07.20192 YearPlacement Training50CSE,IT
10BrainSwig Edutech Private Ltd.Kings Engineering College21.11.20192 yearsWorkshop, Seminar, Special Courses, Internship60CSE,IT
11IF and For EndevoursKings Engineering College23.10.20191 YearWorkshop,Seminar50CSE,IT
12Institute for Engineering Research & PublicationsKings Engineering College11.11.20196 MonthsResearch and Journal Publications50ECE
13Rajalakshmi Engineering CollegeKings Engineering College30.11.20193 YearsFDP, Seminars100ECE, MECH,CSE,IT


S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUs
1DLK TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD12.11.20181 YearINTERNSHIP, Special course120
2Sansbound Solutions11.08.20182 YearIndustrial Visit70
3V3TechServ Delivery Partner of HPE08.06.20181 YearInplant training, Guest Lecturer, Special course160
4Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. Ltd.,05.10.20181 YearFDP60
5Blueball Technologies26.07.20181 YearGuest Lecturer60
6Asictron Control System11.09.20182 YearsSeminar70
7Ajlon Technologies05.12.20181 YearWorkshop50
8SM Micro Systems24.12.20182 YearsFunding45
9New Tech23.10.20181 YearFunding Agency20
11CEE CONS19.08.20182 YearsTraining on Career Development70
12Shardlow India Limited25.01.20192 YearsGuest Lecturer150
13Academy of Skill and Knowledge09.07.20181 YearsInplant Training10
14Wise source private limited21.07.20181 YearsPlacement50
15BrainSwig Edutech Private Ltd.28.11.20181 YearsINTERNSHIP53
16IP RINGS LTD28.09.20183 YearsGuest Lecturer70


S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUs
1Auto Brakes and Ancillaries (p)Ltd11.01.20171 Yearnplant training55
2Mazenet Solutions08.02.20171 YearGuest Lecturer63
3INFANT ENGINEERS PRIVATE LIMITED11.10.20161 YearIndustrial Visit/ Internship/Inplant training60
4Crestcam Manufacturing Systems26.08.20161 YearIndustrial Visit/ Internship/Inplant training45
5Vee Eee Technologies Solution Pvt.Ltd.07.06.20163 YearsINTERNSHIP60
6Sansbound Solutions10.08.20162 YearsTraining on Networking60
7Vinbytes14.06.20161 YearFDP250
8Vetri Software24.06.20161 YearSeminar50
9Sharpsys Software Solutions17.10.20161 YearINTERNSHIP10
10Vee Eee Technologies Solution Pvt.Ltd.23.11.20174 YearsINTERNSHIP, Special course80
11Airpath Wirelessnet Solutions26.12.20162 YearsInplant Training10
12Design Desk (India) Private Limited (DDI)30.11.20162 YearsFDP52
13Zenardy Technologies Pvt Ltd08.07.20161 YearsPlacement Training, Software Skill Development50
14Infogro Technologies24.02.20172 YearsInplant Training20
16GTS TOOL PlAST LLP24.08.20161 YearSeminar50
17C-DAC Chennai27.01.20172 YEARSINTERNSHIP, Guest Lecturer150


S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUs
1KERITH TECHNICAL SERVICES06.09.20171 YearGuest Lecture, Workshop, Seminar, Special Course55
2TRINITY INSTITUTE OF NDTU TECH07.11.20171 YearGuest Lecture, Workshop, Seminar53
3DLK TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD16.10.20171 YearFDP, Workshop, Special Course60
4Chennai AVTEC Limited27.10.20171 YearIndustrial visit, Placement60
6Dax Networks Limited22.06.20172 YearsSeminar on Wireless Sensor Networks48
7Castwel Auto Parts Pvt Ltd.19.08.20171 YearWorkshop20
8PPV Technologies05.07.20171 YearInplant Training10
10Vee Eee Technologies Solution Pvt.Ltd.23.11.20174 YearsINTERNSHIP, Special course80
12BSNL21.10.20173 YearsINTERNSHIP107
13Vinbytes19.06.20172 YearsFDP300
14Zenardy Technologies Pvt Ltd07.08.20172 YearsPlacement Training, Soft Skill Development50
15Techsosys India Pvt Ltd21.07.20172 YearsInplant training20
16Wise source private limited21.06.20171 YearPlacement50
17BESTMACH01.12.2017LIFEINPLANT TRAINING,Workshop, Seminar80


Course File Content
Department Audit Report
Minutes Of Meeting
Students Mentoring System
QP Format
Individual Faculty Profile
Student Achievement Format - From Other Institution
Student Achievement Format - In Kings
AU Exam Result Ananlysis
Academic And Administrative Audit
IQAC Audit Report
Internal Exam Result Analysis

General Mandatory Disclosure


As per the guidelines of National Assessment and Accreditation Council(NAAC),the establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) is a mandatory requirement for all NAAC-accredited institutions.The Kings Engineering College was accredited by NAAC in the year2017.The IQAC of KEC,since its inception, has been consistently and actively involved in quality sustenance and quality enhancement activities. It is a participative cell that works on evolving strategies to removed eficiencies and enhance quality,thus channelizing the efforts of the Institution towards achieving holistic academic excellence.

As per the In pursuance of its Action Plan for performance evaluation,assessment & accreditation & quality up-gradation of institutions of higher education, NAAC proposes that every accredited institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure. Since quality enhancement is a continuous


  • Arrow
    Kings IQAC evolves mechanisms and procedures for:
  • Arrow
    Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
  • Arrow
    There levance and quality of academic and research programmes.
  • Arrow
    Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society.
  • Arrow
    Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning the credibility of evaluation procedures.
  • Arrow
    Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and functioning of the support structure and services.
  • Arrow
    Research sharing and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.


  • Arrow
    Some of the functions expected of the IQAC are:
  • Arrow
    Development and application of quality bench marks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
  • Arrow
    Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process.
  • Arrow
    Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents and others take holders on quality-related institutional processes.
  • Arrow
    Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
  • Arrow
    Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement acting as a nodal agency of the institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices.
  • Arrow
    Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining/enhancing the institutional quality.
  • Arrow
    Development of Quality Culture in the institution.
  • Arrow
    Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report(AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC.


  • Arrow
    IQAC will facilitate/contribute:
  • Arrow
    Ensure heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement.
  • Arrow
    Ensure internalization of the quality culture.
  • Arrow
    Ensure enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices.
  • Arrow
    Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning act as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs.
  • Arrow
    Build an organised methodology of documentation and internal communication.


  • Arrow
    IQAC may be constituted in everyinstitution under the Chairmanship of the Head of the institution with heads of important academic and administrative units and a few teachers and a few distinguished educationists and representatives of local management and stakeholders.
  • Arrow
    The composition of the IQAC may be as follows:
  • Arrow
    Chairperson:Head of the institution a few senior administrative officers three to eight teachers One member from the Management.
  • Arrow
    One/two nominees from local society, Students and Alumni.
  • Arrow
    One/two nominees from Employers/Industrialists/stakeholders.
  • Arrow
    One of the senior teachers as the coordinator/Director of the IQAC.

Organizational Chart:

Flow Chart

General Mandatory Disclosure

S.NoNameDesignationCategoryPosition in IQAC
1Dr.T.John Oral Baskar Principal Head of the Institution Chairman
2Mr.JoysonSenior General ManagerManagementManagement Representative
3Mr.R. Arulkumar Administrative OfficerManagementManagement Representative
4Dr. D.C. Jullie JosephineHead-CSEFaculty MemberCoordinator
5Dr. C.RameshBabuDuraiHead -ECE Faculty MemberMember
6Dr.HarikrishnanHead -MECHFaculty Member Member
7Mr. B. Muthazhagan Head / ITFaculty Member Member
8Dr. P.GandhimathiS& H -CoordinatorFaculty Member Member
9Dr.G.Manikandan Professor -CSEFaculty Member Member
10Dr.Srinivasalu Professor -CSEFaculty Member Member
11Dr.Maria Siluvai Professor - EnglishFaculty Member Member
12Dr.Jude Sahaya Dhas Professor-PhysicsFaculty Member Member
13Dr. A. Muniaraj Professor - MECHFaculty Member Member
14Dr.A.R.Venmathi Professor-BMEFaculty Member Member
15Dr M.S.Ajmal Deen Ali Professor-ECEFaculty Member Member
16Dr. BabuSasi Kumar Professor - MECHFaculty Member Member
17Mr A.Antony George Fernando Asso.Prof-RAAFaculty Member Member
18Mr.Prakash Asso.Prof-BMEFaculty Member Member
19Mr.Praveenmani CEO-Vinbytes
Faculty Member Member
20Mr.VenkatesanMD- Zenardy Pvt.Ltd
Faculty Member Member
21Ms.Keerthana StudentFaculty Member Member
22Ms.ShruthiStudentFaculty Member Member
23Mr.Dinesh Team Lead-InfosysFaculty Member Member
24Mr.Ravi John DanielSenior Programmer-TCSFaculty Member Member

IQAC Annual Report:






S.NoYear Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Duration ToNumber of participants
12022-23Webinar on "How to identify various IPRs"05.08.2022 05.08.2022 100
22022-232022-23 Steam Club-TechnoQuiz Club Webinar on Hands - On Training on Testing Tools17.08.202217.08.2022100
32022-23STEAM - Robotics Club" Application oriented software for Robotic Simulation and Control21.04.2022 & 22.04.2022 21.04.2022 & 22.04.2022 68
42022-23STEAM - Robotics Club“Workshop on CNC Programming”16.11.2022 16.11.2022 48
52022-23Guest Lecture on "Human Values and Professional Ethics"09.09.2022 09.09.2022 100
62022-23Workshop on ARDUINO 10.09.2022 10.09.2022 50
72022-231 Day FDP LaTeX 24-05-23 24-05-23 15
82022-23Intellectual Property Awareness 3/1/2023 3/1/2023 15
92022-23"Webinar on "Importance of Intellectual Property"31.3.2023 31.3.2023 140
102022-23Six Day FDP on Recent trends in Healthcare Applications using Machine Learning. 13.06.2022 & 18.06.2022, 13.06.2022 & 18.06.2022, 65-IT & CSE
112022-23One Day Webinar on Recent trends in Wireless 09.03.2023 09.03.2023 75-IT
122022-23Seminar on Computer Networking 10.09.2022 10.09.2022 100
132022-23One day online webinar on "Serial Protocol Debugging using Python"10.09.2022 10.09.2022 100
142022-23Seminar on “Classical Encryption Techniques”17.09.2022 17.09.2022 105
152022-23Seminar on "Cyber Security"25.03.2023 25.03.2023 150
162022-23Seminar on Women Harrsement and Act 12.03.2023 12.03.2023 100-CSE
172022-23Value added courses -JAVA 17.09.2022 17.09.2022 100-CSE
182022-23Value added courses - C 10.09.2022 10.09.2022 100-CSE
192022-23Seminar on Remote Sensing concepts 11.01.2023 11.01.2023 100-CSE
202022-23Seminar on Foundation of Robotics 10.01.2023 10.01.2023 100-CSE
212022-23Waste water Management Seminar on 09.01.2023 09.01.2023 100-CSE
222022-23Seminar on Climate Changes and its impact 10.01.2023 10.01.2023 100-CSE
232022-23Value added courses -Python 100-CSE
242022-23Electron Devices & Electronic Materials 10.01.202310.01.2023 100-CSE
252022-23ICT in Agriculture 11.01.2023 11.01.2023 100-CSE
262022-23climate Changes and its impact 10.01.2023 10.01.2023 100-CSE
272022-23“Seminar-"Hospital Management in IT Systems ”26.09.2022 26.09.2022 100-CSE
282022-23Workshop on “Descriptive Statistical Analysis using Tableau" 12.10.2022 12.10.2022 84
292022-23Seminar on "Understanding mental health & what we need to know"13.09.2022 13.09.2022 140
302022-23One day Workshop on Heating, Ventilation, Air, Conditioning on resources on Industrial Engineering, Quality solutions Group. 16.09.2022 @ 9.30 a.m 16.09.2022 @ 9.30 a.m 60
312022-23One day guest lecture on “3D printing”18.11.2022 @ 10.00 a.m 18.11.2022 @ 10.00 a.m 60
322022-23Online Webinar on "Python for AI & Data Science" 17.08.2022 17.08.2022 60
332022-23Seminar on AI in Health Care Applications 03.09.2022 03.09.2022 43
342022-23Seminar on Computer Networking 10.09.2022 10.09.2022 73
352022-23Workshop on SQL Programming 15.10.2022 15.10.2022 60
362022-23Seminar on “AI’s Impact on Cyber Security and its Future Trends” 19.11.2022 19.11.2022 49
372022-23Seminar on "Find the Right Career" & Inauguration of STOS Developers Association 24.11.2022 24.11.2022 470
382022-23Seminar on AR/VR Course and Demo on VR Course 22.12.2022 22.12.2022 200
392022-23Seminar on VIVA: Linux based operating Systems 09.02.2023 09.02.2023 60
402022-23Seminar on Full Stack Web Development 18.02.2023 18.02.2023 60
412022-23Demonstration Workshop on "Robot Maufacturing and Software Simulation" with tribute to NASA 13.03.2023 13.03.2023 49/60
422022-23Guest Lecturer on "ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (ANOVA) FOR STATISTICS AND DATA SCIENCE" 29.04.2023 29.04.2023 45/60
432022-23Seminar on "Recent Trends in Robotics" 10.02.23 10.02.23 80
442022-23Two days Workshop on "Basics of Arduino Programming for Beginners" 21.03.2023 & 22.03.2023 21.03.2023 & 22.03.2023 98
452022-23Application oriented software for Robotics simulation and control 21.4.2022 & 22.04.2022 21.4.2022 & 22.04.2022 60
462022-23Workshop on CNC Programming 16.11.2022 16.11.2022 55


S.NoYear Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Duration ToNumber of participants
12021-22One day Seminar on "Cyber security" 04.12.202104.12.2021250
22021-22National Level Webinar on Patent Design and Intellectual Property -IIC Cell 07.09.2021 07.09.2021 150
32021-22Hands On Workshop on JAVA ENTERPRISE EDITION18.09.2021 18.09.2021 100
42021-22Virtual Power Seminar on EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 27.09.2021 27.09.2021 100
52021-22Webinar on Space Trends 23.09.2021 23.09.2021 100
62021-22Virtual workshop on CloudSim Simulation in Cloud Environment28.09.2021 28.09.2021 40
72021-22Virtual Webinar on "Effect of Ocean Environment on Marine Application" 08.06.2021 08.06.2021 40
82021-22Guest lecture on " Big Data Analytics" 18.09.2021 18.09.2021 50
92021-22Guest lecture on " Trends in IC Design" 28.09.2021 28.09.2021 36
102021-22Guest Lecture on "IoT and its Real Time Applications" 30.3.2022 30.3.2022 150
112021-22Hands on Training with "IoT Using ARDUINO" 31.01.2022 31.01.2022 113
122021-22Webinar on Ocean environment and Marine applications 08.06.2021 08.06.2021 53
132021-22webinar on Current Techniques In Engineering and Technologies 15/9/2021 (1 to 2.30 pm) 15/9/2021 (1 to 2.30 pm) 65
142021-22Online presentation on Indian democracy event 15/9/2021 (2.30 to 4 pm) 15/9/2021 (2.30 to 4 pm) 55
152021-22Hands on Training "e-Library Access" 29.09.2021 29.09.2021 55
162021-22Webinar on Recent Trends in Friction Welding and its Application 05.10.2021 05.10.2021 50
172021-22Webinar on Thermal Management of Buildings 06.10.2021 06.10.2021 55
182021-22Workshop on Acoustic Emission Signal Monitoring during Manufacturing process 12.10.2021 12.10.2021 50
192021-22Webinar on Non-destructive testing and evaluation of composites13.10.2021 13.10.2021 45
202021-22workshop on Web development 12.11.2021 & 13.11.2021 12.11.2021 & 13.11.2021 55
212021-22One day guest lecture on “3D printing” 18.11.2022 @ 10.00 a.m 18.11.2022 @ 10.00 a.m 60
222021-22Webinar on Introduction to drones 15.02.2022 15.02.2022 45
232021-22Webinar on Career opportunities in Civil Services - UPSC/TNPSC 13.10.2021 13.10.2021 45
242021-22Seminar on IOT and Robotics Automation 20.10.2021 20.10.2021 100
252021-22Webinar on Machine Vision for Factory Automation 21.10.2021 21.10.2021 100
262021-22Guest Lecture on "EMI/EMC Compliance approaches using ALTAIR FEKO" 27.10.2021 27.10.2021 100
272021-22Webinar on "Gender Equality Program" 29.10.2021 29.10.2021 234
282021-22Webinar on “The Future of Mobile App Industry” 04.01.2022 04.01.2022 766
292021-22Seminar on Drown Technologies 28.03.2022 28.03.2022 300
302021-22Project Expo on Currents trends in Technolgy- ( STEM Club) 29.03.2022 29.03.2022 100
312021-22Guest Lecture on IoT and Its Applications 30.03.2022 30.03.2022 100
322021-22FDP on Applications of Cognitive Radio Networks 04.01.2022 to 06.04.2022 04.01.2022 to 06.04.2022 100
332021-22Workshop on Java Programming 06.10.2021 to 08.10.2021 06.10.2021 to 08.10.2021 175
342021-22Virtual Workshop on Recent Trends in Machine Learning 12.10.2021 12.10.2021 68
352021-22Workshop on Non-Linear Data Structures 20.10.2021 20.10.2021 77
362021-22Seminar on Cloud Computing and Amazon Web Services 01.11.2021 01.11.2021 100
372021-22Seminar on "Engineeer's Role on Environmental Conservation" and Green Campus Award (OFFLINE) 05.11.2021 05.11.2021 100
382021-22Workshop on Web Development 12.11.2021 & 13.11.2021 12.11.2021 & 13.11.2021 100
392021-22Hands on Workshop on “IOT and Product Development using Raspberry Pi 02.12.2021 02.12.2021 50
402021-22Guest Lecture on Algebraic Structures 21.12.2021 and 9.30 AM to 11.00 PM 21.12.2021 and 9.30 AM to 11.00 PM 225
412021-22Career in the Indian Armed Forces 21.12.2021 21.12.2021 250
422021-22Online Webinar on “Opportunities in IT & Embedded Technologies” 25.01.2022 25.01.2022 300
432021-22Webinar on Importance of Voting 25.01.2022 25.01.2022 100
442021-22Webinar "Project Formulation and Effective Paper Writing" 27.01.2022 27.01.2022 100
452021-22International Virtual Conference on Research Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology 01.03.2022 & 02.03.2022 01.03.2022 & 02.03.2022 300
462021-22Webinar on "Women in involvement in Research & Development" 11.02.2022 11.02.2022 100
472021-22Introduction to Drones 15.02.2022 15.02.2022 100
482021-22Anti - Sexual Harassment Awareness Program 16.02.2022 16.02.2022 Offline
492021-22Entrepreneurship Development Ideas 18.02.2022 18.02.2022 100
502021-22International Mother Language Day 21.02.2022 21.02.2022 121
512021-22Communication skills for Engineering Career 23.02.2022 23.02.2022 100
522021-22Seminar on Career Guidance:Engineering Myths & Tips 24.02.2022 24.02.2022 Offline
532021-22Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow 08.03.2022 08.03.2022 100
542021-22Seminar on "Quality Assurance & Risk management inn Bio-Medical Engineering Related Industries" 14.03.2022 14.03.2022 100
552021-22Seminar on "Need for Integration: Introduction to Mulesoft Anypoint Platform"(Mulesoft's A Saleforece Company) 24.03.2022 24.03.2022 150
562021-22Seminar 28.03.2022 28.03.2022 100
572021-22Seminar on "Hacks for clearing Technical Interviews" 29.03.2022 29.03.2022 100
582021-22Guest Lecture on "IOT and its Realtime Applications" 30.03.2022 30.03.2022 100
592021-22Two days Workshop on Machine Learning 30.03.2022 & 02.04.20222 30.03.2022 & 02.04.20222 150
602021-22Seminar on "Game Plan for High Income 23.04.2022 23.04.2022 220
612021-22Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights-An Overview 30.04.2022 30.04.2022 100
622021-22One day Hands on Workshop on IOT 04.05.2022 04.05.2022 100
632021-22Seminar on "Recent Innovations and Calibration Protocols of Biomedical Equipment in Healthcare" 13.05.2022 13.05.2022 95


S.NoYear Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Duration ToNumber of participants
12020-21Tips And Tricks Of Research Publication, Patent Filing And Research Grant 10.06.202010.06.2020 - 12.06.2020 (3 DAYS) 100
22020-21Short Term Course On "Database And Machine Learning Using R Language" 09.11.202009.11.2020 & 10.11.2020 100
32020-21Elimination Of Violence Against Women 10.12.2020 10.12.2020 100
42020-21International Virtual Conference On Research Innovation In Science, Engineering And Technology 01.03.2021 01.03.2021 & 02.03.2021 100
52020-21Knimbus(Elibrary) Remote Access Training 02.02.2021 02.02.2021 100
62020-21Webinar On "Out Of Box Thinking" 04.05.2021 04.05.2021 100
72020-21Webinar On "Article Writing And Journal Publication" 17.06.2020 17.06.2020 100
82020-21FDP on ICT Tools 03.02.2021 03.02.2021 100
92020-21Aicte Margdershan FDP On Outcome Based Education 08.02.2021 09.02.2021 100
102020-21Webinar On “Challenge To March Towards Optimal Nutrition During Adolescence”. 06.03.2021 06.03.2021 100
112020-21Five Days Faculty Development Programme on "Research Innovation in Computer Vision" 10.05.2021 10.05.2021 – 14.05.2021 100
122020-21FDP on ICT Tools16.05.2021 16.05.2021 100
132020-21International Webinar On “Green Energy And Technology” (Get 2020) 19.06.2020 19.06.2020 100


S.NoYear Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Duration FromDuration ToNumber of participants
12019-20Cyber security18.5.2020 18.5.2020 22.05.2020 1
22019-20Big data tools 18.5.2020 18.5.2020 23.5.2020 1
32019-20Online Faculty Development Programme on Python 3.4.3 16.04.2020 16.04.2020 22.04.2020 3
42019-20Faculty Awarness Program on NAAC Accreditation 10.05.2020 10.05.2020 15.05.2020 18
52019-20Moodle Learning and Management System 26.05.20 26.05.20 30.05.20 1
62019-20Teaching Learning Process in Higher Education 13.12.2019 13.12.2019 14.12.2019 72
72019-205 Day Online Faculty Development Program on “IoT Trends to Drive Innovation for Business and Digital Technology". 11.05.2020 11.05.2020 15.05.2020 3
82019-20Leading ina VUCA World 20.04.2020 20.04.2020 24.04.2020 2
92019-20Five days online Faculty Development Programme 01.06.2020 01.06.2020 05.06.2020 61
102019-20Faculty development program on Evolution of Teaching learning Process 05.11.2020 05.11.2020 15.05.2020 1
112019-20FDP on APPLICATION OF THERMAL ENGINEERING 06.08.2020 06.08.2020 06.12.2020 10
122019-20ONE DAY NATIONAL LEVEL WORKSHOP 03.05.2020 03.05.2020 03.05.2020 10


S.NoDates (From to To)​(DD to MM to YYYY) Title of the professional development program organised for teaching staff Title of the administrative training program organised for non-teaching staff Number of participants
101.06.2018One Day Awareness Programme on "Competency Based Education"93
205.06.2018A One day Programme on "Stress Management"94
311.06.2018ARDINO Projects Hands on training6
409.08.2018Workshop on Programming and Simulation Techniques using LAB View5
513.8.2018 to 16.8.2018Workshop on machine learning and Artificial Intelligence7
616.08.2018One day workshop on Optimization technique4
717.08.2018Design of RC elements & structural analysis4
822.08.2018 & 24.08.2018Workshop on Embedded Based IoT6
929.08.2018Workshop on IoT5
1022.10.2018 to 27.10.2018Lab View16
1122.10.2018 to 27.10.2018Lab View4
1222.10.2018 to 31.10.2018Hands-on Training on Python31
1322.10.2018 to 31.10.2018Hands-on Training on Python13
1413.11.2018 to 16.11.2018Microsoft Office Basics & CO-PO Attainment42
1513.11.2018 to 14.11.2018Microsoft Office Basics8
1617.11.2018One day Workshop on Art of Writing Funding Proposals and Research Articles94
1706.02.2019Workshop on Java Programming3
1815.02.2019 & 16.02.2019Workshop on Digital Image Processing using MATLAB AVERTZ TECH6
1923.02.2019One day Workshop on Cryogenic Machining4
2012.04.2019International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology92
2121.05.2019 to 27.05.2019Embedded & IOT18
2221.05.2019 to 27.05.2019Embedded & IOT4
2320.05.2019 to 25.05.2019Awareness Programme on Recent Trends "Big Data "29
240.05.2019 to 25.05.2019Training Programme on FOSS4
2510.06.2017Guest Lecture on "NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education"114
2603.08.2017Workshop on “Internet of Things”10
2707.08.2017 to 10.08.2017Training Program on “Big Data Analytics”4
2822.08.2017 & 23.08.2017Two day National level workshop on “Embedded system design and real time applications”4
2924.08.2017One day workshop on Optimization technique3
3014.09.2017Online FDP for the faculties on “Networking Simulation using NetSim Software”5
3122.09.2017National level workshop on Lean Six Sigma4
3225.10.2017 to 26.10.2017Two day workshop on Autodesk 360 Fusion4
3320.11.2017 to 27.11.2017Seven days Faculty Development Training Programme on “THERMAL ENGINEERING (ME 6404)”
3425.11.2017+A45One day workshop on “Persuasive Research Promotion Strategies"98
3523.11.2017 to 30.11.2017Training in Server Technologies40
3623.11.2017 to 30.11.2017Training in Server Technologies14
3723.01.2018 & 24.01.2018Workshop on Programming and Simulation Techniques using LABView4
3823.02.2018Workshop on Embedded Based IoT4
3923.02.2018One day workshop on Frame design and motion analysis3
4029.03.2018Research and Methodology workshop112
4107.04.2018International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Engineering and Technology114
4207.05.2018 to 08.05.2018Two Days Faculty Development Program on "Creative Thinking"15
4314.05.2018 to 19.05.2018Hands-on Training on Python40
4414.05.2018 to 19.05.2018Hands-on Training on Python10
4514.05.2018 to 19.05.2018Wireless gesture controlled robot20
4614.05.2018 to 19.05.2018Wireless gesture controlled robot4
4728.05.2018 to 4.06.2018Seven days Faculty Development​Programme on “DESIGN OF MACHINE​ELEMENTS”
4815.07.2016Switching Lab, Transmission Lab3
4916.07.2016Outcome based education96
5021.07.2016 & 22.07.2016Workshop on “Grid and Cloud Computing”13
5126.07.2016One day Programme on "Blooms Taxonomy"98
5229.07.2016Android App Development8
5313.08.2016ISME student chapter Inauguration and Guest lecture on Advance processes in India11
5417.08.2016One day workshop on Optimization technique7
5505.10.2016Workshop on Industrial Drives & Controls3
5629.10.2016AQAR - Writing & Submission as per NAAC Guidelines32
5723.11.16 to 29.11.16Embedded system design and real time applications20
5823.11.2016 to 30.11.2016FDP on MEDICAL ELCTRONICS-EC 600115
5928.11.2016 to 30.11.2016Hands-on Training on Microsoft Office Basics44
6016.11.2016 to 25.11.2016Hands-on Training on "Java Programming"34
6103.12.2016One day Workshop on Research Methodology97
6208.04.2017International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Engineering and Technology98
6324.04.2017 to 28.04.2017Training on Networking(SLN Technologies)31
6424.04.2017 to 28.04.2017Training on Networking(SLN Technologies)8
6503.05.2017 to 04.05.2017Two Days Workshop on "Introduction to Grid & Cloud Computing"36
6616.05.2017 to 20.05.2017Robotics and Automation20
6716.05.2017 to 20.05.2017Robotics and Automation4
6826.08.2015One day Workshop on Artificial Intelligence8
6923.11.2015 to 28.11.2015Embedded system15
7023.11.2015 to 28.11.2015Embedded system4
7123.11.2015 to 30.11.2015Faculty Development Programme on "Data Base Management System"29
7223.11.2015 to 30.11.2015Awareness Programme on DBMS14
7305.12.2015One day Workshop on "Ensuring Quality in Higher Education"94
7419.02.2016 & 20.02.2016Two days workshop on ROBOTICS in automation6
7515.03.2016One day workshop on Industrial Automation3
7615.03.2016One day workshop on optimization techniques3
7709.04.2016International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Engineering and Technology98
7818.04.2016 to 23.04.2016Six days on "NBA and OBE"31
7911.05.2016 to 14.05.2016Hands-on Training Programme on Hardware Servicing12
8016.05.2016 to 24.05.2016Awareness Programme on Recent Technologies, "Cloud Computing"32
8125.04.2016 to 30.04.2016RF controlled robot18
8225.04.2016 to 30.04.2016RF controlled robot4
8309.06.2014SILINX programming and Practice by Dr.B.PaulChamy Associate Prof CIT Kovai5
8408.07.2014One day Workshop on Gesture Controlled Robot7
8512.08.2014Hands on Training using Mini Tab Software6
8612.08.2014 & 13.08.2014Two day Workshop on Java Programming3
8709.09.2014Guest Lecture on Research Methodology110
8810.12.2014 to 17.12.2014Workshop on HTML & CSS(Vin Bytes)30
8910.12.2014 to 17.12.2014Workshop on HTML & CSS(Vin Bytes)9
9010.12.2014 to 17.12.2014Arduino based smart phone controlled robot16
9110.12.2014 to 17.12.2014Arduino based smart phone controlled robot4
9213.02.2015One day workshop on Non-destructive Testing9
9317.02.2015Training Program on C Language5
9416.03.2015One day Workshop on Embedded System Design using ARM Processor4
9504.04.2015International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Engineering and Technology110
9611.04.2015One Day Workshop on NAAC Awareness Programme110
9715.05.2015 to 23.05.2015Hands-on Training Programme on SQL29
9825.05.2015 to 26.05.2015Awareness Programme on "Security Issues"12
9915.05.2015 to 20.05.2015Matlab Simulation20
10015.05.2015 to 20.05.2015Matlab Simulation4


Strategy Plan



S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUsDepartments
1PUMO TECHNOVATION INDIA PVT LTDKings Engineering College 30.07.20223 YearsHands-on training on IOT’s, Cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, Python Programming, Embedded Systems, Special Lecturers100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
2V3TechServKings Engineering College10.08.20222 YearsEducation delivery, Industry connect, Institute deliverables, Campus drivesCSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
3SanscloudtechKings Engineering College10.09.20223 YearsSeminar100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
4SkillSort Technical Solutions Private LimitedKings Engineering College15.11.20223 YearsPlacement300CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
5Career Labs Technologies Private LimitedKings Engineering College05.12.2022LifePlacement100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
6Edureka Learning Private LimitedKings Engineering College22.12.20221 YearFree Seminar, Workshop, Training Sessions, Placement100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
7Sai Tech, ChennaiKings Engineering College22.02.2023LifeSeminar, Workshop, Placement100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
8ECIKings Engineering College16.05.20231 YearFree Seminar, Workshop, Internship, Placement100ECE, MECH, RAA


S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUsDepartments
1Four Steps Training Pvt Ltd.Kings Engineering College08.06.20211 YearWorkshop/Seminar, Skill Development Training, Funding Project Proposal, Industrial Visit, Internship & Placement Assistant60CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
2Infogro TechnologyKings Engineering College22.07.20211 YearWorkshop/Seminar, Soft skill training, Placement Assistant200CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
3Brainovision Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.Kings Engineering College18.08.20213 YearsInternship, Workshop100 CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
4Uniq Technologies Kings Engineering College 19.10.2021 2 Years Workshop, Seminar, Internship 100 CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
5Zenardy Technologies Private LimitedKings Engineering College20.09.20213 YearsSeminar, Placement100CSE, IT, ECE
6Eurocon Instruments Private LimitedKings Engineering College20.09.20211 YearSeminar100MECH, ECE, RAA
7Pantech E LearningKings Engineering College27.09.20211 YearSeminar100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
8Wisetech Source Pvt LtdKings Engineering College29.09.20211 YearPlacement, IntershipCSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
9Embeddvar Technology Solutions Kings Engineering College06.10.20211 YearWorkshop50CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
10Garuda Aerospace Private LimitedKings Engineering College10.12.20213 YearsTraining, Webinar15ECE, RAA,MECH
11Liberwin Technologies Private LimitedKings Engineering College11.02.20225 YearsSkill Development Training, Webinar,Workshop,200CSE, IT, ECE, AI & DS
12Mulesoft ( A Salesforce Company)Kings Engineering College17.02.2022LifeWebinar, Training with Certification, Placement200CSE, IT, ECE, AI & DS
13Enterprise Building Training Solutions (EBTS)Kings Engineering College23.02.2022LifeGuest Lecturers, Workshop, FDP100CSE, IT, ECE, AI & DS
14Mattest Research Academy, ChennaiKings Engineering College25.02.2022LifeGuest Lecturers, Workshop, FDP50MECH & RAA
15MIT Square Group of CompaniesKings Engineering College04.03.20225 YearsTalent Management, Incubation & Innovation Management, Specific training programs, Center of ExcellenceCSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
16Deepam HospitalKings Engineering College14.03.2022LifeSeminar98BME
17RF Info LabsKings Engineering College29.03.2022LifeSeminar, Guest Lecturers, Workshop, Training100CSE, IT, ECE, AI & DS
18Bhumi NGO, Chennai Kings Engineering College05.04.20221 YearSocial ActivitiesCSE, IT, ECE, AI & DS,MECH,RAA
19Youth United Council of India (YUCI), ChennaiKings Engineering College11.05.2022LifeSpecific training programs, FDP, International programs, Personality development programsCSE,ECE,IT,MECH,AIDS,RAA,BME
20ATHEENAPANDIAN PRIVATE LIMITED ChennaiKings Engineering College13.05.2022LifeSeminar95BME


S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUsDepartments
2Embeddvar SolutionsKings Engineering College22.06.20201 YearWorkshop100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,RAA,BME
3Imarticus Learning Pvt Ltd.Kings Engineering College03.05.20213 YearsWorkshop, Seminar, Data Science Club, Internship & Placement Assistant100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,RAA,BME
4Knowledge Xchange CommunityKings Engineering College29.04.20215 YearsIncubation Center, Centre of Excellence for DS, AI and ML, Patent Filing and Patent Grant Services, Internship, Training & Placement100CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,RAA,BME
5Wise source private limitedKings Engineering College24.06.20201 YearPlacement50CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,RAA,BME
6Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. LtdKings Engineering College09.12.20201 YearWorkshop, Seminar, Internship150CSE,ECE,IT,MECH,RAA,BME
7Sansbound Solutions Pvt Ltd.Kings Engineering College12.10.20201 YearWorkshop, Industrial Visit100CSE,IT
8Netalla Innovations Pvt LtdKings Engineering College02.01.20215 yearsR&D and Consultancy Projects, Internship, Augumented Reality and Virtual Reality Lab, Placement,Seminars100CSE,IT


S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUsDepartments
1DLK TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTDKings Engineering College06.12.20194 YearIndustrial Oriented training, Innovative seminars and Workshop, Guest Lectures, Speech by Industrial Persons, Case studies60ECE,CSE,IT
2V3TechServ Delivery Partner of HPEKings Engineering College22.11.20194 YearsGuest Lecture, Workshop, Seminar60CSE,IT
3Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. Ltd.,Kings Engineering College05.12.20191 YearINPLANT TRAINING,Workshop, FDP,Seminar60ECE,CSE,IT
4Averzs Technologies,Research and DevelopmentKings Engineering College08.11.2019LifeRESEARCH PUBLICATION,WORKSHOP, INTERNSHIP60MECH,ECE,CSE, IT
5CHASE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONSKings Engineering College14.12.20192 YearsINPLANT TRAINING,Workshop, FDP,Seminar,PATENTS & publication60ECE,CSE,IT,
6Vee Eee Technologies Solutions Pvt. Ltd.Kings Engineering College02.11.20193 YearsInternships, Industrial Visits, Research and Development, Skill Development Programme150ECE, MECH,CSE,IT
7Wise source private limitedKings Engineering College22.07.20191 YearPlacement50CSE,IT
8VinbytesKings Engineering College27.06.20192 YearTraining on Programming300CSE,IT
9Zenardy Technologies Pvt LtdKings Engineering College17.07.20192 YearPlacement Training50CSE,IT
10BrainSwig Edutech Private Ltd.Kings Engineering College21.11.20192 yearsWorkshop, Seminar, Special Courses, Internship60CSE,IT
11IF and For EndevoursKings Engineering College23.10.20191 YearWorkshop,Seminar50CSE,IT
12Institute for Engineering Research & PublicationsKings Engineering College11.11.20196 MonthsResearch and Journal Publications50ECE
13Rajalakshmi Engineering CollegeKings Engineering College30.11.20193 YearsFDP, Seminars100ECE, MECH,CSE,IT


S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUs
1DLK TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD12.11.20181 YearINTERNSHIP, Special course120
2Sansbound Solutions11.08.20182 YearIndustrial Visit70
3V3TechServ Delivery Partner of HPE08.06.20181 YearInplant training, Guest Lecturer, Special course160
4Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. Ltd.,05.10.20181 YearFDP60
5Blueball Technologies26.07.20181 YearGuest Lecturer60
6Asictron Control System11.09.20182 YearsSeminar70
7Ajlon Technologies05.12.20181 YearWorkshop50
8SM Micro Systems24.12.20182 YearsFunding45
9New Tech23.10.20181 YearFunding Agency20
11CEE CONS19.08.20182 YearsTraining on Career Development70
12Shardlow India Limited25.01.20192 YearsGuest Lecturer150
13Academy of Skill and Knowledge09.07.20181 YearsInplant Training10
14Wise source private limited21.07.20181 YearsPlacement50
15BrainSwig Edutech Private Ltd.28.11.20181 YearsINTERNSHIP53
16IP RINGS LTD28.09.20183 YearsGuest Lecturer70


S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUs
1Auto Brakes and Ancillaries (p)Ltd11.01.20171 Yearnplant training55
2Mazenet Solutions08.02.20171 YearGuest Lecturer63
3INFANT ENGINEERS PRIVATE LIMITED11.10.20161 YearIndustrial Visit/ Internship/Inplant training60
4Crestcam Manufacturing Systems26.08.20161 YearIndustrial Visit/ Internship/Inplant training45
5Vee Eee Technologies Solution Pvt.Ltd.07.06.20163 YearsINTERNSHIP60
6Sansbound Solutions10.08.20162 YearsTraining on Networking60
7Vinbytes14.06.20161 YearFDP250
8Vetri Software24.06.20161 YearSeminar50
9Sharpsys Software Solutions17.10.20161 YearINTERNSHIP10
10Vee Eee Technologies Solution Pvt.Ltd.23.11.20174 YearsINTERNSHIP, Special course80
11Airpath Wirelessnet Solutions26.12.20162 YearsInplant Training10
12Design Desk (India) Private Limited (DDI)30.11.20162 YearsFDP52
13Zenardy Technologies Pvt Ltd08.07.20161 YearsPlacement Training, Software Skill Development50
14Infogro Technologies24.02.20172 YearsInplant Training20
16GTS TOOL PlAST LLP24.08.20161 YearSeminar50
17C-DAC Chennai27.01.20172 YEARSINTERNSHIP, Guest Lecturer150


S.NoOrganisation with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU DurationList the actual activities under each MOU year wiseNumber of students/teachers participated under MoUs
1KERITH TECHNICAL SERVICES06.09.20171 YearGuest Lecture, Workshop, Seminar, Special Course55
2TRINITY INSTITUTE OF NDTU TECH07.11.20171 YearGuest Lecture, Workshop, Seminar53
3DLK TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD16.10.20171 YearFDP, Workshop, Special Course60
4Chennai AVTEC Limited27.10.20171 YearIndustrial visit, Placement60
6Dax Networks Limited22.06.20172 YearsSeminar on Wireless Sensor Networks48
7Castwel Auto Parts Pvt Ltd.19.08.20171 YearWorkshop20
8PPV Technologies05.07.20171 YearInplant Training10
10Vee Eee Technologies Solution Pvt.Ltd.23.11.20174 YearsINTERNSHIP, Special course80
12BSNL21.10.20173 YearsINTERNSHIP107
13Vinbytes19.06.20172 YearsFDP300
14Zenardy Technologies Pvt Ltd07.08.20172 YearsPlacement Training, Soft Skill Development50
15Techsosys India Pvt Ltd21.07.20172 YearsInplant training20
16Wise source private limited21.06.20171 YearPlacement50
17BESTMACH01.12.2017LIFEINPLANT TRAINING,Workshop, Seminar80


Course File Content
Department Audit Report
Minutes Of Meeting
Students Mentoring System
QP Format
Individual Faculty Profile
Student Achievement Format - From Other Institution
Student Achievement Format - In Kings
AU Exam Result Ananlysis
Academic And Administrative Audit
IQAC Audit Report
Internal Exam Result Analysis