About the Department

The Department of Information Technology was founded in 2006, is associated with Anna University Chennai, and is approved by AICTE New Delhi. The department provides a four-year B.Techprogramme in Information technology within the Anna University curriculum.

It is renowned for its academic brilliance and has done a fantastic job of enabling students to become successful IT professionals and Entrepreneur. In order to facilitate e-learning, the department has state-of-the-art labs, seminar halls, classrooms, and an exclusive department library.

The Department regularly organizes seminars, guest lectures, short-term training programs, Value added courses, Add on courses ,workshops, National level Technical Symposium and conferences for the professional development of both students and faculty within and beyond the institute to enhance academic excellence and promoting continuous growth. Students are involved in various club activities to showcase their talents.


The Vision of department of Information Technology is to inculcate technology in transforming the lives of future generation by fostering the skills necessary to succeed in an increasingly competitive world and to become innovative and reach the unreached in the domain of information technology.


  • Arrow

    To empower students to be successful by developing basic knowledge in Science and Technology to excel in all technical strives.

  • Arrow

    To support in creating environments which encourage exploration, curiosity and creativity.

  • Arrow

    To create an arena in developing excellent managerial skills thereby inclining to articulate effectively and to face the upcoming challenges.

  • Arrow

    To discover new knowledge through innovative research that encourages entrepreneurship and economic development to benefit our global society.

  • Arrow

    To train and educate the graduates for interdisciplinary engineering research and advanced problem solving capabilities.

HOD Message

Dr. Jullie Josphine D C,M.E.,Ph.D.

Professor and Head

It is a pleasure to head the Department of Information Technology at Kings Engineering College. The department has a team of well qualified, experienced and motivated faculty members to prepare the young minds of our students for global competition. Students of IT department are also motivated and ready for IT Industry with hands on experience on current technologies/programming languages. The graduate students of the department regularly appear in the University top positions and mostly working with the core IT companies.Department constantly works for overallgrowth of students and inculcate the qualities/features that are required and acceptable by Society. Faculty/students take initiative for social causes at individual level and as a team under different clubs of the Institute. Turning a student in to a good and proficient citizen is the prime aim of the department.

Faculty List

The faculty members in our department are dedicated to imparting knowledge to students through innovative and advanced practices. Their teaching methods instill fundamental skills in students, preparing them to become adept engineers and technocrats. Our committed faculty fosters an environment conducive to future-oriented technical education. Highly qualified and esteemed faculty members deliver education across various specializations, employing engaging teaching techniques. Academic sessions are enriched with meaningful activities aimed at enhancing overall learning experiences. We take pride in our faculty members whose research and conference papers are indexed by reputable platforms such as Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, and others.

S.No.Name of the Faculty MemberQualificationDesignation
1Dr. JULLIE JOSPHINE D CM.E., Ph.D.Professor
2Dr. KAVITHA VM.E., Ph.D.Associate Professor
3Mrs. RANJANIM.EAssistant Professor
4Mrs. BENITLIN SUBHA KM.EAssistant Professor
5Dr. BRISO BECKY BELL JM.E., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
6Ms. THENMOZHI EM.EAssistant Professor
7Ms. REJEES JENIFA DM.EAssistant Professor
8Mr. MUTHAZHAGAN BM.EAssistant Professor
9Mrs. MEENAKSHI LM.EAssistant Professor
10Ms. RAMYA NM.EAssistant Professor
11Mrs. HEMALATHA DM.EAssistant Professor
12Mrs. DIVYALAKSHMI VM.EAssistant Professor
13Mrs. JEYAMALAR RM.EAssistant Professor
14Ms. JENEFA SHINY SM.EAssistant Professor
15Mrs. ELAKYA RM.EAssistant Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of Solutions
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool usage
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long Learning
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

Have proficiency in programming skills to design, develop and apply appropriate techniques, to solve complex engineering problems.
Have knowledge to build, automate and manage business solutions using cutting edge technologies.
Have excitement towards research in applied computer technologies

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Demonstrate technical competence with analytical and critical thinking to understand and meet the diversified requirements of industry, academia and research.
Exhibit technical leadership, team skills and entrepreneurship skills to provide business solutions to real world problems.
Work in multi-disciplinary industries with social and environmental responsibility, work ethics and adaptability to address complex engineering and social problems.
Pursue lifelong learning, use cutting edge technologies and involve in applied research to design optimal solutions

Academic Schedule

Academic Time Table


Academic Year 2022-2023

  • Arrow
    Enbloc Media(IBC Media)
  • Arrow
    Softrate Technologies Private Limited,
  • Arrow
    Chennai Vernanda Learning
  • Arrow
    Cybernaut Edu-Tech LLP
  • Arrow
    MRL Tech Solutions Private Ltd.
  • Arrow
    UrbanCode Training and Solutions
  • Arrow
    Four Steps Training Solutions Private Ltd.


Regulation 2023
Regulation 2021
Regulation 2017

Infrastructure Facilities


S.No.FacilityCountTotal Area in Sq.m
1Class Rooms3235
2Tutorial Room179
4Smart Class Rooms3235
5Research Labs1165
6HOD's Cabin119
7Department Library138
8Faculty Cabin2178

Class Rooms

  • Arrow
    Our department has sufficient classrooms for conducting lectures and tutorials for the program. There are six lecture classrooms for the program, two lecture classrooms for each year of the program as there are two sections in each year.
  • Arrow
    Classrooms are well ventilated and equipped with fixed Multimedia LCD projector.
  • Arrow
    Our department has tutorial rooms to conduct tutorial sessions for the program.
  • Arrow
    The students of our department are given great exposure towards the industries by conducting Guest Lectures and workshop from industry experts.
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    Department has seminar hall in the college to conduct workshops, seminars and guest lecturers. This seminar hall is equipped with computer systems and Multimedia LCD projector, Internet through free Wi-fi and Uninterrupted Power Supply.
  • Arrow
    The 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students have the separate classrooms for core/electives.

Internet & Wi-Fi Facilities

  • Arrow
    Equipped with 10 Mbps unlimited leased line internetconnection.
  • Arrow
    Wi-Fi enabled campus.


Laboratory is the place where the student can enrich their knowledge and skill in terms of software development. Our department has three computer laboratories with high configuration computers so as to enable our students to gain their knowledge in recent and advanced softwares and tools. Our department computer laboratory is equipped with sufficient number of Intel Core i3 -9th generation 3.0Ghz, 8 Gb DDR3 RAM/1 Tb HDD/18.5” LCD Monitor and required software as per Anna University Syllabus to cater to the academic needs of students.
Data Science and Programming in C LaboratoryINTEL based desktop PC with min. 8GB RAM and 500 GB HDD, 17” or higher TFT Monitor, Keyboard and mouse
Data Structures and Algorithm LaboratoryINTEL based desktop PC with min. 8GB RAM and 500 GB HDD, 17” or higher TFT Monitor, Keyboard and mouse
Full Stack Web Development LaboratoryINTEL based desktop PC with min. 8GB RAM and 500 GB HDD, 17” or higher TFT Monitor, Keyboard and mouse
Mobile Application Development LaboratoryAndroid Studio Windows 10 or higher operating system / Linux Ubuntu 20 or higher
Operating System and DBMS LaboratoryINTEL based desktop PC with min. 8GB RAM and 500 GB HDD, 17” or higher TFT Monitor, Keyboard and mouse
Web Development Laboratory
Web Development Laboratory

Laboratories & Hardware Configuration

S.No.Lab Room NameSpaceNumber of SystemsHardware Configuration
1B11-LAB I79 sq. feet36P IV 2.5 GHz Dual Core 1 GB RAM – DDR2 160 GB SATA HDD 17 inch Monitor Optical Mouse Air condition (A/C)
2A22-Lab VI118 sq. feet36P IV 2.5 GHz Dual Core 1 GB RAM – DDR2 160 GB SATA HDD 17 inch Monitor Optical Mouse Air condition (A/C)
3A23-Lab VII79 sq. feet35P IV 2.5 GHz Dual Core 1 GB RAM – DDR2 160 GB SATA HDD 17 inch Monitor Optical Mouse Air condition (A/C)

Server Configuration

2 DELL Servers with hardware configuration: Intel Xeon E3 1225V3 Processor/ 4Gb DDR3 RAM /1 TB HDD/SLIM DVD-RW w/o, Monitor, keyboard

Teaching Aid

  • Arrow
    The department also has audio and video systems (Multimedia Projectors) with high speed internet connectivity Course related Power Point Presentation (PPT) and video presentation materials of reputed institutions like IIT, NPTEL are available in the department for self-learning and leisure learning.
  • Arrow
    All classrooms are equipped with Blackboard.
  • Arrow
    Classrooms have good ventilation and is well audible.
  • Arrow
    Classrooms have 30 tables with benches to accomodate students.
  • Arrow
    Classrooms are with 4 feet wide door exit for easy emergency escape.
  • Arrow
    10 feet wide and long corridors leading up to staircase is provided at the door exit of the classrooms.The staircases are broader(6 feet wide)for easy and faster movement.
  • Arrow
    Adjoint to the staircases, lift is available with a capacity of 8 persons.

Faculty Room

  • Arrow
    The department has two staff rooms in an area of 848 sq.ft and 410 sq.ft to accommodate the staff members. There is individual staff cabin provided for each faculty member. The department staff room is equipped with system with internet and intercom, Almirahs. Staff rooms are provided PC with internet facility.
  • Arrow
    All staff are provided with lockable table to enable safe custody of books and files.
  • Arrow
    Room is equipped with almirahs for safe custody of files


S.NOCompany Name
1Vee Eee Technologies Solution Pvt. Ltd.,
2V3TechServ Delivery Partner of HPE
3Averzs Technologies,Research and Development
4Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. Ltd.,
5SLN Technologies(Business partner of HCL CDC)
8C-DAC Chennai
11Brain Swig
12Wise Tech source private limited
14Zenardy Technologies Pvt Ltd
14Sansbound Solutions

Workshops & Conferences

Two days workshop on “Data Science with Machine Learning” is going to be conducted for IInd year students of IT on 29.04.2024 and 30.04.2024

SCOPUS Indexed IEEE Conference

  • ArrowM.Robinson Joel, Prince Immanuel J, Using machine learning methods in conjunction with image processing, looking at the makeup of leaves, and diagnosing diseases, International Conference on Innovations and Advances in Cognitive Systems, ICIACS 2024, 27-28, May 2024, Builders Engineering College, Kangayam, India( Springer - Information Systems Engineering and Management)
  • ArrowMilcahBlessy, G. Manikandan and M. Robinson Joel, "Blockchain Technology’s Role in an Electronic Voting System for Developing Countries to Produce Better Results," 2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 283-287, Swetha V, Swathi C, Ramya R, Using machine learning and pattern analysis to classify web directory users based on their browsing history , NATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023), 3 May 2023
The following students presented paper in National Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (NC-STEM 2023) on 3 May 2023 at LOYOLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Chennai.
  • Arrow

    Sam Ruban S, Simeon Daniel S, Jayakanth D, Saran BMachine learning-based advanced strategy for effective agricultural productionNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

  • Arrow

    Muthusupriya B, Karunya A, Kasthuri T, Kowsalya BFuture of BlockchainNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

  • Arrow

    E. Serin, M. Venkateshwari, Preetika SArtificial intelligence-based drought monitoring, appraisal, and forecasting in developing countriesNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

  • Arrow

    A. Sabari Jothi, J. Siva Jeyanthi, N. VanmathiTo predict the development of Alzheimer's disease using machine learning on MRI brain imagesNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

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    Kiruthika K, Milcah Blessy I, Kowsalya MUsing machine learning to analyse and understand consumer evaluations of goods and servicesNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

  • Arrow

    Gowri D, Joice Evangilin N, Mathumitha SUtilising a Machine Learning Algorithm for Weather PredictionNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

  • Arrow

    Jonas Immanuvel J, Sridharun S, Ragul A, Saran MMachine Learning Algorithms using Real-Time Data for predicting home pricesNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

  • Arrow

    Varsha M, Swapna S, Poovarasi BFace Recognition Based Attendance System using Machine LearningNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

Students' Achievements

student achivements
Students of IIIrd year IT participated in Smart India Hackathon Grand Finale 2023 held on 19.12.2023 and 20.12.2023 at QIS College of Engineering, Ongole.

University Rank Holder

rank holder

Faculty Team Achievements

rank holder
Mrs. BenitlinSubha, Assistant Professor Department of Information Technology who scored highest mark LaTeX test on 24.05.2023 organized at KINGS ENGINEERING COLLEGE, provided by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.
rank holder
Mrs. K. Saranya, Assistant Professor Department of Information Technology, Resource Person of The Seminar on "Web Application Vulnerabilities and security" at JeppiaarInstitute of Technology held on 3rd of May 2023.

Funded Projects 2022-2023

Name of the Project/ Endowments, ChairsName of the Principal Investigator/Co- investivatorYear of AwardAmount SanctionedDuration of the projectName of the Funding Agency
Knowledge Discovery in Data of Prostate CancerDr. G. Manikandan2022-202327000012 monthsNIDHI_PRAYAS
Efficient Design of a Metal Detector Equipped Robotic Vehicle for Blind PeopleDr. G. Manikandan2022-2023620010 weeksTNSCST
Automatic Salt Segmentation in Python using DLDr. P. Shanthakumar2022-202321700012 monthsNIDHI_PRAYAS
Utilising Python and OpenCV, a Facial RecognitionDr. Robinson Joel2022-202340000012 monthsMeitY
Smart Planning In Solid Waste Management For a Sustainable Smart CityDr. Robinson Joel2022-2023934010 weeksTNSCST


Faculties recognized with Cash Prizes for producing Good results in Anna University Exams.

YearNo of Faculty

Faculties recognized with Cash Prizes for Journal Publication / National / International Paper Presentation

YearNo of Faculty

Faculties recognized with Cash Prizes for producing Good results in Anna University Exams

YearNo of Faculty

Internships/Industrial Visits

student achivements
Industrial Visit to B M Birla Planetarium, Koturpuram, Chennai along with 180 students of IInd& III rd Year IT on 15-02-2023.


Our students are recruited through campus placement by various companies as follows
Abarna m
Abarna m
Palle Technologies
Abarna m
Abarna m
Palle Technologies
Abitha afrin.a
Abitha afrin.a
Jilaba Software
Bharath r k
Bharath r k
Palle Technologies
R.bharath kumar
R.bharath kumar
Eunice libertina b
Eunice libertina b
Feba elizabeth mathew
Feba elizabeth mathew
P.gobiha hind
P.gobiha hind
Jilaba Software
Dinesh k
Dinesh k
Dharani m
Dharani m
Kirba sankar k
Kirba sankar k
Omega Health Care
Harish k
Harish k
Omega Health Care
Jinu johnson
Jinu johnson
Nishanthi r
Nishanthi r
Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd
Gokulaselvam r
Gokulaselvam r
Mohammed kaif h
Mohammed kaif h
Palle Technologies
Vinitha s
Vinitha s

Research & Development

Research and Development cell in our department facilitates and motivate research culture among faculties and students and it is the foundation of scholastics. Each discovering gives massive joy and increases eagerness towards accomplishing objective.

The Research and Development Cell means to support research culture in the College by advancing research in recently emerging and challenging domains of Engineering, Technology, Science and Humanities. This improves the general research capacity of sprouting technocrats by method of taking an interest in meetings, courses, workshops, venture rivalry, and so forth.

Significant Goals/Objective of R and D Cell
  • Arrow
    To advance research exercises in frontline and recent areas of science and Technology
  • Arrow
    To upgrade the research yield of the foundation by research paper publication in scopeus indexed journals and national / international conferences.
  • Arrow
    To support Core Competence and Consultancy work
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    To arrange different workshops/course/trainings identified with advancement of researc
  • Arrow
    To make mindfulness about filling Patents and IPR Powerful administration Ph.D. Program

Professional Bodies

A Professional Body is an organization with individual members practicing a profession or occupation in which the organization maintains an oversight of the knowledge, skills, conduct and practice of that profession or occupation. Further a professional society seeks to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals engaged in that profession and the student interest. The department of Information Technology is associated with Compute Society of India (CSI), Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and ICT Academy.

CSI Student Chapter- was inaugurated By Mr. Y. Kathiresan, Consultant - Computer Society of India on 23.09.2015

About the Department

The Department of Information Technology was founded in 2006, is associated with Anna University Chennai, and is approved by AICTE New Delhi. The department provides a four-year B.Techprogramme in Information technology within the Anna University curriculum.

It is renowned for its academic brilliance and has done a fantastic job of enabling students to become successful IT professionals and Entrepreneur. In order to facilitate e-learning, the department has state-of-the-art labs, seminar halls, classrooms, and an exclusive department library.

The Department regularly organizes seminars, guest lectures, short-term training programs, Value added courses, Add on courses ,workshops, National level Technical Symposium and conferences for the professional development of both students and faculty within and beyond the institute to enhance academic excellence and promoting continuous growth. Students are involved in various club activities to showcase their talents.


The Vision of department of Information Technology is to inculcate technology in transforming the lives of future generation by fostering the skills necessary to succeed in an increasingly competitive world and to become innovative and reach the unreached in the domain of information technology.


  • Arrow

    To empower students to be successful by developing basic knowledge in Science and Technology to excel in all technical strives.

  • Arrow

    To support in creating environments which encourage exploration, curiosity and creativity.

  • Arrow

    To create an arena in developing excellent managerial skills thereby inclining to articulate effectively and to face the upcoming challenges.

  • Arrow

    To discover new knowledge through innovative research that encourages entrepreneurship and economic development to benefit our global society.

  • Arrow

    To train and educate the graduates for interdisciplinary engineering research and advanced problem solving capabilities.

HOD Message

Dr. Jullie Josphine D C,M.E.,Ph.D.

Professor and Head

It is a pleasure to head the Department of Information Technology at Kings Engineering College. The department has a team of well qualified, experienced and motivated faculty members to prepare the young minds of our students for global competition. Students of IT department are also motivated and ready for IT Industry with hands on experience on current technologies/programming languages. The graduate students of the department regularly appear in the University top positions and mostly working with the core IT companies.Department constantly works for overallgrowth of students and inculcate the qualities/features that are required and acceptable by Society. Faculty/students take initiative for social causes at individual level and as a team under different clubs of the Institute. Turning a student in to a good and proficient citizen is the prime aim of the department.

Faculty List

The faculty members in our department are dedicated to imparting knowledge to students through innovative and advanced practices. Their teaching methods instill fundamental skills in students, preparing them to become adept engineers and technocrats. Our committed faculty fosters an environment conducive to future-oriented technical education. Highly qualified and esteemed faculty members deliver education across various specializations, employing engaging teaching techniques. Academic sessions are enriched with meaningful activities aimed at enhancing overall learning experiences. We take pride in our faculty members whose research and conference papers are indexed by reputable platforms such as Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, and others.

S.No.Name of the Faculty MemberQualificationDesignation
1Dr. JULLIE JOSPHINE D CM.E., Ph.D.Professor
2Dr. KAVITHA VM.E., Ph.D.Associate Professor
3Mrs. RANJANIM.EAssistant Professor
4Mrs. BENITLIN SUBHA KM.EAssistant Professor
5Dr. BRISO BECKY BELL JM.E., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
6Ms. THENMOZHI EM.EAssistant Professor
7Ms. REJEES JENIFA DM.EAssistant Professor
8Mr. MUTHAZHAGAN BM.EAssistant Professor
9Mrs. MEENAKSHI LM.EAssistant Professor
10Ms. RAMYA NM.EAssistant Professor
11Mrs. HEMALATHA DM.EAssistant Professor
12Mrs. DIVYALAKSHMI VM.EAssistant Professor
13Mrs. JEYAMALAR RM.EAssistant Professor
14Ms. JENEFA SHINY SM.EAssistant Professor
15Mrs. ELAKYA RM.EAssistant Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of Solutions
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool usage
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long Learning
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

Have proficiency in programming skills to design, develop and apply appropriate techniques, to solve complex engineering problems.
Have knowledge to build, automate and manage business solutions using cutting edge technologies.
Have excitement towards research in applied computer technologies

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Demonstrate technical competence with analytical and critical thinking to understand and meet the diversified requirements of industry, academia and research.
Exhibit technical leadership, team skills and entrepreneurship skills to provide business solutions to real world problems.
Work in multi-disciplinary industries with social and environmental responsibility, work ethics and adaptability to address complex engineering and social problems.
Pursue lifelong learning, use cutting edge technologies and involve in applied research to design optimal solutions

Academic Schedule

Academic Time Table


Academic Year 2022-2023

  • Arrow
    Enbloc Media(IBC Media)
  • Arrow
    Softrate Technologies Private Limited,
  • Arrow
    Chennai Vernanda Learning
  • Arrow
    Cybernaut Edu-Tech LLP
  • Arrow
    MRL Tech Solutions Private Ltd.
  • Arrow
    UrbanCode Training and Solutions
  • Arrow
    Four Steps Training Solutions Private Ltd.


Regulation 2023
Regulation 2021
Regulation 2017

Infrastructure Facilities


S.No.FacilityCountTotal Area in Sq.m
1Class Rooms3235
2Tutorial Room179
4Smart Class Rooms3235
5Research Labs1165
6HOD's Cabin119
7Department Library138
8Faculty Cabin2178

Class Rooms

  • Arrow
    Our department has sufficient classrooms for conducting lectures and tutorials for the program. There are six lecture classrooms for the program, two lecture classrooms for each year of the program as there are two sections in each year.
  • Arrow
    Classrooms are well ventilated and equipped with fixed Multimedia LCD projector.
  • Arrow
    Our department has tutorial rooms to conduct tutorial sessions for the program.
  • Arrow
    The students of our department are given great exposure towards the industries by conducting Guest Lectures and workshop from industry experts.
  • Arrow
    Department has seminar hall in the college to conduct workshops, seminars and guest lecturers. This seminar hall is equipped with computer systems and Multimedia LCD projector, Internet through free Wi-fi and Uninterrupted Power Supply.
  • Arrow
    The 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students have the separate classrooms for core/electives.

Internet & Wi-Fi Facilities

  • Arrow
    Equipped with 10 Mbps unlimited leased line internetconnection.
  • Arrow
    Wi-Fi enabled campus.


Laboratory is the place where the student can enrich their knowledge and skill in terms of software development. Our department has three computer laboratories with high configuration computers so as to enable our students to gain their knowledge in recent and advanced softwares and tools. Our department computer laboratory is equipped with sufficient number of Intel Core i3 -9th generation 3.0Ghz, 8 Gb DDR3 RAM/1 Tb HDD/18.5” LCD Monitor and required software as per Anna University Syllabus to cater to the academic needs of students.
Data Science and Programming in C LaboratoryINTEL based desktop PC with min. 8GB RAM and 500 GB HDD, 17” or higher TFT Monitor, Keyboard and mouse
Data Structures and Algorithm LaboratoryINTEL based desktop PC with min. 8GB RAM and 500 GB HDD, 17” or higher TFT Monitor, Keyboard and mouse
Full Stack Web Development LaboratoryINTEL based desktop PC with min. 8GB RAM and 500 GB HDD, 17” or higher TFT Monitor, Keyboard and mouse
Mobile Application Development LaboratoryAndroid Studio Windows 10 or higher operating system / Linux Ubuntu 20 or higher
Operating System and DBMS LaboratoryINTEL based desktop PC with min. 8GB RAM and 500 GB HDD, 17” or higher TFT Monitor, Keyboard and mouse
Web Development Laboratory
Web Development Laboratory

Laboratories & Hardware Configuration

S.No.Lab Room NameSpaceNumber of SystemsHardware Configuration
1B11-LAB I79 sq. feet36P IV 2.5 GHz Dual Core 1 GB RAM – DDR2 160 GB SATA HDD 17 inch Monitor Optical Mouse Air condition (A/C)
2A22-Lab VI118 sq. feet36P IV 2.5 GHz Dual Core 1 GB RAM – DDR2 160 GB SATA HDD 17 inch Monitor Optical Mouse Air condition (A/C)
3A23-Lab VII79 sq. feet35P IV 2.5 GHz Dual Core 1 GB RAM – DDR2 160 GB SATA HDD 17 inch Monitor Optical Mouse Air condition (A/C)

Server Configuration

2 DELL Servers with hardware configuration: Intel Xeon E3 1225V3 Processor/ 4Gb DDR3 RAM /1 TB HDD/SLIM DVD-RW w/o, Monitor, keyboard

Teaching Aid

  • Arrow
    The department also has audio and video systems (Multimedia Projectors) with high speed internet connectivity Course related Power Point Presentation (PPT) and video presentation materials of reputed institutions like IIT, NPTEL are available in the department for self-learning and leisure learning.
  • Arrow
    All classrooms are equipped with Blackboard.
  • Arrow
    Classrooms have good ventilation and is well audible.
  • Arrow
    Classrooms have 30 tables with benches to accomodate students.
  • Arrow
    Classrooms are with 4 feet wide door exit for easy emergency escape.
  • Arrow
    10 feet wide and long corridors leading up to staircase is provided at the door exit of the classrooms.The staircases are broader(6 feet wide)for easy and faster movement.
  • Arrow
    Adjoint to the staircases, lift is available with a capacity of 8 persons.

Faculty Room

  • Arrow
    The department has two staff rooms in an area of 848 sq.ft and 410 sq.ft to accommodate the staff members. There is individual staff cabin provided for each faculty member. The department staff room is equipped with system with internet and intercom, Almirahs. Staff rooms are provided PC with internet facility.
  • Arrow
    All staff are provided with lockable table to enable safe custody of books and files.
  • Arrow
    Room is equipped with almirahs for safe custody of files


S.NOCompany Name
1Vee Eee Technologies Solution Pvt. Ltd.,
2V3TechServ Delivery Partner of HPE
3Averzs Technologies,Research and Development
4Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. Ltd.,
5SLN Technologies(Business partner of HCL CDC)
8C-DAC Chennai
11Brain Swig
12Wise Tech source private limited
14Zenardy Technologies Pvt Ltd
14Sansbound Solutions

Workshops & Conferences

Two days workshop on “Data Science with Machine Learning” is going to be conducted for IInd year students of IT on 29.04.2024 and 30.04.2024

SCOPUS Indexed IEEE Conference

  • ArrowM.Robinson Joel, Prince Immanuel J, Using machine learning methods in conjunction with image processing, looking at the makeup of leaves, and diagnosing diseases, International Conference on Innovations and Advances in Cognitive Systems, ICIACS 2024, 27-28, May 2024, Builders Engineering College, Kangayam, India( Springer - Information Systems Engineering and Management)
  • ArrowMilcahBlessy, G. Manikandan and M. Robinson Joel, "Blockchain Technology’s Role in an Electronic Voting System for Developing Countries to Produce Better Results," 2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 283-287, Swetha V, Swathi C, Ramya R, Using machine learning and pattern analysis to classify web directory users based on their browsing history , NATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023), 3 May 2023
The following students presented paper in National Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (NC-STEM 2023) on 3 May 2023 at LOYOLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Chennai.
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    Sam Ruban S, Simeon Daniel S, Jayakanth D, Saran BMachine learning-based advanced strategy for effective agricultural productionNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

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    Muthusupriya B, Karunya A, Kasthuri T, Kowsalya BFuture of BlockchainNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

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    E. Serin, M. Venkateshwari, Preetika SArtificial intelligence-based drought monitoring, appraisal, and forecasting in developing countriesNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

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    A. Sabari Jothi, J. Siva Jeyanthi, N. VanmathiTo predict the development of Alzheimer's disease using machine learning on MRI brain imagesNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

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    Kiruthika K, Milcah Blessy I, Kowsalya MUsing machine learning to analyse and understand consumer evaluations of goods and servicesNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

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    Gowri D, Joice Evangilin N, Mathumitha SUtilising a Machine Learning Algorithm for Weather PredictionNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

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    Jonas Immanuvel J, Sridharun S, Ragul A, Saran MMachine Learning Algorithms using Real-Time Data for predicting home pricesNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

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    Varsha M, Swapna S, Poovarasi BFace Recognition Based Attendance System using Machine LearningNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (NC-STEm 2023)3 May 2023

Students' Achievements

student achivements
Students of IIIrd year IT participated in Smart India Hackathon Grand Finale 2023 held on 19.12.2023 and 20.12.2023 at QIS College of Engineering, Ongole.

University Rank Holder

rank holder

Faculty Team Achievements

rank holder
Mrs. BenitlinSubha, Assistant Professor Department of Information Technology who scored highest mark LaTeX test on 24.05.2023 organized at KINGS ENGINEERING COLLEGE, provided by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.
rank holder
Mrs. K. Saranya, Assistant Professor Department of Information Technology, Resource Person of The Seminar on "Web Application Vulnerabilities and security" at JeppiaarInstitute of Technology held on 3rd of May 2023.

Funded Projects 2022-2023

Name of the Project/ Endowments, ChairsName of the Principal Investigator/Co- investivatorYear of AwardAmount SanctionedDuration of the projectName of the Funding Agency
Knowledge Discovery in Data of Prostate CancerDr. G. Manikandan2022-202327000012 monthsNIDHI_PRAYAS
Efficient Design of a Metal Detector Equipped Robotic Vehicle for Blind PeopleDr. G. Manikandan2022-2023620010 weeksTNSCST
Automatic Salt Segmentation in Python using DLDr. P. Shanthakumar2022-202321700012 monthsNIDHI_PRAYAS
Utilising Python and OpenCV, a Facial RecognitionDr. Robinson Joel2022-202340000012 monthsMeitY
Smart Planning In Solid Waste Management For a Sustainable Smart CityDr. Robinson Joel2022-2023934010 weeksTNSCST


Faculties recognized with Cash Prizes for producing Good results in Anna University Exams.

YearNo of Faculty

Faculties recognized with Cash Prizes for Journal Publication / National / International Paper Presentation

YearNo of Faculty

Faculties recognized with Cash Prizes for producing Good results in Anna University Exams

YearNo of Faculty

Internships/Industrial Visits

student achivements
Industrial Visit to B M Birla Planetarium, Koturpuram, Chennai along with 180 students of IInd& III rd Year IT on 15-02-2023.


Our students are recruited through campus placement by various companies as follows
Abarna m
Abarna m
Palle Technologies
Abarna m
Abarna m
Palle Technologies
Abitha afrin.a
Abitha afrin.a
Jilaba Software
Bharath r k
Bharath r k
Palle Technologies
R.bharath kumar
R.bharath kumar
Eunice libertina b
Eunice libertina b
Feba elizabeth mathew
Feba elizabeth mathew
P.gobiha hind
P.gobiha hind
Jilaba Software
Dinesh k
Dinesh k
Dharani m
Dharani m
Kirba sankar k
Kirba sankar k
Omega Health Care
Harish k
Harish k
Omega Health Care
Jinu johnson
Jinu johnson
Nishanthi r
Nishanthi r
Wipro Infrastructure Pvt Ltd
Gokulaselvam r
Gokulaselvam r
Mohammed kaif h
Mohammed kaif h
Palle Technologies
Vinitha s
Vinitha s

Research & Development

Research and Development cell in our department facilitates and motivate research culture among faculties and students and it is the foundation of scholastics. Each discovering gives massive joy and increases eagerness towards accomplishing objective.

The Research and Development Cell means to support research culture in the College by advancing research in recently emerging and challenging domains of Engineering, Technology, Science and Humanities. This improves the general research capacity of sprouting technocrats by method of taking an interest in meetings, courses, workshops, venture rivalry, and so forth.

Significant Goals/Objective of R and D Cell
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    To advance research exercises in frontline and recent areas of science and Technology
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    To upgrade the research yield of the foundation by research paper publication in scopeus indexed journals and national / international conferences.
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    To support Core Competence and Consultancy work
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    To arrange different workshops/course/trainings identified with advancement of researc
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    To make mindfulness about filling Patents and IPR Powerful administration Ph.D. Program

Professional Bodies

A Professional Body is an organization with individual members practicing a profession or occupation in which the organization maintains an oversight of the knowledge, skills, conduct and practice of that profession or occupation. Further a professional society seeks to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals engaged in that profession and the student interest. The department of Information Technology is associated with Compute Society of India (CSI), Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and ICT Academy.

CSI Student Chapter- was inaugurated By Mr. Y. Kathiresan, Consultant - Computer Society of India on 23.09.2015