About the Department

The Department of Electronics and Communication came into existence in the year 2001. The Department has highly qualified and motivated academic faculty members. Among them, ten faculty members are with Ph.D., having extensive teaching / research experience and have several International / National Journals and Conference publications to their credit. Four faculty members received recognized supervisor-ship from Anna University. Seven faculty members have registered for Doctoral programmes in various fields of Electronics and communication Engineering.

The facilities encourage students to have hands-on training on Modern Engineering Tools. The department regularly organizes seminars, guest lectures, short-term training programs, workshops, National level Technical Symposium and conferences for the professional development of both students and faculty within and beyond the institute to enhance academic excellence and promote continuous growth.


Achieve excellence in Electronics and communication Engineering by imbibing creativity, innovation, and competitiveness among students to excel in their professional accomplishment.


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    Inculcate creativity among students in problem-solving, design, and technical progress in basic science, engineering and electronics and communication engineering.

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    Kindle student's innovative and creative capability to develop design concepts thereby advance technically in the field of Electronics and communication Engineering.

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    Imbibe innovation among students through a blend of academic, industrial skill development, and interaction.

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    Enhance student's competitiveness through lifelong learning and adapting to current trends of the industrial, higher education and research needs.

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    Through right ethical, moral and social responsibility mould student's professional career success.

HOD Message

Dr. V. Ravichandran, M.E.,Ph.D.

Professor and Head

As the head of the Electronics and Communication Engineering department, Kings Engineering College. I am filled with pride and excitement for the journey that lies ahead. Our field is not just about circuits and signals; it's about connecting the world, transforming lives, and shaping the future. Each of you, as aspiring engineers, holds within yourselves the power to revolutionize how we interact, how we communicate, and how we perceive the world around us.

Faculty List
S.NoName of the Faculty MemberQualificationDesignation
1Dr.C.Ramesh Babu DuraiM.E., Ph.D.Principal
2Dr.V. RavichandanM.E., Ph.D.Professor & Head
3Dr.A.ThenmozhiM.E., Ph.D.Professor
4Dr.C.John Clement SinghM.E., Ph.D.Professor
5Dr A.Senthil KumarM.E., Ph.D.Professor
6Dr.S.LekashriM.E., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
7Dr.V.KavithaM.E., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
8Dr.A.N.DuraivelM.E., Ph.D.Associate Professor
9Dr.S.Bestley JoeM.E., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
10Mrs.A.SaralaM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
11Mrs.A.SumathiM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
12Mr.S.MuthupandianM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
13Mrs. A. Divya JebaseeliM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
14Mrs. D.MadhivadhaniM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
15Ms.J Lily Sharon GraceM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
16Mr. I. John .R.DinakaranM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
17Mr.Raj KamalM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of Solutions
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool usage
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long Learning
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

To analyze, design and develop solutions by applying foundational concepts of electronics and communication engineering.
To apply design principles and best practices for developing quality products for scientific and business applications.
To adapt to emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) to innovate ideas and solutions to existing/novel problems.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

To enable graduates to pursue research, or have a successful career in academia or industries associated with Electronics and Communication Engineering, or as entrepreneurs
To provide students with strong foundational concepts and also advanced techniques and tools in order to enable them to build solutions or systems of varying complexity.
To prepare students to critically analyze existing literature in an area of specialization and ethically develop innovative and research-oriented methodologies to solve the Problems identified.

Academic Time Table

Time Table

Award of Degree & Division

University Rank Holders

University Rank Holder
University Rank Holder
University Rank Holder
University Rank Holder
University Rank Holder

Infrastructure Facilities

Class rooms
HOD Room
Staff room with partition
Department Library
Seminar Hall
S.NoFacilityCountTotal Area in Sq.m
1Class Rooms6 461
2Tutorial Room1 77
3Labs 9 995
4Smart Class Rooms6 461
5Auditorium / Seminar hall1 397
6 Research Lab1 165
7HOD'S cabin 1 38
8Department library1 38
9Faculty Cabin21 63
10Counseling room1 38
11e yantra lab1113
12 Rest Room3120

Department Library

“Libraries are reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminders of order, calm and continuity, lakes of mental energy, neither warm nor cold, light nor dark. The pleasure they give is steady, unorgastic, reliable, deep and long-lasting"

-Germaine Greer

The Department Library occupies a unique place in academic and research activities of the Department. It is the most important central facility provided by the Institute. The Library was started in July 2001 with around 300 volumes, now it has around 600 volumes. The Library maintains an excellent collection of data books, occasional papers and other documents/materials. The Library has a well equipped facility for reading. This library is accessible to the faculty and students. The Faculty members and the students routinely visit and read the books.

Funded Projects

S.NoProject TitleSponsored ByAmt SponsoredYearFaculty Coordinator
1Rescuing the Child From Bore Well Using Robotic ArmTNSCSTRs. 7500/-2019-2020Dr.S.Lekashri
2Transmission Line Multiple Fault DetectionTNSCSTRs. 7500/-2021-2022Dr.C.Rajarajachozhan
3Polythene Cover Recycling and Remarking Handicrafts Using Reverse Vending MachineTNSCSTRs. 7500/-2022-2023Mrs.A.Divya Jebaseeli
4Food Processing in Transportation using Phase change Material (PCM) TechnologyMSMERs.15 Lakhs2022-2023Dr.S.Lekashri
5Hydroponics Monitoring SystemMSMERs.4 Lakhs2023-2024Dr.S.Lekashri

Workshop & Conferences

Cadence Software Workshop

Our department had conducted “CADENCE SOFTWARE” workshop for both students and faculties. The workshop was very useful for the students and shared knowledge with Resource person.


VLSI Design using LT SPICE Workshop

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IETE organized One day hands on workshop on “VLSI DESIGN Using LT SPICE” by the resource person Dr.S.Ravi, Associate Professor, VIT-Vellore, on 17-11-2023 at King Engineering College. Students gained good knowledge on VLSI Circuits design using LT SPICE and Understand various issues under various technologies such as 180nm, 90nm,45nm etc.,


List of Workshop & Conferences

S.NoNameEvent titleDatePlace
1 Dr.V.Ravichandran Two days workshop on VLSI Design using Cadence software29-01-24 & 30-01-24Kings Engineering College
2 Dr.V.Ravichandran“Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023)26.04.23 Kings Engineering College
3Dr.V.Ravichandran International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing and Communication 23-03-2024 SIMATS, Chettipedu, Chennai.
4 Dr.A.ThenmozhiTwo days workshop on VLSI Design using Cadence software 29-01-24&30-01-24 Kings Engineering College
5Dr.A.Thenmozhi “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering College
6Dr.C.John Clement Singh Two days workshop on VLSI Design using Cadence software 29-01-24&30-01-24Kings Engineering College
7Dr.C.John Clement Singh “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023)26.04.23 Kings Engineering College
8 Dr.A.Senthilkumar “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023)26th April 2023 Kings Engineering College
9Dr.A.N.Duraivel International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICRTCCE-2023)17-03-2023 SIMATS, Chettipedu, Chennai.
10 Dr.A.N.Duraivel7th National Conference – SILICON’23 27-02-2023 Dr.M.G.R educational and Research Institute.
11 Dr.A.N.Duraivel International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICRTCCE-2023)17-03-2023 SIMATS, Chettipedu, Chennai.
12 Mr.S.Muthupandian “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering college
13 Dr.S.Lekashri International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICRTCCE-2023) 17-03-2023 SIMATS, Chettipedu, Chennai.
14 Dr.Rajarajachozhan “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering college
15 Mrs.A.Sarala “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering college
16 Mrs.A.Sarala “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering college
17 Dr.A.N.DuraivelNational Level Workshop on “Research Perspective on Full Custom & Semi Custom Design using Cadence EDA”24.08.2023 & 25.08.2023S.A. Engineering College
18 Dr.A.N.Duraivel International Conference on “Transforming Engineering Systems for Sustainability-TESS-2023”29.11.2023 & 30.11.2023 Hindustan College of Engineering & Technology & Institute of Technology
19 Mrs. A. SumathiInternational Conference on “Transforming Engineering Systems for Sustainability-TESS-2023” 29.11.2023 & 30.11.2023 Hindustan College of Engineering & Technology & Institute of Technology
20 Mrs. A. Sumathi “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering college
21 Dr. Bestley Joe S Two days workshop on VLSI Design using Cadence software 29-01-24&30-01-24 Kings Engineering college
22 Dr. Bestley Joe S “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering college
23 Dr.C.Rajaraja Chozhan National Level Workshop on “ Research Perspective on Full Custom & Semi Custom Design using Cadence EDA” 24.08.2023 & 25.08.2023S.A. Engineering College
24 Mrs.Divya Jebaseeli A 2023 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials(ICAPSM 2023) 17 - 18, August 2023 KPR Institute of Engineering & Technology
25 Mrs.Divya Jebaseeli A “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26th April 2023 Kings Engineering College Organized
26 Mrs.Divya Jebaseeli A International Virtual Conference on Research Innovation in Science,Engineering and Technology (IVCRISET 2022)1st and 2nd March 2022 Kings Engineering College
27 Mrs.D.Madhivadhani Two days workshop on VLSI Design using Cadence software29-01-24 & 30-01-24Kings Engineering College
28 Mrs.D.Madhivadhani “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23Kings Engineering College
29 Mr. Sheejin “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering College
30 Mrs. Lily Sharon Grace Two days workshop on VLSI Design using Cadence software 29-01-24 & 30-01-24 Kings Engineering College
31 Mrs. Lily Sharon Grace “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering College

Faculty Team Achievements

Four of our faculty members received recognized supervisorship from Anna University. Achieving recognized supervisorship from a prestigious institution like Anna University is a testament to the expertise and dedication of our department faculty. It reflects their commitment to mentoring and guiding students in their academic and research endeavors.

S.NoSupervisor NameDesignationDepartmentSupervisor Reference No.
3Dr.C.RajarajachozhanAssistant ProfessorECE4290025
4Dr.A.N.DuraivelAssistant ProfessorECE4190049
Appreciation certificate
ECE department faculty Dr.A.N.Duraivel got Discipline Star Award from IIT Madras during Jan-Apr 2023.

Students' Achievements

Secured First Place with cash price of Rs.7000/-.
ECE department III year students R.Eshwar, E.Kamesh, V.Manipradeep and N.Ismail were participated and demonstrated the project titled, “ Miniature model of autonomous vehicle using Arduino UNO” in the event of, “ Euphoria – Electro maker” in Kalasalingam University, Srivilliputtur and won First place with cash price of Rs.7000/-.held on 27-03-2024.

Research & Development

S.NoAuthor NameResearch TitleYearDOI/Link
1 Dr.A.N.DURAIVELComputational Framework For Prediction Of Cardiac Disorders By Analyzing Ecg Signals Using Machine Learning Technique2024click hereRead more
2 Dr.S.Lekashri An efficient reconfigurable FIR filter design with coefficient optimization using a modified bacterial foraging optimization algorithm 2024 click hereRead more
3 Dr.A.N.DURAIVEL An efficient reconfigurable FIR filter design with coefficient optimization using a modified bacterial foraging optimization algorithm2024click hereRead more
4 Dr.S.Lekashri Computational Framework For Prediction Of Cardiac Disorders By Analyzing Ecg Signals Using Machine Learning Technique Dr2024 click hereRead more
5 Dr.C.John Clement Singh An overview of prominent factors influencing the photocatalytic degradation of cationic crystal violet dye employing diverse nanostructured materials 2024 click hereRead more
6 Mrs.Madhivadhani HRSHO: A hybrid rain optimized spotted hyena optimizer for efficient feature selection in CNN-based sinusitis classification 2024 click hereRead more
7 Dr.A.N.DURAIVEL Computational Framework For Prediction Of Cardiac Disorders By Analyzing Ecg Signals Using Machine Learning Technique Dr 2024 click hereRead more
8Dr.A.Senthilkumar Elliptic curve cryptography based key management and flexible authentication scheme for 5G wireless networks 2023 click hereRead more
9 Dr.S.LekashriPartial Dynamic reconfiguration and task sceduling framework for FPGA: A survey with concepts, constraints and trends 2023 click hereRead more
10 Dr.S.Lekashri Effective task scheduling based on interactive autodidactic school algorithm for cloud computing 2023 click hereRead more
11 Dr.S.Lekashri Adaptive real-time reconfiguration gate scheduling scheme using time perceptive stream 2023 click hereRead more
12 Dr.C.John Clement Singh Effect of Sn doping on the structural, photoluminescence, ultraviolet filtering and anti bacterial activity of ZnO nanorods.2023 click hereRead more
13 Dr.A.SenthilkumarCluster and angular based energy proficient trusted routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc network 2022 click hereRead more
14 Dr A.Thenmozhi Preparation And Characterization On Zirconium Nanomaterial Thin Films 2022 -
15 Dr.S.Lekashri Preparation and characterization on zirconium nanomaterial thin films 2022 -
16 Mr.S.Muthupandian Modelling of wind energy conversion system with variable load and variable source 2022click hereRead more
17 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Congestion free channel allocation for high traffic using MAC in WSN 2022 click hereRead more
18 Dr.S.Lekashri FPGA based Silicon on Chip using Flexible Digital Pre-Distortion for Software Defined Radio Transceiver 2022 -
19 Dr.A.N.Duraivel FPGA based Silicon on Chip using Flexible Digital Pre-Distortion for Software Defined Radio Transceiver 2022 -
20 Dr.S.Bestley Joe FPGA based Silicon on Chip using Flexible Digital Pre-Distortion for Software Defined Radio Transceiver 2022 -
21Dr.Rajarajachozhan A Complete Analytical Model for Nanoscale Semiconductor-On-Insulator MOSFET2022 -
22 Dr A.Thenmozhi Study of Polymer matrix composites for electronics applications 2022 click hereRead more
23 Dr.D.RavikumarInternet Security Protocol for Secure Data Transmission using OSPF and BGP2022 -
24 Dr.Ravikumar D Internet Security Protocol for Secure Data Transmission using OSPF and BGP2022-
25 Dr.Ravikumar D ResNet-50 based Deep Neural Network using Transfer Learning for Brain Tumor Classification 2022 click hereRead more
26 Dr.Ravikumar D Wideband Microwave Head Imaging System to Detect Subdural Hematoma Brain Injury 2022click hereRead more
27 Dr.Ravikumar D FMNet: A Novel Hybrid Face Mask Detection using Deep Learning 2022 click hereRead more
28 Dr.Ravikumar D Pipeline Recognition in Side Scan Sonar Image Using Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) 2022 click hereRead more
29 A Senthil Kumar Dynamic Key Management based ACO Routing for Wireless sensor Networks2022-
30 Dr.A.N.DURAIVEL “Corona Disinfection Robot by Using Uvc Technology” 2022 -
31 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Nutrients and Temperature Analysis using Iot2022ISSN:0970-2555
32 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Lifetime Maximization for 5G Mobile Networks Using Secured and Finest Optimal Routing Protocol 2021 -
33 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Correlation Model for Fiber Diameter of the Electro-Spun Membrane using KGM (1, N) Model for Nanofilteration2021 -
34 Dr.A.N.DuraivelSimulation and performance analysis of 15 Nm FinFET based carry skip adder2021 click hereRead more
35 Dr.A.N.Duraivel Proficient Technique for High Performance Very Large-Scale Integration System to Amend Clock Gated Dual Edge Triggered Sense Amplifier Flip-Flop with Less Dissipation of Power Leakage 2021-
36 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization for Reliable Data Transmission in WSN2021 -
37 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Smart Agriculture System with E - Carbage Using IOT 2021 click hereRead more
38 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Efficient Crop Yield Recommendation System using Machine Learning for Digital Farming 2021 click hereRead more
39Dr.A.SenthilkumarCorrelation model for Fiber diameter of the electro-spun membrane using KGM (1,N) for nanofiltration.2021 click hereRead more
40Dr.A.Senthilkumar Secure Transmission using Bivariate Principle Systems for WSN 2021 -
41 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Peer to Peer Communication Framework for 5G Networks using Ambient Service 2021 -
42 Dr.S.Lekashri Design and evaluation of dynamic partial reconfiguration using fault tolerance in asynchronous FPGA 2021 click hereRead more

Internships/Industrial Visits

An industrial visit was organised by our department to ICF, Villivakkam. Students had encountered the building of the train coach and learnt how ICF plays its role in day-to-day life.


Welcome to our Alumni Association

    The Alumni Association will be organizing the following activities:

  • Arrow
    Technical Seminars and Guest lectures. (We can utilize Alumni as Resource person)
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    Family get together, sports events (cricket, table tennis, Shuttle and bat mitten competitions), alumni musical evening.
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    Maintain a corpus fund for meeting emergency expenses.
    Support and awards to the student community with:

  • Arrow
    Academic Achievement.
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    Community Service.
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    Maintains a website and provides a platform for interaction among the alumni Community.
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    Interacting and providing support to various Chapters in India and abroad.
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    Updating and maintaining the data base of alumni.
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    Distribution of learning materials / Books for all the branches / years from Alumni Association

Goals and Objectives

  • Arrow
    To establish and maintain an alumni association structure - board, chapters, batch representatives that will enable in the smooth governance of the association.
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    Central, regional and local alumni associations.
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    Small informal group meetings of alumni.
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    Visits of the members of the faculty and administration of the College to alumni centres.
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    Maintaining an active alumni head quarters on the College campus.
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    Organizing reunions on the College campus or other places.
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    Celebrations in alumni centres.
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    To further the social, literary and cultural interests of the alumni and alumnae through the publication of articles, through functions and meetings of the associations, and in other ways.
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    To promote the interests of Kings Engineering college by Fostering and keeping alive loyalty to the College and a continuing concern for its welfare;
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    Raising funds and securing gifts for the College for special or general purposes and Communication with the authorities of the College on matters of mutual interest.
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    To support the institute with resources that it will need for its various activities.
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    To strengthen ties between the Institute and alumni and encourage them to participate in the various cultural and social activities.
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    To promote and foster mutually beneficial interaction between the Alumni and the present students of the Kings Engineering College and between Alumni themselves.
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    To institute prizes for outstanding project work, research papers or other professional activities by the students of the institute, also to recognize outstanding social and community service by the Alumni and the students.

Distinguished Alumni

Alumni Student
Royal Stefano J K



Alumni Student
Royal Stefano J K



Alumni Student
Shankar Ganesh Rao

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student
Shankar Ganesh Rao

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student
Dervyn Hickman

Movate Technology


Alumni Student
Dervyn Hickman

Movate Technology


Alumni Student
Joshua Selwyn J



Alumni Student
Joshua Selwyn J



Alumni Student
Luke Jonathan c

Snider Electric & Internship Sutherland


Alumni Student
Luke Jonathan c

Snider Electric & Internship Sutherland


Alumni Student
Janani S

Snider Electric Internship


Alumni Student
Janani S

Snider Electric Internship


Alumni Student
Rubini S

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Rubini S

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Bharath T K

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student
Bharath T K

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student
Jannani Priya Lakshmi

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student
Jannani Priya Lakshmi

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student
Obeth R

Palle Technology


Alumni Student
Obeth R

Palle Technology


Alumni Student
Arun B

Snider Electric Internship


Alumni Student
Arun B

Snider Electric Internship


Alumni Student
Balamurugan S

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Balamurugan S

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Adhiyaman M

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Adhiyaman M

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Hemnath TD

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Hemnath TD

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Franklin A

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Franklin A

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Divya Prasanth

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Divya Prasanth

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student



Alumni Student



Alumni Student
Daniel B

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Daniel B

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Hariharan M

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Hariharan M

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Abdul Ajees

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Abdul Ajees

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student

Syrma sgs technologies pvt ltd


Alumni Student

Syrma sgs technologies pvt ltd


Alumni Student

Saftwere Tester


Alumni Student

Saftwere Tester


Alumni Student

Klr global


Alumni Student

Klr global


Alumni Student



Alumni Student



Alumni Student



Alumni Student



Alumni Student
Mirdhula M



Alumni Student
Mirdhula M



Professional Bodies

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Name of the Project/Endowments, ChairsName of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigatorYear of AwardAmount SanctionedDuration of the ProjectName of the Funding AgencyType (Government/non-Government)
An automatic load sharing method during maximum demand periods for domestic loadsMrs.R.Nafeena2019600006 monthChase TechnologiesNon Government
Preventing wild animal’s entry into human territoryDr.S.Leonard Gibson Moses2019234506 Month New TechnologyNon-Government
Secured Electronic Voting MachineMr.P.Veeraragavan2019334006 MonthAVERZS TechnologiesNon-Government
Safety device for fishermanMs.R.Linie Sharon /Mr.Muthupandian2019450006 MonthSM MICRRO SystemNon-Government
Aiding blind, deaf and dumb peopleMrs.V.G.S Archana2019320006 MonthExide Industries LimitedNon-Government
Mobile Spy Robot
Dr.S.Leonard Gibson Moses
/ Mr. Raghuram
2019700006 MonthDELPHI – TVSNon-Government
Mobile Spy Robot
Dr.S.Leonard Gibson Moses
/ Mr. Raghuram
2019653206 MonthLIMAX ENTERPRISES PVT LTDNon-Government
Crop Monitoring using IoT Mrs.V.Kavitha / Mr.Senthilkumar2019240006 MonthRAM INTELLIGENCE AND SOLUTIONSNon-Government
Crop Monitoring using IoT Mrs.V.Kavitha / Mr.Senthilkumar2019240006 MonthRAM INTELLIGENCE AND SOLUTIONSNon-Government
Wireless Sensor based Waste MGT systemMr.Muthupandian2019234506 MonthSM MICRRO SystemNon-Government
Wireless TeleRescue Robot Mrs.Aruna /Mrs.Archana2019360006 MonthPantech prolab India LtdNon-Government
Smart Vehicle tracking and guident detector systemMrs.Rosemin 2019165006 MonthSri Kumaran BIO FuelsNon-Government
Idol theft detection and Tracking Mrs.S.Lekashri2019260006 MonthSM MICRRO SystemNon-Government
Li-Fi based wearable device for physiological signal transmission in mines Mrs.Anitha/
Mr.Muthukumarasamy P
2019267006 MonthVOL TECHNon-Government

About the Department

The Department of Electronics and Communication came into existence in the year 2001. The Department has highly qualified and motivated academic faculty members. Among them, ten faculty members are with Ph.D., having extensive teaching / research experience and have several International / National Journals and Conference publications to their credit. Four faculty members received recognized supervisor-ship from Anna University. Seven faculty members have registered for Doctoral programmes in various fields of Electronics and communication Engineering.

The facilities encourage students to have hands-on training on Modern Engineering Tools. The department regularly organizes seminars, guest lectures, short-term training programs, workshops, National level Technical Symposium and conferences for the professional development of both students and faculty within and beyond the institute to enhance academic excellence and promote continuous growth.


Achieve excellence in Electronics and communication Engineering by imbibing creativity, innovation, and competitiveness among students to excel in their professional accomplishment.


  • Arrow

    Inculcate creativity among students in problem-solving, design, and technical progress in basic science, engineering and electronics and communication engineering.

  • Arrow

    Kindle student's innovative and creative capability to develop design concepts thereby advance technically in the field of Electronics and communication Engineering.

  • Arrow

    Imbibe innovation among students through a blend of academic, industrial skill development, and interaction.

  • Arrow

    Enhance student's competitiveness through lifelong learning and adapting to current trends of the industrial, higher education and research needs.

  • Arrow

    Through right ethical, moral and social responsibility mould student's professional career success.

HOD Message

Dr. V. Ravichandran, M.E.,Ph.D.

Professor and Head

As the head of the Electronics and Communication Engineering department, Kings Engineering College. I am filled with pride and excitement for the journey that lies ahead. Our field is not just about circuits and signals; it's about connecting the world, transforming lives, and shaping the future. Each of you, as aspiring engineers, holds within yourselves the power to revolutionize how we interact, how we communicate, and how we perceive the world around us.

Faculty List
S.NoName of the Faculty MemberQualificationDesignation
1Dr.C.Ramesh Babu DuraiM.E., Ph.D.Principal
2Dr.V. RavichandanM.E., Ph.D.Professor & Head
3Dr.A.ThenmozhiM.E., Ph.D.Professor
4Dr.C.John Clement SinghM.E., Ph.D.Professor
5Dr A.Senthil KumarM.E., Ph.D.Professor
6Dr.S.LekashriM.E., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
7Dr.V.KavithaM.E., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
8Dr.A.N.DuraivelM.E., Ph.D.Associate Professor
9Dr.S.Bestley JoeM.E., Ph.D.Assistant Professor
10Mrs.A.SaralaM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
11Mrs.A.SumathiM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
12Mr.S.MuthupandianM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
13Mrs. A. Divya JebaseeliM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
14Mrs. D.MadhivadhaniM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
15Ms.J Lily Sharon GraceM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
16Mr. I. John .R.DinakaranM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor
17Mr.Raj KamalM.E.,(Ph.D).Assistant Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of Solutions
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool usage
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long Learning
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

To analyze, design and develop solutions by applying foundational concepts of electronics and communication engineering.
To apply design principles and best practices for developing quality products for scientific and business applications.
To adapt to emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) to innovate ideas and solutions to existing/novel problems.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

To enable graduates to pursue research, or have a successful career in academia or industries associated with Electronics and Communication Engineering, or as entrepreneurs
To provide students with strong foundational concepts and also advanced techniques and tools in order to enable them to build solutions or systems of varying complexity.
To prepare students to critically analyze existing literature in an area of specialization and ethically develop innovative and research-oriented methodologies to solve the Problems identified.

Academic Time Table

Time Table

Award of Degree & Division

University Rank Holders

University Rank Holder
University Rank Holder
University Rank Holder
University Rank Holder
University Rank Holder

Infrastructure Facilities

Class rooms
HOD Room
Staff room with partition
Department Library
Seminar Hall
S.NoFacilityCountTotal Area in Sq.m
1Class Rooms6 461
2Tutorial Room1 77
3Labs 9 995
4Smart Class Rooms6 461
5Auditorium / Seminar hall1 397
6 Research Lab1 165
7HOD'S cabin 1 38
8Department library1 38
9Faculty Cabin21 63
10Counseling room1 38
11e yantra lab1113
12 Rest Room3120

Department Library

“Libraries are reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminders of order, calm and continuity, lakes of mental energy, neither warm nor cold, light nor dark. The pleasure they give is steady, unorgastic, reliable, deep and long-lasting"

-Germaine Greer

The Department Library occupies a unique place in academic and research activities of the Department. It is the most important central facility provided by the Institute. The Library was started in July 2001 with around 300 volumes, now it has around 600 volumes. The Library maintains an excellent collection of data books, occasional papers and other documents/materials. The Library has a well equipped facility for reading. This library is accessible to the faculty and students. The Faculty members and the students routinely visit and read the books.

Funded Projects

S.NoProject TitleSponsored ByAmt SponsoredYearFaculty Coordinator
1Rescuing the Child From Bore Well Using Robotic ArmTNSCSTRs. 7500/-2019-2020Dr.S.Lekashri
2Transmission Line Multiple Fault DetectionTNSCSTRs. 7500/-2021-2022Dr.C.Rajarajachozhan
3Polythene Cover Recycling and Remarking Handicrafts Using Reverse Vending MachineTNSCSTRs. 7500/-2022-2023Mrs.A.Divya Jebaseeli
4Food Processing in Transportation using Phase change Material (PCM) TechnologyMSMERs.15 Lakhs2022-2023Dr.S.Lekashri
5Hydroponics Monitoring SystemMSMERs.4 Lakhs2023-2024Dr.S.Lekashri

Workshop & Conferences

Cadence Software Workshop

Our department had conducted “CADENCE SOFTWARE” workshop for both students and faculties. The workshop was very useful for the students and shared knowledge with Resource person.


VLSI Design using LT SPICE Workshop

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IETE organized One day hands on workshop on “VLSI DESIGN Using LT SPICE” by the resource person Dr.S.Ravi, Associate Professor, VIT-Vellore, on 17-11-2023 at King Engineering College. Students gained good knowledge on VLSI Circuits design using LT SPICE and Understand various issues under various technologies such as 180nm, 90nm,45nm etc.,


List of Workshop & Conferences

S.NoNameEvent titleDatePlace
1 Dr.V.Ravichandran Two days workshop on VLSI Design using Cadence software29-01-24 & 30-01-24Kings Engineering College
2 Dr.V.Ravichandran“Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023)26.04.23 Kings Engineering College
3Dr.V.Ravichandran International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing and Communication 23-03-2024 SIMATS, Chettipedu, Chennai.
4 Dr.A.ThenmozhiTwo days workshop on VLSI Design using Cadence software 29-01-24&30-01-24 Kings Engineering College
5Dr.A.Thenmozhi “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering College
6Dr.C.John Clement Singh Two days workshop on VLSI Design using Cadence software 29-01-24&30-01-24Kings Engineering College
7Dr.C.John Clement Singh “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023)26.04.23 Kings Engineering College
8 Dr.A.Senthilkumar “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023)26th April 2023 Kings Engineering College
9Dr.A.N.Duraivel International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICRTCCE-2023)17-03-2023 SIMATS, Chettipedu, Chennai.
10 Dr.A.N.Duraivel7th National Conference – SILICON’23 27-02-2023 Dr.M.G.R educational and Research Institute.
11 Dr.A.N.Duraivel International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICRTCCE-2023)17-03-2023 SIMATS, Chettipedu, Chennai.
12 Mr.S.Muthupandian “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering college
13 Dr.S.Lekashri International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICRTCCE-2023) 17-03-2023 SIMATS, Chettipedu, Chennai.
14 Dr.Rajarajachozhan “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering college
15 Mrs.A.Sarala “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering college
16 Mrs.A.Sarala “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering college
17 Dr.A.N.DuraivelNational Level Workshop on “Research Perspective on Full Custom & Semi Custom Design using Cadence EDA”24.08.2023 & 25.08.2023S.A. Engineering College
18 Dr.A.N.Duraivel International Conference on “Transforming Engineering Systems for Sustainability-TESS-2023”29.11.2023 & 30.11.2023 Hindustan College of Engineering & Technology & Institute of Technology
19 Mrs. A. SumathiInternational Conference on “Transforming Engineering Systems for Sustainability-TESS-2023” 29.11.2023 & 30.11.2023 Hindustan College of Engineering & Technology & Institute of Technology
20 Mrs. A. Sumathi “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering college
21 Dr. Bestley Joe S Two days workshop on VLSI Design using Cadence software 29-01-24&30-01-24 Kings Engineering college
22 Dr. Bestley Joe S “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering college
23 Dr.C.Rajaraja Chozhan National Level Workshop on “ Research Perspective on Full Custom & Semi Custom Design using Cadence EDA” 24.08.2023 & 25.08.2023S.A. Engineering College
24 Mrs.Divya Jebaseeli A 2023 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials(ICAPSM 2023) 17 - 18, August 2023 KPR Institute of Engineering & Technology
25 Mrs.Divya Jebaseeli A “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26th April 2023 Kings Engineering College Organized
26 Mrs.Divya Jebaseeli A International Virtual Conference on Research Innovation in Science,Engineering and Technology (IVCRISET 2022)1st and 2nd March 2022 Kings Engineering College
27 Mrs.D.Madhivadhani Two days workshop on VLSI Design using Cadence software29-01-24 & 30-01-24Kings Engineering College
28 Mrs.D.Madhivadhani “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23Kings Engineering College
29 Mr. Sheejin “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering College
30 Mrs. Lily Sharon Grace Two days workshop on VLSI Design using Cadence software 29-01-24 & 30-01-24 Kings Engineering College
31 Mrs. Lily Sharon Grace “Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology”(ICICET - 2023) 26.04.23 Kings Engineering College

Faculty Team Achievements

Four of our faculty members received recognized supervisorship from Anna University. Achieving recognized supervisorship from a prestigious institution like Anna University is a testament to the expertise and dedication of our department faculty. It reflects their commitment to mentoring and guiding students in their academic and research endeavors.

S.NoSupervisor NameDesignationDepartmentSupervisor Reference No.
3Dr.C.RajarajachozhanAssistant ProfessorECE4290025
4Dr.A.N.DuraivelAssistant ProfessorECE4190049
Appreciation certificate
ECE department faculty Dr.A.N.Duraivel got Discipline Star Award from IIT Madras during Jan-Apr 2023.

Students' Achievements

Secured First Place with cash price of Rs.7000/-.
ECE department III year students R.Eshwar, E.Kamesh, V.Manipradeep and N.Ismail were participated and demonstrated the project titled, “ Miniature model of autonomous vehicle using Arduino UNO” in the event of, “ Euphoria – Electro maker” in Kalasalingam University, Srivilliputtur and won First place with cash price of Rs.7000/-.held on 27-03-2024.

Research & Development

S.NoAuthor NameResearch TitleYearDOI/Link
1 Dr.A.N.DURAIVELComputational Framework For Prediction Of Cardiac Disorders By Analyzing Ecg Signals Using Machine Learning Technique2024click hereRead more
2 Dr.S.Lekashri An efficient reconfigurable FIR filter design with coefficient optimization using a modified bacterial foraging optimization algorithm 2024 click hereRead more
3 Dr.A.N.DURAIVEL An efficient reconfigurable FIR filter design with coefficient optimization using a modified bacterial foraging optimization algorithm2024click hereRead more
4 Dr.S.Lekashri Computational Framework For Prediction Of Cardiac Disorders By Analyzing Ecg Signals Using Machine Learning Technique Dr2024 click hereRead more
5 Dr.C.John Clement Singh An overview of prominent factors influencing the photocatalytic degradation of cationic crystal violet dye employing diverse nanostructured materials 2024 click hereRead more
6 Mrs.Madhivadhani HRSHO: A hybrid rain optimized spotted hyena optimizer for efficient feature selection in CNN-based sinusitis classification 2024 click hereRead more
7 Dr.A.N.DURAIVEL Computational Framework For Prediction Of Cardiac Disorders By Analyzing Ecg Signals Using Machine Learning Technique Dr 2024 click hereRead more
8Dr.A.Senthilkumar Elliptic curve cryptography based key management and flexible authentication scheme for 5G wireless networks 2023 click hereRead more
9 Dr.S.LekashriPartial Dynamic reconfiguration and task sceduling framework for FPGA: A survey with concepts, constraints and trends 2023 click hereRead more
10 Dr.S.Lekashri Effective task scheduling based on interactive autodidactic school algorithm for cloud computing 2023 click hereRead more
11 Dr.S.Lekashri Adaptive real-time reconfiguration gate scheduling scheme using time perceptive stream 2023 click hereRead more
12 Dr.C.John Clement Singh Effect of Sn doping on the structural, photoluminescence, ultraviolet filtering and anti bacterial activity of ZnO nanorods.2023 click hereRead more
13 Dr.A.SenthilkumarCluster and angular based energy proficient trusted routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc network 2022 click hereRead more
14 Dr A.Thenmozhi Preparation And Characterization On Zirconium Nanomaterial Thin Films 2022 -
15 Dr.S.Lekashri Preparation and characterization on zirconium nanomaterial thin films 2022 -
16 Mr.S.Muthupandian Modelling of wind energy conversion system with variable load and variable source 2022click hereRead more
17 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Congestion free channel allocation for high traffic using MAC in WSN 2022 click hereRead more
18 Dr.S.Lekashri FPGA based Silicon on Chip using Flexible Digital Pre-Distortion for Software Defined Radio Transceiver 2022 -
19 Dr.A.N.Duraivel FPGA based Silicon on Chip using Flexible Digital Pre-Distortion for Software Defined Radio Transceiver 2022 -
20 Dr.S.Bestley Joe FPGA based Silicon on Chip using Flexible Digital Pre-Distortion for Software Defined Radio Transceiver 2022 -
21Dr.Rajarajachozhan A Complete Analytical Model for Nanoscale Semiconductor-On-Insulator MOSFET2022 -
22 Dr A.Thenmozhi Study of Polymer matrix composites for electronics applications 2022 click hereRead more
23 Dr.D.RavikumarInternet Security Protocol for Secure Data Transmission using OSPF and BGP2022 -
24 Dr.Ravikumar D Internet Security Protocol for Secure Data Transmission using OSPF and BGP2022-
25 Dr.Ravikumar D ResNet-50 based Deep Neural Network using Transfer Learning for Brain Tumor Classification 2022 click hereRead more
26 Dr.Ravikumar D Wideband Microwave Head Imaging System to Detect Subdural Hematoma Brain Injury 2022click hereRead more
27 Dr.Ravikumar D FMNet: A Novel Hybrid Face Mask Detection using Deep Learning 2022 click hereRead more
28 Dr.Ravikumar D Pipeline Recognition in Side Scan Sonar Image Using Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) 2022 click hereRead more
29 A Senthil Kumar Dynamic Key Management based ACO Routing for Wireless sensor Networks2022-
30 Dr.A.N.DURAIVEL “Corona Disinfection Robot by Using Uvc Technology” 2022 -
31 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Nutrients and Temperature Analysis using Iot2022ISSN:0970-2555
32 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Lifetime Maximization for 5G Mobile Networks Using Secured and Finest Optimal Routing Protocol 2021 -
33 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Correlation Model for Fiber Diameter of the Electro-Spun Membrane using KGM (1, N) Model for Nanofilteration2021 -
34 Dr.A.N.DuraivelSimulation and performance analysis of 15 Nm FinFET based carry skip adder2021 click hereRead more
35 Dr.A.N.Duraivel Proficient Technique for High Performance Very Large-Scale Integration System to Amend Clock Gated Dual Edge Triggered Sense Amplifier Flip-Flop with Less Dissipation of Power Leakage 2021-
36 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization for Reliable Data Transmission in WSN2021 -
37 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Smart Agriculture System with E - Carbage Using IOT 2021 click hereRead more
38 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Efficient Crop Yield Recommendation System using Machine Learning for Digital Farming 2021 click hereRead more
39Dr.A.SenthilkumarCorrelation model for Fiber diameter of the electro-spun membrane using KGM (1,N) for nanofiltration.2021 click hereRead more
40Dr.A.Senthilkumar Secure Transmission using Bivariate Principle Systems for WSN 2021 -
41 Dr.A.Senthilkumar Peer to Peer Communication Framework for 5G Networks using Ambient Service 2021 -
42 Dr.S.Lekashri Design and evaluation of dynamic partial reconfiguration using fault tolerance in asynchronous FPGA 2021 click hereRead more

Internships/Industrial Visits

An industrial visit was organised by our department to ICF, Villivakkam. Students had encountered the building of the train coach and learnt how ICF plays its role in day-to-day life.


Welcome to our Alumni Association

    The Alumni Association will be organizing the following activities:

  • Arrow
    Technical Seminars and Guest lectures. (We can utilize Alumni as Resource person)
  • Arrow
    Family get together, sports events (cricket, table tennis, Shuttle and bat mitten competitions), alumni musical evening.
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    Maintain a corpus fund for meeting emergency expenses.
    Support and awards to the student community with:

  • Arrow
    Academic Achievement.
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    Community Service.
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    Maintains a website and provides a platform for interaction among the alumni Community.
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    Interacting and providing support to various Chapters in India and abroad.
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    Updating and maintaining the data base of alumni.
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    Distribution of learning materials / Books for all the branches / years from Alumni Association

Goals and Objectives

  • Arrow
    To establish and maintain an alumni association structure - board, chapters, batch representatives that will enable in the smooth governance of the association.
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    Central, regional and local alumni associations.
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    Small informal group meetings of alumni.
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    Visits of the members of the faculty and administration of the College to alumni centres.
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    Maintaining an active alumni head quarters on the College campus.
  • Arrow
    Organizing reunions on the College campus or other places.
  • Arrow
    Celebrations in alumni centres.
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    To further the social, literary and cultural interests of the alumni and alumnae through the publication of articles, through functions and meetings of the associations, and in other ways.
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    To promote the interests of Kings Engineering college by Fostering and keeping alive loyalty to the College and a continuing concern for its welfare;
  • Arrow
    Raising funds and securing gifts for the College for special or general purposes and Communication with the authorities of the College on matters of mutual interest.
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    To support the institute with resources that it will need for its various activities.
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    To strengthen ties between the Institute and alumni and encourage them to participate in the various cultural and social activities.
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    To promote and foster mutually beneficial interaction between the Alumni and the present students of the Kings Engineering College and between Alumni themselves.
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    To institute prizes for outstanding project work, research papers or other professional activities by the students of the institute, also to recognize outstanding social and community service by the Alumni and the students.

Distinguished Alumni

Alumni Student
Royal Stefano J K



Alumni Student
Royal Stefano J K



Alumni Student
Shankar Ganesh Rao

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student
Shankar Ganesh Rao

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student
Dervyn Hickman

Movate Technology


Alumni Student
Dervyn Hickman

Movate Technology


Alumni Student
Joshua Selwyn J



Alumni Student
Joshua Selwyn J



Alumni Student
Luke Jonathan c

Snider Electric & Internship Sutherland


Alumni Student
Luke Jonathan c

Snider Electric & Internship Sutherland


Alumni Student
Janani S

Snider Electric Internship


Alumni Student
Janani S

Snider Electric Internship


Alumni Student
Rubini S

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Rubini S

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Bharath T K

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student
Bharath T K

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student
Jannani Priya Lakshmi

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student
Jannani Priya Lakshmi

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student

Sosaley Technology


Alumni Student
Obeth R

Palle Technology


Alumni Student
Obeth R

Palle Technology


Alumni Student
Arun B

Snider Electric Internship


Alumni Student
Arun B

Snider Electric Internship


Alumni Student
Balamurugan S

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Balamurugan S

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Adhiyaman M

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Adhiyaman M

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Hemnath TD

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Hemnath TD

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Franklin A

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Franklin A

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Divya Prasanth

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Divya Prasanth

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student



Alumni Student



Alumni Student
Daniel B

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Daniel B

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student
Hariharan M

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Hariharan M

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Abdul Ajees

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student
Abdul Ajees

BSA Corporation Limited


Alumni Student

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student

Kaynes Technology


Alumni Student

Syrma sgs technologies pvt ltd


Alumni Student

Syrma sgs technologies pvt ltd


Alumni Student

Saftwere Tester


Alumni Student

Saftwere Tester


Alumni Student

Klr global


Alumni Student

Klr global


Alumni Student



Alumni Student



Alumni Student



Alumni Student



Alumni Student
Mirdhula M



Alumni Student
Mirdhula M



Professional Bodies

  • Arrow
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Name of the Project/Endowments, ChairsName of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigatorYear of AwardAmount SanctionedDuration of the ProjectName of the Funding AgencyType (Government/non-Government)
An automatic load sharing method during maximum demand periods for domestic loadsMrs.R.Nafeena2019600006 monthChase TechnologiesNon Government
Preventing wild animal’s entry into human territoryDr.S.Leonard Gibson Moses2019234506 Month New TechnologyNon-Government
Secured Electronic Voting MachineMr.P.Veeraragavan2019334006 MonthAVERZS TechnologiesNon-Government
Safety device for fishermanMs.R.Linie Sharon /Mr.Muthupandian2019450006 MonthSM MICRRO SystemNon-Government
Aiding blind, deaf and dumb peopleMrs.V.G.S Archana2019320006 MonthExide Industries LimitedNon-Government
Mobile Spy Robot
Dr.S.Leonard Gibson Moses
/ Mr. Raghuram
2019700006 MonthDELPHI – TVSNon-Government
Mobile Spy Robot
Dr.S.Leonard Gibson Moses
/ Mr. Raghuram
2019653206 MonthLIMAX ENTERPRISES PVT LTDNon-Government
Crop Monitoring using IoT Mrs.V.Kavitha / Mr.Senthilkumar2019240006 MonthRAM INTELLIGENCE AND SOLUTIONSNon-Government
Crop Monitoring using IoT Mrs.V.Kavitha / Mr.Senthilkumar2019240006 MonthRAM INTELLIGENCE AND SOLUTIONSNon-Government
Wireless Sensor based Waste MGT systemMr.Muthupandian2019234506 MonthSM MICRRO SystemNon-Government
Wireless TeleRescue Robot Mrs.Aruna /Mrs.Archana2019360006 MonthPantech prolab India LtdNon-Government
Smart Vehicle tracking and guident detector systemMrs.Rosemin 2019165006 MonthSri Kumaran BIO FuelsNon-Government
Idol theft detection and Tracking Mrs.S.Lekashri2019260006 MonthSM MICRRO SystemNon-Government
Li-Fi based wearable device for physiological signal transmission in mines Mrs.Anitha/
Mr.Muthukumarasamy P
2019267006 MonthVOL TECHNon-Government