About the Department

The Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering program officially debuted in 2017. This Master's program is in its seventh year of technical excellence, with a well-designed teaching and learning processes, focused and highly qualified faculty members, cutting-edge infrastructure, and successful graduates.

The primary goal of M.E. CSE is to foster an environment that encourages intellectual growth so that people can become more technologically adept, socially conscious, and civically responsible members of society. And to make our department a Center of Excellence by generating skilled and qualified personnel and offering high-quality education. We instill in our students a strong sense of social duty, ethics, honesty, and trustworthiness.


To provide an academically conducive environment for individuals to develop as technologically superior, socially conscious and nationally responsible citizens.


  • Arrow

    To develop our department as a center of excellence, imparting quality education, generating competent and skilled manpower.

  • Arrow

    We prepare our students with high degree of credibility, integrity, ethical standards and social concern.

  • Arrow

    We train our students to devise and implement novel systems, based on Education and Research.

HOD Message

Dr G Manikandan, B.E., M.E., M.B.A., PGDGSIT., Ph.D.,PDF


Welcome to Department of Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering. Department of Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering was established in 2017. The Department seeks to combine excellence in education with service to the industry. Our vision is to provide an academically conducive environment for individuals to develop as technologically superior, socially conscious and nationally responsible citizens. Our goal is to provide students with a balance of intellectual and practical experiences that enable them to serve a variety of societal needs. In our department students are nurtured to become best software professionals as Project Managers, System Analysts or Team leaders in Industry or become Entrepreneurs in their own innovative way. I am sure in times to come; many students from our department will make indelible mark nationally and internationally in the field of Computer Science and engineering and make us proud. We are having hard-working students, a young and dynamic faculty, whose expertise spans the range of disciplines in computer science stream and a very healthy work-culture, are the basic elements that comprise the Department of Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering, the hub of the institute’s academia. We hold firm belief in our ability to succeed, and we nurture an attitude of self-reliance, confidence, commitment and responsibility to the motherland that we are to serve. Such is the psychology behind the young and dynamic Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering department in effect; the Department of Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering believes in building career, enriching minds and provides a remarkable experience that lasts a life time.

I am confident that the students of the department would justify the credibility of the department by showing a high level of professional competence in their respective field.

Faculty List
S.NoName of the Faculty MemberQualificationDesignation
1Dr. G. ManikandanB.E., M.E., M.B.A., PGDGSIT., Ph.D.,PDFProfessor & Head
2Ms. S.Vilma VeronicaB.E., M.E., PGDCC., Diploma in Network Specialist.,CCNA., (Ph.D).Associate Professor
3Ms. S. HemalathaB.E., M.E.Associate Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of Solutions
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool usage
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long Learning
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

To analyze, design and develop computing solutions by applying foundational concepts of Computer Science and Engineering.
To apply Software engineering design principles and practices for developing quality software for scientific and business applications.
To adapt to emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) to innovate ideas and solutions to existing/novel problems.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

To enable graduates to pursue research, or have a successful career in academia or industries associated with Computer Science and Engineering Engineering, or as entrepreneurs.
To provide students with strong foundational concepts and also advanced techniques and tools in order to enable them to build solutions or systems of varying complexity.
To prepare students to critically analyze existing literature in an area of specialization and ethically develop innovative and research-oriented methodologies to solve the Problems identified.

Academic Calendar

Second year Schedule


ME CSE Syllabus

Infrastructure Facilities

First Slide

Wi-Fi enabled smart classrooms


Department Library

Within the Department's academic and research endeavors, the Department Library holds a special position. It is the most significant central facility that the Institute offers. When the library debuted during 2017, it included a variety of volumes. The library keeps up a top-notch selection of research papers, NPTEL videos, project reports, mini-project reports, and lecture materials. The reading area of the library is well-equipped. Both teachers and students have access to this library. Students and faculty members visit the books on a regular basis to read them.

Department Library

List of Laboratories

Advanced Data Structure and Algorithm Laboratory

The objective of this laboratory optimize performance by implementing various data structure operations. Create apps with dynamic programming and the Greedy, Divide and Conquer approach. Create backtracking algorithm applications by utilizing pertinent data structures.

Data Base Practices Laboratory

The main objective of this laboratory is to gain knowledge about the database for storing the data and to share the data among different kind of users for their business operations.

Machine Learning Laboratory

The objective is to create models that can decide wisely in a given situation or handle particular challenges. Minimizing Manual Programming: The goal of machine learning is to lessen the requirement for explicit rule and instruction programming.

Digital Image Processing Laboratory

Digital image processing laboratory aims to improve visual quality, enable analysis and interpretation, and extract relevant information from images through a variety of techniques and algorithms.

Advanced Software Engineering Laboratory

The following goals influenced the development of the Software Engineering Virtual Lab: to deliver cutting-edge information on UML and software engineering in an interactive online format. Provide case studies to illustrate how various principles are applied in real-world situations.

Deep Learning Laboratory

Part of the data pre-processing that is usually required for machine learning is eliminated by deep learning. These algorithms automate feature extraction, reducing the need for human specialists, and can ingest and handle unstructured data, such as text and photos.

Award of Degree & Division

The following students from 2020 to 2022 batch secured University ranks in the examination conducted during May 2022.

  1. Asmitha V
  2. Ebenezer S
  3. Christina J

Research & Development

The R&D Center was established and has been operating with the goal of bolstering and expanding the research operations. The enhancement in research publications in peer-reviewed journals, research projects and grants, patents, collaborations, doctoral programs, and faculty development are important indicators of future growth in research activities. The center is a committee made up of professors nominated from different engineering and basic science educational institutions.

S.NoTitleName of the Faculty MemberName of the Journal / PublicationYear of Publication
1Multi-Features and Fuzzy with Residual Lenet for Cotton Classification using Remote Sensing ImageDr. G.ManikandanSCI Journal2024
2Study on the use of Polymeric Treatment with rice husk silica on direct tension behaviour and Adherence of Sisal Fibre in Cementicious CompositesDr. G.ManikandanSCI Journal2024
3Integrating Learning Analytics and Recommendation Model to Build Career Recommendation ModelDr. G.ManikandanUGC Journal2024
4QR Code Recognition Based on Image ProcessingDr. G.ManikandanUGC Journal2024
5Smart Agriculture: Enhancing Security Through Animal Detection Via Deep Learning and Computer VisionDr. G.Manikandan UGC Journal 2024
6Abnormal Event Detection in Human Activity Using Deep Learning Dr. G.Manikandan UGC Journal 2024
7Detection Of Cardiovascular Disease Using ECG Images in Machine Learning and Deep Learning Dr. G.Manikandan UGC Journal 2024
8Sign Language Detection and Recognition Using Media Pipe and Deep Learning Algorithm Dr. G.Manikandan UGC Journal2024
9Malicious Social Bot Using Twitter Network Analysis in Django Dr. G.Manikandan UGC Journal 2024
10Alzheimer Disease Using Machine Learning Dr. G.Manikandan UGC Journal 2024
11Data Mining and Data Warehousing Dr. G.Manikandan GCS Publications -
12Artificial Intelligence for Beginners Dr. G.Manikandan Scientific International Publishing House 2022
13Classification Accuracy of Web Traffic Dr. G.Manikandan Dipti Press2023
14Accumulative Genome Fuzzy Prospecting Estimation Comparative Genomic Data. Cloud Computing with Wireless Network and Pattern RecognitionDr. G.ManikandanDipti Press2021
15Integrating Learning Analytics and Recommendation Model to Build Career Recommendation Model Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
16QR Code Recognition Based on Image Processing Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
17Smart Agriculture: Enhancing Security Through Animal Detection Via Deep Learning and Computer Vision Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
18Abnormal Event Detection in Human Activity Using Deep Learning Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
19Detection Of Cardiovascular Disease Using ECG Images in Machine Learning and Deep Learning Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
20Sign Language Detection and Recognition Using Media Pipe and Deep Learning Algorithm Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
21Malicious Social Bot Using Twitter Network Analysis in DjangoMs.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
22Alzheimer Disease Using Machine Learning Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
23Enhanced Wireless Network Security and Efficiency Based on Radio Fingerprint Frequency Using Machine Learning Techniques Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaInternational2022
24Data Science Ms.S.Vilma Veronica CharulathaPublications2022
25QR Code Recognition Based on Image ProcessingMs.S.Hemalatha UGC Journal2024
26Smart Agriculture: Enhancing Security Through Animal Detection Via Deep Learning and Computer Vision Ms.S.Hemalatha UGC Journal 2024
27Abnormal Event Detection in Human Activity Using Deep LearningMs.S.HemalathaUGC Journal2024
28Detection Of Cardiovascular Disease Using ECG Images in Machine Learning and Deep Learning Ms.S.HemalathaUGC Journal2024
29Sign Language Detection and Recognition Using Media Pipe and Deep Learning Algorithm Ms.S.HemalathaUGC Journal2024
30Malicious Social Bot Using Twitter Network Analysis in DjangoMs.S.HemalathaUGC Journal2024
31Alzheimer Disease Using Machine LearningMs.S.HemalathaUGC Journal2024
32QR Code Recognition Based on Image ProcessingMs.S.HemalathaUGC Journal2024


Our department has a number of distinguished alumni are excelling in various fields of Engineering and Technology.

Department Library


I utilized to make the most of my time at my college. I have a lot of friends there, and I adore that place. Every instructor is skilled and experienced. They instruct us with such affection and concern. The campus is a welcoming place with few barriers preventing anyone from entering any building. I'm happy to be in this stunning and wonderful place.
Juliya Praisy J
2020 to 2022 batch
The happiest period of my life was spent in college. My department gave me an amazing integrated learning environment, which inspired me to develop my talent and potential. I owe my teachers a lot of gratitude since they completely transformed the way I approach learning. I want to sincerely appreciate the school for providing me with this wonderful opportunity to learn more about myself. Being a student of this wonderful institution makes me happy.
Precita Christy R
2018 to 2020 batch
One of the greatest things that ever occurred to me was being admitted into KEC for Masters. This university has outstanding faculty. They provide you with suggestions on how to effect social change in addition to the book teaching. They'll give you the impression that all you need to do is reach your full potential.
Daniel Mosses A
2019 to 2021 batch

Events Organized

Graduation Day organized on December 2nd, 2023 at Prayer Hall, Kings Engineering College


About the Department

The Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering program officially debuted in 2017. This Master's program is in its seventh year of technical excellence, with a well-designed teaching and learning processes, focused and highly qualified faculty members, cutting-edge infrastructure, and successful graduates.

The primary goal of M.E. CSE is to foster an environment that encourages intellectual growth so that people can become more technologically adept, socially conscious, and civically responsible members of society. And to make our department a Center of Excellence by generating skilled and qualified personnel and offering high-quality education. We instill in our students a strong sense of social duty, ethics, honesty, and trustworthiness.


To provide an academically conducive environment for individuals to develop as technologically superior, socially conscious and nationally responsible citizens.


  • Arrow

    To develop our department as a center of excellence, imparting quality education, generating competent and skilled manpower.

  • Arrow

    We prepare our students with high degree of credibility, integrity, ethical standards and social concern.

  • Arrow

    We train our students to devise and implement novel systems, based on Education and Research.

HOD Message

Dr G Manikandan, B.E., M.E., M.B.A., PGDGSIT., Ph.D.,PDF


Welcome to Department of Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering. Department of Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering was established in 2017. The Department seeks to combine excellence in education with service to the industry. Our vision is to provide an academically conducive environment for individuals to develop as technologically superior, socially conscious and nationally responsible citizens. Our goal is to provide students with a balance of intellectual and practical experiences that enable them to serve a variety of societal needs. In our department students are nurtured to become best software professionals as Project Managers, System Analysts or Team leaders in Industry or become Entrepreneurs in their own innovative way. I am sure in times to come; many students from our department will make indelible mark nationally and internationally in the field of Computer Science and engineering and make us proud. We are having hard-working students, a young and dynamic faculty, whose expertise spans the range of disciplines in computer science stream and a very healthy work-culture, are the basic elements that comprise the Department of Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering, the hub of the institute’s academia. We hold firm belief in our ability to succeed, and we nurture an attitude of self-reliance, confidence, commitment and responsibility to the motherland that we are to serve. Such is the psychology behind the young and dynamic Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering department in effect; the Department of Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering believes in building career, enriching minds and provides a remarkable experience that lasts a life time.

I am confident that the students of the department would justify the credibility of the department by showing a high level of professional competence in their respective field.

Faculty List
S.NoName of the Faculty MemberQualificationDesignation
1Dr. G. ManikandanB.E., M.E., M.B.A., PGDGSIT., Ph.D.,PDFProfessor & Head
2Ms. S.Vilma VeronicaB.E., M.E., PGDCC., Diploma in Network Specialist.,CCNA., (Ph.D).Associate Professor
3Ms. S. HemalathaB.E., M.E.Associate Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of Solutions
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool usage
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long Learning
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

To analyze, design and develop computing solutions by applying foundational concepts of Computer Science and Engineering.
To apply Software engineering design principles and practices for developing quality software for scientific and business applications.
To adapt to emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) to innovate ideas and solutions to existing/novel problems.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

To enable graduates to pursue research, or have a successful career in academia or industries associated with Computer Science and Engineering Engineering, or as entrepreneurs.
To provide students with strong foundational concepts and also advanced techniques and tools in order to enable them to build solutions or systems of varying complexity.
To prepare students to critically analyze existing literature in an area of specialization and ethically develop innovative and research-oriented methodologies to solve the Problems identified.

Academic Calendar

Second year Schedule


ME CSE Syllabus

Infrastructure Facilities

First Slide

Wi-Fi enabled smart classrooms


Department Library

Within the Department's academic and research endeavors, the Department Library holds a special position. It is the most significant central facility that the Institute offers. When the library debuted during 2017, it included a variety of volumes. The library keeps up a top-notch selection of research papers, NPTEL videos, project reports, mini-project reports, and lecture materials. The reading area of the library is well-equipped. Both teachers and students have access to this library. Students and faculty members visit the books on a regular basis to read them.

Department Library

List of Laboratories

Advanced Data Structure and Algorithm Laboratory

The objective of this laboratory optimize performance by implementing various data structure operations. Create apps with dynamic programming and the Greedy, Divide and Conquer approach. Create backtracking algorithm applications by utilizing pertinent data structures.

Data Base Practices Laboratory

The main objective of this laboratory is to gain knowledge about the database for storing the data and to share the data among different kind of users for their business operations.

Machine Learning Laboratory

The objective is to create models that can decide wisely in a given situation or handle particular challenges. Minimizing Manual Programming: The goal of machine learning is to lessen the requirement for explicit rule and instruction programming.

Digital Image Processing Laboratory

Digital image processing laboratory aims to improve visual quality, enable analysis and interpretation, and extract relevant information from images through a variety of techniques and algorithms.

Advanced Software Engineering Laboratory

The following goals influenced the development of the Software Engineering Virtual Lab: to deliver cutting-edge information on UML and software engineering in an interactive online format. Provide case studies to illustrate how various principles are applied in real-world situations.

Deep Learning Laboratory

Part of the data pre-processing that is usually required for machine learning is eliminated by deep learning. These algorithms automate feature extraction, reducing the need for human specialists, and can ingest and handle unstructured data, such as text and photos.

Award of Degree & Division

The following students from 2020 to 2022 batch secured University ranks in the examination conducted during May 2022.

  1. Asmitha V
  2. Ebenezer S
  3. Christina J

Research & Development

The R&D Center was established and has been operating with the goal of bolstering and expanding the research operations. The enhancement in research publications in peer-reviewed journals, research projects and grants, patents, collaborations, doctoral programs, and faculty development are important indicators of future growth in research activities. The center is a committee made up of professors nominated from different engineering and basic science educational institutions.

S.NoTitleName of the Faculty MemberName of the Journal / PublicationYear of Publication
1Multi-Features and Fuzzy with Residual Lenet for Cotton Classification using Remote Sensing ImageDr. G.ManikandanSCI Journal2024
2Study on the use of Polymeric Treatment with rice husk silica on direct tension behaviour and Adherence of Sisal Fibre in Cementicious CompositesDr. G.ManikandanSCI Journal2024
3Integrating Learning Analytics and Recommendation Model to Build Career Recommendation ModelDr. G.ManikandanUGC Journal2024
4QR Code Recognition Based on Image ProcessingDr. G.ManikandanUGC Journal2024
5Smart Agriculture: Enhancing Security Through Animal Detection Via Deep Learning and Computer VisionDr. G.Manikandan UGC Journal 2024
6Abnormal Event Detection in Human Activity Using Deep Learning Dr. G.Manikandan UGC Journal 2024
7Detection Of Cardiovascular Disease Using ECG Images in Machine Learning and Deep Learning Dr. G.Manikandan UGC Journal 2024
8Sign Language Detection and Recognition Using Media Pipe and Deep Learning Algorithm Dr. G.Manikandan UGC Journal2024
9Malicious Social Bot Using Twitter Network Analysis in Django Dr. G.Manikandan UGC Journal 2024
10Alzheimer Disease Using Machine Learning Dr. G.Manikandan UGC Journal 2024
11Data Mining and Data Warehousing Dr. G.Manikandan GCS Publications -
12Artificial Intelligence for Beginners Dr. G.Manikandan Scientific International Publishing House 2022
13Classification Accuracy of Web Traffic Dr. G.Manikandan Dipti Press2023
14Accumulative Genome Fuzzy Prospecting Estimation Comparative Genomic Data. Cloud Computing with Wireless Network and Pattern RecognitionDr. G.ManikandanDipti Press2021
15Integrating Learning Analytics and Recommendation Model to Build Career Recommendation Model Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
16QR Code Recognition Based on Image Processing Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
17Smart Agriculture: Enhancing Security Through Animal Detection Via Deep Learning and Computer Vision Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
18Abnormal Event Detection in Human Activity Using Deep Learning Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
19Detection Of Cardiovascular Disease Using ECG Images in Machine Learning and Deep Learning Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
20Sign Language Detection and Recognition Using Media Pipe and Deep Learning Algorithm Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
21Malicious Social Bot Using Twitter Network Analysis in DjangoMs.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
22Alzheimer Disease Using Machine Learning Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaUGC Journal2024
23Enhanced Wireless Network Security and Efficiency Based on Radio Fingerprint Frequency Using Machine Learning Techniques Ms.S.Vilma VeronicaInternational2022
24Data Science Ms.S.Vilma Veronica CharulathaPublications2022
25QR Code Recognition Based on Image ProcessingMs.S.Hemalatha UGC Journal2024
26Smart Agriculture: Enhancing Security Through Animal Detection Via Deep Learning and Computer Vision Ms.S.Hemalatha UGC Journal 2024
27Abnormal Event Detection in Human Activity Using Deep LearningMs.S.HemalathaUGC Journal2024
28Detection Of Cardiovascular Disease Using ECG Images in Machine Learning and Deep Learning Ms.S.HemalathaUGC Journal2024
29Sign Language Detection and Recognition Using Media Pipe and Deep Learning Algorithm Ms.S.HemalathaUGC Journal2024
30Malicious Social Bot Using Twitter Network Analysis in DjangoMs.S.HemalathaUGC Journal2024
31Alzheimer Disease Using Machine LearningMs.S.HemalathaUGC Journal2024
32QR Code Recognition Based on Image ProcessingMs.S.HemalathaUGC Journal2024


Our department has a number of distinguished alumni are excelling in various fields of Engineering and Technology.

Department Library


I utilized to make the most of my time at my college. I have a lot of friends there, and I adore that place. Every instructor is skilled and experienced. They instruct us with such affection and concern. The campus is a welcoming place with few barriers preventing anyone from entering any building. I'm happy to be in this stunning and wonderful place.
Juliya Praisy J
2020 to 2022 batch
The happiest period of my life was spent in college. My department gave me an amazing integrated learning environment, which inspired me to develop my talent and potential. I owe my teachers a lot of gratitude since they completely transformed the way I approach learning. I want to sincerely appreciate the school for providing me with this wonderful opportunity to learn more about myself. Being a student of this wonderful institution makes me happy.
Precita Christy R
2018 to 2020 batch
One of the greatest things that ever occurred to me was being admitted into KEC for Masters. This university has outstanding faculty. They provide you with suggestions on how to effect social change in addition to the book teaching. They'll give you the impression that all you need to do is reach your full potential.
Daniel Mosses A
2019 to 2021 batch

Events Organized

Graduation Day organized on December 2nd, 2023 at Prayer Hall, Kings Engineering College
