About the Department

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 2001. The primary goal of the department is to provide innovative and technical skills with high quality standards. The department gives students access to cutting-edge computing resources so they can always be one step ahead. The department also encourages innovative ideas and projects in various interrelated domains. The Department organizes various Short Term Training Programs, Seminars, Workshops for faculty and students. The department provides 24 X 7 Wi-Fi Connectivity with 200 Mbps with 4G & 5G Technology.

The faculty members and the students are the members of the professional bodies such as CSI, IEEE and ISTE. Effective guidance is provided for the students to succeed in exams such as GATE, GRE, TOEFL and GMAT. The faculty interact with the students remotely through Google classroom which is an ICT initiate mentioned by MHRD and AICTE. Well experienced, dedicated and highly qualified faculties are the backbone of the department. The excellent academic performance of our students is due to high degree of involvement and dedication of our faculty. Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities.


To develop a center of excellence in computer education by providing innovative and technical skills with high quality standards to meet the demands of the software industry and the community thereby to contribute to socio-economic progress with entrepreneurship, professional and ethical values.


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    To impart fundamental knowledge in basic sciences to solve technical problems.

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    To impart quality technical education to students so as to produce competent and quality computer professionals with high creativity and innovation.

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    To participate in design, development process in industries and to develop human intellectual capability to its full potential.

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    To empower the graduates with leadership qualities by inculcating multi-disciplinary deeds and develop entrepreneurship abilities.

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    To make use of technology for progress of mankind and adapts themselves to changing technological environment with the highest ethical and social values as inner strength.

HOD Message

Dr. Parameswari M.E.,Ph.D

Professor and Head

"Welcome to the dynamic world of Computer Science and Engineering at KINGS ENGINEERING COLLEGE! As the Head of Department, I'm excited to extend a warm greeting to all our new and returning students. At KINGS ENGINEERING COLLEGE, ourComputer Science and Engineering department is not just about learning; it's about innovation, collaboration, and shaping the future of technology. Get ready for an inspiring journey filled with endless possibilities and transformative experiences. Let's embark on this exciting adventure together!"

Faculty List
S.NoName of the Faculty MemberQualificationDesignation
1Dr. ParameswariM.E., Ph.DProfessor
2M Dr. VenkataramanaM.E., Ph.DProfessor
3Dr. Yuvaraj BM.E., Ph.DAssociate Professor
4Dr. SrinivasaluM.E., Ph.DAssociate Professor
5Dr. Venkatesan KGSM.E., Ph.DAssociate Professor
6Mr. Saravanan K GM.Tech., (Ph.D)Associate Professor
7Mrs. Gracia Nissi SM.Tech., (Ph.D)Associate Professor
8Mr. Munuswamy EM.E., (Ph.D)Assistant Professor
9Mrs. Vidhya T CM.E.Assistant Professor
10Mrs. Nishanthini SM.E., (Ph.D)Assistant Professor
11Mr. Sathesh Abraham Leo EM.E., M.B.A., (Ph.D)Assistant Professor
12Mrs. Mary Angeline JM.E.Assistant Professor
13Ms. Asha Mary RM.E.Assistant Professor
14Mr. Emmanuel Jasper VijayM.E.Assistant Professor
15Mrs. Jasmine MargretM.E.Assistant Professor
16Mr. Dinesh JM.E.Assistant Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
Apply the knowledge to solve engineering problems, by understanding the fundamentals of mathematics, science and engineering.
Problem Analysis
Identify as well as to analyze a problem, and define the requirements appropriate to its solution.
Design/development of Solutions
Design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs within the realistic constraints such as social, ethical, health and safety, and sustainability.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
Investigate complex problems including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool usage
Enhance to utilize current engineering and software tools, skills and techniques for the utilization of computer engineering.
The Engineer and Society
Apply reasoning of the societal, safety issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of computer engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context.
Comprehend the depth of the professional and ethical responsibility pertaining to computer engineering.
Individual and Team Work
Contribute effectively and work efficiently on a multi-disciplinary team to accomplish a common goal.
Communicate the engineering solutions precisely in oral, written and visual terms.
Project Management and Finance
Understand the Engineering and Management principles and apply them to handle the projects in multidisciplinary environment.
Life-long Learning
Recognize the need and engage in life-long learning process.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

To sensitize, analyze, design and develop computing solutions by applying inherent concepts of Computer Science and Engineering. Use of software tools, mathematics, science and engineering for accurate diagnosis and therapeutic applications.
To develop and establish the quality software for scientific and business applications by applying software engineering and programming methodologies
To adapt to emerging Information and Communication Technologies(ICT) to innovate ideas and solutions to existing/novel problems.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

To make Proficient Technocrats, competent to meet the challenges of the industry and the society with a strong foundation in Mathematic, Scientific and Engineering fundamentals.
To enrich the Graduates with knowledge in computer software and hardware to design and develop computer based solutions for the real world problems
To engage prolonged learner in higher education, research and career in the Technological development and deployment in the specializations of Computer Science and Engineering
To impart Highly Skilled professionals with technical and problem solving skills to function as members and leaders of engineering teams and to inculcate team management skills with cross-cultural, promoting knowledge and inspirational leadership
To enable the Technologists with deeper involvement in their profession with ethics and paramount obligation to serve the society

Academic Schedule

Third year Schedule
Second  year Schedule

Academic Time Table

Academic Time Table

Award of Degree & Division

Class Toppers List ODD Sem 2022-23

Second Year/III- Sem

S.NoName of the StudentSectionCGPARank
1Jagajeevan Ram K CSE - A 9.01 I
2Helan Stafney ACSE - A8.7 II
3Monisha ACSE - A8.63III
4Yasvitha MCSE - B8.71I
5Sowmika HCSE - B8.62II
6Sanmitha JCSE - B8.4III

Third Year/V- Sem

S.NoName of the StudentSectionCGPARank
1Daniel Raj KCSE - A 8.7I
2Lavanya UCSE - A8.7II
3Keerthana SCSE - A8.5III
4SriVarthini KCSE - B8.9I
5Swarnalakshmi VCSE - B8.5II
6Sri HariharanCSE - B8.4III

Final Year/VII- Sem

S.NoName of the StudentSectionCGPARank
1Logesh DCSE - A 8.67I
2Bala Murugan GCSE - A8.65II
3Dinu CCSE - A8.58III
4Venu PCSE - B8.95I
5Praveen. RCSE - B8.79II
6ShaminiCSE - B8.63III


Regulation 2021
Regulation 2017

Infrastructure Facilities

Class rooms
HOD Room
Staff room with partition
Department Library
Seminar Hall

Smart Classrooms

smart classroom
smart classroom

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    Department has sufficient classrooms for conducting lectures and tutorials for the program, that facilitates the instructor to teach and convey using audio-visual facility. Smart class is a digital initiative, which provides rapid transformation in the way teachers teach and students learn.
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    Smart class is a digital initiative, which provides rapid transformation in the way teachers teach and students learn.
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    There are eight lecture classrooms for the program.
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    Classrooms are well ventilated and provided with power plugs for PC and Projector.
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    Department has a tutorial room for conducting tutorial sessions for the program.
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    All the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-year students have separate classrooms for core/elective courses.
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    Course-related PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) and video presentation materials of reputed institutions are available in the department for self-learning and leisure learning.
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    Institutions are available in the department for self learning and leisure learning.
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    All classrooms are equipped with Blackboard.
  • Teaching Aid

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    The department also has audio and video systems (Multimedia Projectors) with high-speed internet connectivity.
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    Course-related PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) and video presentation materials of reputed institutions are available in the department for self-learning and leisure learning.
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    All classrooms are equipped with Blackboard.
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    Classrooms have good ventilation and are well audible.
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    Classrooms have 30 tables with benches to accommodate students.
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    Classrooms are equipped with 4 feet wide door exits for easy emergency escape.
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    A 10 feet wide and long corridor leading up to the staircase is provided at the door exit of the classrooms.
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    The staircases are broader (6 feet wide) for easy and faster movement.
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    Adjacent to the staircases, a lift is available with a capacity of 8 persons.
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    The department has a staff room with an area of 848 sq.ft and 410 sq.ft to accommodate the staff members.There is an individual staff cabin provided for each faculty member.
  • Faculty Room

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    The department staff room is equipped with a system with internet and intercom, and Almirahs.
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    Staff rooms are provided with PCs and internet facilities.
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    All staff are provided with lockable tables to enable safe custody of books and files.
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    The room is also equipped with Almirahs for the safe custody of program-related files.

Seminar Hall

smart classroom
smart classroom
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    Department has separate AC seminar hall in the college to conduct workshops, seminars and guest lectures. This seminar hall is equipped with computer systems with video projector, Internet and Uninterrupted Power Supply.
  • Laboratories

    smart classroom
    Basic Programming Lab
    Software requirement:
    Microsoft Office, Turbo C, C++, Windows OS, Ubuntu
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV Dual Core -2.7 Ghz, 160 GB HDD, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, 17 LCD Monitor With Multimedia
    smart classroom
    Networking Lab
    Software requirement:
    Ubuntu, C, C++, Java, NS2, Umbrello, OPENGL, Flex, Bison
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV Dual Core -2.7 Ghz, 160 GB HDD, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, 17 LCD Monitor With Multimedia.
    smart classroom
    Cloud Computing Lab
    Software requirement:
    Ubuntu, BOSS, Globus Toolkit Hardware
    Hardware requirement:
    Hardware Intel Core i3 - 3.1 Ghz, 500 GB HDD, 4 GB DDR3 RAM,USB Keyboard, USB Mouse,18.5 Lcd Monitor
    smart classroom
    Project Innovation Lab
    Software requirement:
    MAT LAB, Python, NS Simulator, Windows OS, Ubuntu
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV Dual Core -2.7 Ghz, 160 GB HDD, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, 17 LCD Monitor With Multimedia
    smart classroom
    Security Lab
    Software requirement:
    Android visual studio, Java
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Core i3 - 3.1 Ghz, 500 GB HDD, 2 GB DDR3 RAM,USB Keyboard, USB Mouse,18.5 Lcd Monitor
    smart classroom
    Database Management System Lab
    Software requirement:
    Visual Studio, MySql
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV -2.66 Ghz, 40 GB HDD,1 GB DDR1 RAM, PS2 Keyboard, PS2 Mouse, 15 CRT Monitor
    smart classroom
    Operating System Lab
    Software requirement:
    Ubuntu, C, C++
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV -2.66 Ghz, 40 GB HDD,1 GB DDR1 RAM, PS2 Keyboard, PS2 Mouse, 15 CRT Monitor
    smart classroom
    Data structures OOPS Lab
    Software requirement:
    SSystems with Linux Operating System with gnu compiler
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV Dual Core -2.7 Ghz, 160 GB HDD, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, 17 LCD Monitor With Multimedia
    smart classroom
    Compiler Lab
    Software requirement:
    Ubuntu, C, C++, Java, NS2, Umbrello, OPENGL
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV Dual Core -2.7 Ghz, 160 GB HDD, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, 17 LCD Monitor With Multimedia

    Workshop & Conferences

    Hackathon -2024

    The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kings Engineering College has conducted the “Hackathon -2024” on 16 & 17 April 23.

    Hackathon 2024: Participants discussing

    Workshop 2024: No code website development and personal branding

    The department of Computer Science and engineering of Kings Engineering College organized a workshop “No code website development and personal branding” on 04.04.2024 & 05.04.2024 at 09.00 AM to 03.45 PM. Students of 2nd year, Computer Science and Engineering attended the workshop.

    Students are developing web page without code

    The resource person Mr.Saravanan ( Four steps Solution ) took over the session after the general instruction given by our beloved principal Dr. C. Ramesh Babu Durai and started the seminar by giving a brief introduction about the “No code website development and personal branding”. Within a short period of time, the speaker was able to cover lot of topics such as What is no code website development, How to incorporate our self in social media and What are platforms to earn money, without coding knowledge. In the first half of the Workshop the speaker covered the concepts like what were the software to be installed for creating website. Local – Word press is a software used to create a website. The speaker thought step by step procedure for creating website in a clear and understandable manner.

    Workshop 2024: Advanced Trends in Robotics and AI

    The department of Computer Science and engineering of Kings Engineering College organized a workshop “Advanced Trends in Robotics and AI” on15.03.2024 to 16.03.2024.


    Mrs. Charu Latha conducted the workshop to explain students in understanding the concepts of the AI using Python. They started the workshop with a very creative introductory session on 15th March 2024. First of all he has explained the concepts which will be very helpful for use of Python concepts in industry, using power point presentations. In this theoretical explanation part, They explained the Anaconda software and Machine learning use of this software for further practical implementation in Machine Learning Using Python. They have also given a brief idea about challenges of Python along with introduction to Machine Learning design principles.


    In February 2024, a seminar titled "5G COMMUNICATION NETWORKS" was conducted for the 3rd Year and final-year students. The seminar was delivered by the esteemed speaker MR SM. SOUKATH AHAMED covered a seminar on the topic "5GCOMMUNICATION NETWORKS" was conducted, during which the resource person addressed and clarified students' questions regarding 5G COMMUNICATION NETWORKS.


    Objective of the Seminar

    The seminar sessions were meticulously designed to expose engineering students to alternative career paths. The emphasis was on fields beyond the conventional scope, presenting a comprehensive picture of opportunities available to them. The academy aimed to instill an understanding of the versatility of engineering skills in various technical domains.

    Outcome of this Seminar

    The seminar effectively broadened the horizons for engineering students by introducing alternative career paths beyond the conventional. Focused on showcasing diverse opportunities, it instilled an appreciation for the versatility of engineering skills across various technical domains.

    Seminar 2024: Navigating the Future by Working Together with AI

    On March 6, 2024, a seminar titled “NAVIGATING THE FUTURE BY WORKING TOGETHER WITH AI” was conducted for the 2nd Year computer science and engineering students.


    Outcome of the seminar

    Students learnt brief about artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning and data science. Students gained good knowledge on AI in machine learning.

    Seminar 2024: ChatGPT - An Aid for Developers

    On January 30, 2024, a seminar titled "CHATGPT – AN AID FOR DEVELOPERS" was conducted for the 3rd Year computer science and engineering student. In the seminar, the esteemed speaker SOORYA V clarified students' questions regarding ChatGPT.


    Objective of the Event

    A seminar on the topic "ChatGPT - An Aid for Developers" wasconducted, during which the resource person addressed andclarified students' questions regarding ChatGPT.

    Seminar 2024: How to Crack Your First Interview

    On January 20& 29, 2024, a seminar titled "How to Crack Your First Interview" was conducted for the 3rd Year and 4th Year Computer Science and Engineering students. The seminar, delivered by the esteemed speaker Poornima B, covered various crucial aspects of the interview process, providing valuable insights and guidance to the participants.


    1. Body Language:

    Poornima B emphasized the significance of non-verbal communication during interviews. The participants gained insights into maintaining positive body language, conveying confidence, and making a favorable impression on interviewers.

    2. Grooming:

    The session highlighted the importance of professional grooming and its impact on the first impression. Poornima B provided tips on appropriate attire, grooming standards, and overall presentation.

    3. Self-Introduction:

    The art of introducing oneself effectively was discussed, focusing on concise yet impactful self-introductions. Participants learned strategies to highlight their strengths and relevant experiences in a brief and engaging manner.

    4. Resume Building:

    The importance of a well-crafted resume was emphasized, with Poornima B providing guidance on structuring resumes, showcasing achievements, and tailoring content to match the job requirements.

    5. Group Discussion:

    Participants were introduced to the dynamics of group discussions in the interview process. Strategies for effective communication, active listening, and expressing opinions were discussed to help students succeed in group discussions.

    6. Aptitude:

    The seminar covered the significance of aptitude tests in the recruitment process. Poornima B provided insights into preparing for aptitude tests, focusing on mathematical, logical, and analytical skills.

    7. How to Answer Interview Questions:

    Practical tips on answering common interview questions were shared, including the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique. Participants learned how to structure responses to showcase their skills and experiences effectively.

    8. Technical Interview:

    The session delved into the specifics of technical interviews, providing guidance on preparing for technical questions, problem-solving approaches, and demonstrating technical proficiency.

    9. Stress Interview:

    Understanding and managing stress during interviews was discussed. Poornima B provided strategies to handle stress interviews, allowing participants to stay composed and showcase their capabilities even in challenging situations.

    10. Personal Interview:

    The seminar concluded with insights into personal interviews, covering strategies for connecting with interviewers, expressing enthusiasm, and leaving a lasting positive impression.


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    Department is successfully following the outcome based education (OBE) prescribed by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi.
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    Dr. D. C. Jullie Josephine was honored with global faculty award which was awarded by ASK AWARDS for the excellence in the educational services Dr.
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    M.Parameswari was honored with UTTHAMA AADHYAPIKA which was awarded by Bharat educational excellence awards
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    Mrs.Jayambel rani was honored with women researcher award which was awarded by INSO AWARDS
  • Research paper published by


    Best Research Paper Award

    S.NoFaculty NameTitle of Research
    1Dr. D. C. Jullie JosephineMPTPIB-Modern Protection Technique for Phishing in Internet Banking
    2Mrs. V. IndhumathiA Novel Approach for Data Hiding using Reversible Texture Synthesis Based on Ridgelet Transform
    3Dr. D. C. Jullie JosephineSelection of optimistic nodes for reputation-based routing in wireless networks

    Students Achievements

    Tamilnadu state council for science and technology has selected the following project as best model

    Internships/Industrial Visits

    Industrial Visit to Aeroknotz

    An Industrial Visit to Aeroknotz Drones India PVT.LTD, Chennai was Organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering on Saturday 16th March, 2024. Nearly hundred students and two faculties from computer department visited AeroKnotz Drone India PVT.LTD. To interact with learning centre to understand the current market. scenarios, latest most demanding technologies and criteria for selection etc.

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      FPV Drone Assembly - Assembling a first - person view

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      FPV Drone piloting

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      Custom Drone Assembly

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      Custom Drone piloting

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      3D Modelling and Data Collection

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      Basic Drone piloting

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      Agricultural Drone Building

    Industrial Visit to National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)

    On 24.03.2023&09.00 AM to 4.00 PM Second year student of computer science engineering department went to One day Industrial visit to National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) which is in Chennai, The Objective & Outcome of the Course is NSIC facilitates Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with a set of specially tailored scheme to enhance their competitiveness. NSIC provides integrated support services under Marketing, Technology, Finance and other Support service.


    Industrial Visit to Integral Coach Factory

    On 15.11.2022 &09.00 AM to 4.00 PM, Final year student of computer science engineering department went to One day Industrial visit to The Integral Coach Factory which is in Chennai, to understand the Coach manufacturing types and to understand the design Concepts.

    First Slide

    Placement Details

    Placement Details 2019 - 2023
    Placement Details 2018 - 2022

    Our Recruiters

    Zoho LogoSutherland LogoTCS Logo
    Infosys LogoIBM LogoHCL Logo
    Hexaware LogoWipro LogoCognizant Logo
    Jilaba LogoQantler LogoZenardy Logo
    Avasoft LogoIntellipaat LogoMphasis Logo
    Astrin Aviation LogoQspiders LogoiOPEX Logo
    Om Innovation Logo

    Research & Development

    Title of the paperFaculty NameJournal NameYear
    Smart motorcycle Accident Prevention system using convolutional Neural NetworkDr.D.C.Jullie JosephineInternational Journal of Advanced science and technology2020
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    S.No.Company NameDurationYear of MOU signed
    2V3TechServThree year2022-23
    3SanscloudtechThree year2022-23
    4SkillSort Technical Solutions Private LimitedThree year2022-23
    5Career Labs Technologies Private LimitedThree year2022-23
    6Edureka Learning Private LimitedThree year2022-23
    7Sai TechThree year2022-23
    8Four Steps Training Pvt Ltd.Three year2021-22
    9Infogro TechnologyThree year2021-22
    10Brainovision Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.Three year2021-22
    11Uniq TechnologiesThree year2021-22
    12Zenardy Technologies Private LimitedThree year2021-22
    13Pantech E LearningThree year2021-22
    14Wisetech Source Pvt LtdThree year2021-22
    15Embeddvar Technology SolutionsThree year2021-22
    16Liberwin Technologies Private LimitedThree year2021-22
    17Mulesoft (A Salesforce Company)Three year2021-22
    18Enterprise Building Training Solutions (EBTS)Three year2021-22
    19MIT Square Group of CompaniesThree year2021-22
    20Bhumi NGO, ChennaiThree year2021-22
    21Youth United Council of India (YUCI), ChennaiThree year2021-22
    22ATHEENAPANDIAN PRIVATE LIMITED Chennai branch Chennai.Three year2021-22
    23ICTACADEMYThree year2020-21
    24Embeddvar Technology SolutionsThree year2020-21
    25Imarticus Learning Pvt Ltd.Three year2020-21
    26Knowledge Xchange CommunityThree year2020-21
    27Wise source tech private limitedThree year2020-21
    28Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. Ltd.,Three year2020-21
    29Sansbound Solutions Pvt Ltd.Three year2020-21
    30Netalla Innovations Pvt LtdThree year2020-21


    Name of the Project/Endowments, ChairsName of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigatorDepartment of Principal InvestigatorYear of AwardAmount SanctionedDuration of the ProjectName of the Funding AgencyType (Government/non-Government)
    Automatic Ration Distribution SystemDr.D.C.Jullie JosephineComputer Science and Engineering19-20250006 monthsSM MICRRO SystemNon Government
    Accident speed dialingMrs.J.M.Sheel LavanyaComputer Science and Engineering19-2098005 monthsHozanna TechnologiesNon Government
    Crop recommendation systemDr.SureshComputer Science and Engineering19-20105006 monthsVee EeeTechologies Solutions Pvt LtdNon Government
    Voice of Charity: Prospecting the Donation Recurrence and Donor Retention in CrowdfundingMrs.Gracia NissiComputer Science and Engineering19-2080006 monthsAverts TechnologyNon Government
    Hybrid smart home automationMrs.D.Sterlin RaniComputer Science and Engineering19-20127506 monthsChase TechnologiesNon Government
    An E-Agricultural platform for farmers using Structural Balance TheoryDr.M.ParameswariComputer Science and Engineering19-20120006 monthsDLK Techologies Pvt LtdNon Government
    Query Authentication For Outsource DatabaseDr.M.SreenivasaluComputer Science and Engineering19-20120005 monthsDLK Techologies Pvt LtdNon Government

    Professional Bodies

    Professional Society provides exposure to the students and faculties about the current trends , interact with the like-minded people establishing the contacts across various institutions and domains thereby presenting innovative ideas and projects.Professional society’s supports grant to the students and faculties innovation ideas to convert into prototypes. The department is member of CSI, ISTE, ICT Academy.

    ISTE - Student Chapter
    1Computer Society of IndiaStudent chapter
    2ICT AcademyStudent chapter
    3ISTEStudent chapter

    About the Department

    The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 2001. The primary goal of the department is to provide innovative and technical skills with high quality standards. The department gives students access to cutting-edge computing resources so they can always be one step ahead. The department also encourages innovative ideas and projects in various interrelated domains. The Department organizes various Short Term Training Programs, Seminars, Workshops for faculty and students. The department provides 24 X 7 Wi-Fi Connectivity with 200 Mbps with 4G & 5G Technology.

    The faculty members and the students are the members of the professional bodies such as CSI, IEEE and ISTE. Effective guidance is provided for the students to succeed in exams such as GATE, GRE, TOEFL and GMAT. The faculty interact with the students remotely through Google classroom which is an ICT initiate mentioned by MHRD and AICTE. Well experienced, dedicated and highly qualified faculties are the backbone of the department. The excellent academic performance of our students is due to high degree of involvement and dedication of our faculty. Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities.


    To develop a center of excellence in computer education by providing innovative and technical skills with high quality standards to meet the demands of the software industry and the community thereby to contribute to socio-economic progress with entrepreneurship, professional and ethical values.


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      To impart fundamental knowledge in basic sciences to solve technical problems.

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      To impart quality technical education to students so as to produce competent and quality computer professionals with high creativity and innovation.

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      To participate in design, development process in industries and to develop human intellectual capability to its full potential.

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      To empower the graduates with leadership qualities by inculcating multi-disciplinary deeds and develop entrepreneurship abilities.

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      To make use of technology for progress of mankind and adapts themselves to changing technological environment with the highest ethical and social values as inner strength.

    HOD Message

    Dr. Parameswari M.E.,Ph.D

    Professor and Head

    "Welcome to the dynamic world of Computer Science and Engineering at KINGS ENGINEERING COLLEGE! As the Head of Department, I'm excited to extend a warm greeting to all our new and returning students. At KINGS ENGINEERING COLLEGE, ourComputer Science and Engineering department is not just about learning; it's about innovation, collaboration, and shaping the future of technology. Get ready for an inspiring journey filled with endless possibilities and transformative experiences. Let's embark on this exciting adventure together!"

    Faculty List
    S.NoName of the Faculty MemberQualificationDesignation
    1Dr. ParameswariM.E., Ph.DProfessor
    2M Dr. VenkataramanaM.E., Ph.DProfessor
    3Dr. Yuvaraj BM.E., Ph.DAssociate Professor
    4Dr. SrinivasaluM.E., Ph.DAssociate Professor
    5Dr. Venkatesan KGSM.E., Ph.DAssociate Professor
    6Mr. Saravanan K GM.Tech., (Ph.D)Associate Professor
    7Mrs. Gracia Nissi SM.Tech., (Ph.D)Associate Professor
    8Mr. Munuswamy EM.E., (Ph.D)Assistant Professor
    9Mrs. Vidhya T CM.E.Assistant Professor
    10Mrs. Nishanthini SM.E., (Ph.D)Assistant Professor
    11Mr. Sathesh Abraham Leo EM.E., M.B.A., (Ph.D)Assistant Professor
    12Mrs. Mary Angeline JM.E.Assistant Professor
    13Ms. Asha Mary RM.E.Assistant Professor
    14Mr. Emmanuel Jasper VijayM.E.Assistant Professor
    15Mrs. Jasmine MargretM.E.Assistant Professor
    16Mr. Dinesh JM.E.Assistant Professor

    Programme Outcomes (POs)

    Engineering Knowledge
    Apply the knowledge to solve engineering problems, by understanding the fundamentals of mathematics, science and engineering.
    Problem Analysis
    Identify as well as to analyze a problem, and define the requirements appropriate to its solution.
    Design/development of Solutions
    Design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs within the realistic constraints such as social, ethical, health and safety, and sustainability.
    Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
    Investigate complex problems including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
    Modern Tool usage
    Enhance to utilize current engineering and software tools, skills and techniques for the utilization of computer engineering.
    The Engineer and Society
    Apply reasoning of the societal, safety issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering practice.
    Environment and Sustainability
    Understand the impact of computer engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context.
    Comprehend the depth of the professional and ethical responsibility pertaining to computer engineering.
    Individual and Team Work
    Contribute effectively and work efficiently on a multi-disciplinary team to accomplish a common goal.
    Communicate the engineering solutions precisely in oral, written and visual terms.
    Project Management and Finance
    Understand the Engineering and Management principles and apply them to handle the projects in multidisciplinary environment.
    Life-long Learning
    Recognize the need and engage in life-long learning process.

    Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

    To sensitize, analyze, design and develop computing solutions by applying inherent concepts of Computer Science and Engineering. Use of software tools, mathematics, science and engineering for accurate diagnosis and therapeutic applications.
    To develop and establish the quality software for scientific and business applications by applying software engineering and programming methodologies
    To adapt to emerging Information and Communication Technologies(ICT) to innovate ideas and solutions to existing/novel problems.

    Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

    To make Proficient Technocrats, competent to meet the challenges of the industry and the society with a strong foundation in Mathematic, Scientific and Engineering fundamentals.
    To enrich the Graduates with knowledge in computer software and hardware to design and develop computer based solutions for the real world problems
    To engage prolonged learner in higher education, research and career in the Technological development and deployment in the specializations of Computer Science and Engineering
    To impart Highly Skilled professionals with technical and problem solving skills to function as members and leaders of engineering teams and to inculcate team management skills with cross-cultural, promoting knowledge and inspirational leadership
    To enable the Technologists with deeper involvement in their profession with ethics and paramount obligation to serve the society

    Academic Schedule

    Third year Schedule
    Second  year Schedule

    Academic Time Table

    Academic Time Table

    Award of Degree & Division

    Class Toppers List ODD Sem 2022-23

    Second Year/III- Sem

    S.NoName of the StudentSectionCGPARank
    1Jagajeevan Ram K CSE - A 9.01 I
    2Helan Stafney ACSE - A8.7 II
    3Monisha ACSE - A8.63III
    4Yasvitha MCSE - B8.71I
    5Sowmika HCSE - B8.62II
    6Sanmitha JCSE - B8.4III

    Third Year/V- Sem

    S.NoName of the StudentSectionCGPARank
    1Daniel Raj KCSE - A 8.7I
    2Lavanya UCSE - A8.7II
    3Keerthana SCSE - A8.5III
    4SriVarthini KCSE - B8.9I
    5Swarnalakshmi VCSE - B8.5II
    6Sri HariharanCSE - B8.4III

    Final Year/VII- Sem

    S.NoName of the StudentSectionCGPARank
    1Logesh DCSE - A 8.67I
    2Bala Murugan GCSE - A8.65II
    3Dinu CCSE - A8.58III
    4Venu PCSE - B8.95I
    5Praveen. RCSE - B8.79II
    6ShaminiCSE - B8.63III


    Regulation 2021
    Regulation 2017

    Infrastructure Facilities

    Class rooms
    HOD Room
    Staff room with partition
    Department Library
    Seminar Hall

    Smart Classrooms

    smart classroom
    smart classroom

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      Department has sufficient classrooms for conducting lectures and tutorials for the program, that facilitates the instructor to teach and convey using audio-visual facility. Smart class is a digital initiative, which provides rapid transformation in the way teachers teach and students learn.
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      Smart class is a digital initiative, which provides rapid transformation in the way teachers teach and students learn.
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      There are eight lecture classrooms for the program.
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      Classrooms are well ventilated and provided with power plugs for PC and Projector.
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      Department has a tutorial room for conducting tutorial sessions for the program.
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      All the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-year students have separate classrooms for core/elective courses.
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      Course-related PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) and video presentation materials of reputed institutions are available in the department for self-learning and leisure learning.
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      Institutions are available in the department for self learning and leisure learning.
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      All classrooms are equipped with Blackboard.
    • Teaching Aid

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      The department also has audio and video systems (Multimedia Projectors) with high-speed internet connectivity.
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      Course-related PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) and video presentation materials of reputed institutions are available in the department for self-learning and leisure learning.
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      All classrooms are equipped with Blackboard.
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      Classrooms have good ventilation and are well audible.
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      Classrooms have 30 tables with benches to accommodate students.
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      Classrooms are equipped with 4 feet wide door exits for easy emergency escape.
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      A 10 feet wide and long corridor leading up to the staircase is provided at the door exit of the classrooms.
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      The staircases are broader (6 feet wide) for easy and faster movement.
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      Adjacent to the staircases, a lift is available with a capacity of 8 persons.
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      The department has a staff room with an area of 848 sq.ft and 410 sq.ft to accommodate the staff members.There is an individual staff cabin provided for each faculty member.
    • Faculty Room

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      The department staff room is equipped with a system with internet and intercom, and Almirahs.
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      Staff rooms are provided with PCs and internet facilities.
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      All staff are provided with lockable tables to enable safe custody of books and files.
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      The room is also equipped with Almirahs for the safe custody of program-related files.

    Seminar Hall

    smart classroom
    smart classroom
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    Department has separate AC seminar hall in the college to conduct workshops, seminars and guest lectures. This seminar hall is equipped with computer systems with video projector, Internet and Uninterrupted Power Supply.
  • Laboratories

    smart classroom
    Basic Programming Lab
    Software requirement:
    Microsoft Office, Turbo C, C++, Windows OS, Ubuntu
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV Dual Core -2.7 Ghz, 160 GB HDD, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, 17 LCD Monitor With Multimedia
    smart classroom
    Networking Lab
    Software requirement:
    Ubuntu, C, C++, Java, NS2, Umbrello, OPENGL, Flex, Bison
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV Dual Core -2.7 Ghz, 160 GB HDD, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, 17 LCD Monitor With Multimedia.
    smart classroom
    Cloud Computing Lab
    Software requirement:
    Ubuntu, BOSS, Globus Toolkit Hardware
    Hardware requirement:
    Hardware Intel Core i3 - 3.1 Ghz, 500 GB HDD, 4 GB DDR3 RAM,USB Keyboard, USB Mouse,18.5 Lcd Monitor
    smart classroom
    Project Innovation Lab
    Software requirement:
    MAT LAB, Python, NS Simulator, Windows OS, Ubuntu
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV Dual Core -2.7 Ghz, 160 GB HDD, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, 17 LCD Monitor With Multimedia
    smart classroom
    Security Lab
    Software requirement:
    Android visual studio, Java
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Core i3 - 3.1 Ghz, 500 GB HDD, 2 GB DDR3 RAM,USB Keyboard, USB Mouse,18.5 Lcd Monitor
    smart classroom
    Database Management System Lab
    Software requirement:
    Visual Studio, MySql
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV -2.66 Ghz, 40 GB HDD,1 GB DDR1 RAM, PS2 Keyboard, PS2 Mouse, 15 CRT Monitor
    smart classroom
    Operating System Lab
    Software requirement:
    Ubuntu, C, C++
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV -2.66 Ghz, 40 GB HDD,1 GB DDR1 RAM, PS2 Keyboard, PS2 Mouse, 15 CRT Monitor
    smart classroom
    Data structures OOPS Lab
    Software requirement:
    SSystems with Linux Operating System with gnu compiler
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV Dual Core -2.7 Ghz, 160 GB HDD, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, 17 LCD Monitor With Multimedia
    smart classroom
    Compiler Lab
    Software requirement:
    Ubuntu, C, C++, Java, NS2, Umbrello, OPENGL
    Hardware requirement:
    Intel Pentium IV Dual Core -2.7 Ghz, 160 GB HDD, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, 17 LCD Monitor With Multimedia

    Workshop & Conferences

    Hackathon -2024

    The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kings Engineering College has conducted the “Hackathon -2024” on 16 & 17 April 23.

    Hackathon 2024: Participants discussing

    Workshop 2024: No code website development and personal branding

    The department of Computer Science and engineering of Kings Engineering College organized a workshop “No code website development and personal branding” on 04.04.2024 & 05.04.2024 at 09.00 AM to 03.45 PM. Students of 2nd year, Computer Science and Engineering attended the workshop.

    Students are developing web page without code

    The resource person Mr.Saravanan ( Four steps Solution ) took over the session after the general instruction given by our beloved principal Dr. C. Ramesh Babu Durai and started the seminar by giving a brief introduction about the “No code website development and personal branding”. Within a short period of time, the speaker was able to cover lot of topics such as What is no code website development, How to incorporate our self in social media and What are platforms to earn money, without coding knowledge. In the first half of the Workshop the speaker covered the concepts like what were the software to be installed for creating website. Local – Word press is a software used to create a website. The speaker thought step by step procedure for creating website in a clear and understandable manner.

    Workshop 2024: Advanced Trends in Robotics and AI

    The department of Computer Science and engineering of Kings Engineering College organized a workshop “Advanced Trends in Robotics and AI” on15.03.2024 to 16.03.2024.


    Mrs. Charu Latha conducted the workshop to explain students in understanding the concepts of the AI using Python. They started the workshop with a very creative introductory session on 15th March 2024. First of all he has explained the concepts which will be very helpful for use of Python concepts in industry, using power point presentations. In this theoretical explanation part, They explained the Anaconda software and Machine learning use of this software for further practical implementation in Machine Learning Using Python. They have also given a brief idea about challenges of Python along with introduction to Machine Learning design principles.


    In February 2024, a seminar titled "5G COMMUNICATION NETWORKS" was conducted for the 3rd Year and final-year students. The seminar was delivered by the esteemed speaker MR SM. SOUKATH AHAMED covered a seminar on the topic "5GCOMMUNICATION NETWORKS" was conducted, during which the resource person addressed and clarified students' questions regarding 5G COMMUNICATION NETWORKS.


    Objective of the Seminar

    The seminar sessions were meticulously designed to expose engineering students to alternative career paths. The emphasis was on fields beyond the conventional scope, presenting a comprehensive picture of opportunities available to them. The academy aimed to instill an understanding of the versatility of engineering skills in various technical domains.

    Outcome of this Seminar

    The seminar effectively broadened the horizons for engineering students by introducing alternative career paths beyond the conventional. Focused on showcasing diverse opportunities, it instilled an appreciation for the versatility of engineering skills across various technical domains.

    Seminar 2024: Navigating the Future by Working Together with AI

    On March 6, 2024, a seminar titled “NAVIGATING THE FUTURE BY WORKING TOGETHER WITH AI” was conducted for the 2nd Year computer science and engineering students.


    Outcome of the seminar

    Students learnt brief about artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning and data science. Students gained good knowledge on AI in machine learning.

    Seminar 2024: ChatGPT - An Aid for Developers

    On January 30, 2024, a seminar titled "CHATGPT – AN AID FOR DEVELOPERS" was conducted for the 3rd Year computer science and engineering student. In the seminar, the esteemed speaker SOORYA V clarified students' questions regarding ChatGPT.


    Objective of the Event

    A seminar on the topic "ChatGPT - An Aid for Developers" wasconducted, during which the resource person addressed andclarified students' questions regarding ChatGPT.

    Seminar 2024: How to Crack Your First Interview

    On January 20& 29, 2024, a seminar titled "How to Crack Your First Interview" was conducted for the 3rd Year and 4th Year Computer Science and Engineering students. The seminar, delivered by the esteemed speaker Poornima B, covered various crucial aspects of the interview process, providing valuable insights and guidance to the participants.


    1. Body Language:

    Poornima B emphasized the significance of non-verbal communication during interviews. The participants gained insights into maintaining positive body language, conveying confidence, and making a favorable impression on interviewers.

    2. Grooming:

    The session highlighted the importance of professional grooming and its impact on the first impression. Poornima B provided tips on appropriate attire, grooming standards, and overall presentation.

    3. Self-Introduction:

    The art of introducing oneself effectively was discussed, focusing on concise yet impactful self-introductions. Participants learned strategies to highlight their strengths and relevant experiences in a brief and engaging manner.

    4. Resume Building:

    The importance of a well-crafted resume was emphasized, with Poornima B providing guidance on structuring resumes, showcasing achievements, and tailoring content to match the job requirements.

    5. Group Discussion:

    Participants were introduced to the dynamics of group discussions in the interview process. Strategies for effective communication, active listening, and expressing opinions were discussed to help students succeed in group discussions.

    6. Aptitude:

    The seminar covered the significance of aptitude tests in the recruitment process. Poornima B provided insights into preparing for aptitude tests, focusing on mathematical, logical, and analytical skills.

    7. How to Answer Interview Questions:

    Practical tips on answering common interview questions were shared, including the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique. Participants learned how to structure responses to showcase their skills and experiences effectively.

    8. Technical Interview:

    The session delved into the specifics of technical interviews, providing guidance on preparing for technical questions, problem-solving approaches, and demonstrating technical proficiency.

    9. Stress Interview:

    Understanding and managing stress during interviews was discussed. Poornima B provided strategies to handle stress interviews, allowing participants to stay composed and showcase their capabilities even in challenging situations.

    10. Personal Interview:

    The seminar concluded with insights into personal interviews, covering strategies for connecting with interviewers, expressing enthusiasm, and leaving a lasting positive impression.


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    Department is successfully following the outcome based education (OBE) prescribed by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi.
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    Dr. D. C. Jullie Josephine was honored with global faculty award which was awarded by ASK AWARDS for the excellence in the educational services Dr.
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    M.Parameswari was honored with UTTHAMA AADHYAPIKA which was awarded by Bharat educational excellence awards
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    Mrs.Jayambel rani was honored with women researcher award which was awarded by INSO AWARDS
  • Research paper published by


    Best Research Paper Award

    S.NoFaculty NameTitle of Research
    1Dr. D. C. Jullie JosephineMPTPIB-Modern Protection Technique for Phishing in Internet Banking
    2Mrs. V. IndhumathiA Novel Approach for Data Hiding using Reversible Texture Synthesis Based on Ridgelet Transform
    3Dr. D. C. Jullie JosephineSelection of optimistic nodes for reputation-based routing in wireless networks

    Students Achievements

    Tamilnadu state council for science and technology has selected the following project as best model

    Internships/Industrial Visits

    Industrial Visit to Aeroknotz

    An Industrial Visit to Aeroknotz Drones India PVT.LTD, Chennai was Organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering on Saturday 16th March, 2024. Nearly hundred students and two faculties from computer department visited AeroKnotz Drone India PVT.LTD. To interact with learning centre to understand the current market. scenarios, latest most demanding technologies and criteria for selection etc.

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      FPV Drone Assembly - Assembling a first - person view

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      FPV Drone piloting

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      Custom Drone Assembly

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      Custom Drone piloting

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      3D Modelling and Data Collection

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      Basic Drone piloting

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      Agricultural Drone Building

    Industrial Visit to National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)

    On 24.03.2023&09.00 AM to 4.00 PM Second year student of computer science engineering department went to One day Industrial visit to National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) which is in Chennai, The Objective & Outcome of the Course is NSIC facilitates Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with a set of specially tailored scheme to enhance their competitiveness. NSIC provides integrated support services under Marketing, Technology, Finance and other Support service.


    Industrial Visit to Integral Coach Factory

    On 15.11.2022 &09.00 AM to 4.00 PM, Final year student of computer science engineering department went to One day Industrial visit to The Integral Coach Factory which is in Chennai, to understand the Coach manufacturing types and to understand the design Concepts.

    First Slide

    Placement Details

    Placement Details 2019 - 2023
    Placement Details 2018 - 2022

    Our Recruiters

    Zoho LogoSutherland LogoTCS Logo
    Infosys LogoIBM LogoHCL Logo
    Hexaware LogoWipro LogoCognizant Logo
    Jilaba LogoQantler LogoZenardy Logo
    Avasoft LogoIntellipaat LogoMphasis Logo
    Astrin Aviation LogoQspiders LogoiOPEX Logo
    Om Innovation Logo

    Research & Development

    Title of the paperFaculty NameJournal NameYear
    Smart motorcycle Accident Prevention system using convolutional Neural NetworkDr.D.C.Jullie JosephineInternational Journal of Advanced science and technology2020
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    S.No.Company NameDurationYear of MOU signed
    2V3TechServThree year2022-23
    3SanscloudtechThree year2022-23
    4SkillSort Technical Solutions Private LimitedThree year2022-23
    5Career Labs Technologies Private LimitedThree year2022-23
    6Edureka Learning Private LimitedThree year2022-23
    7Sai TechThree year2022-23
    8Four Steps Training Pvt Ltd.Three year2021-22
    9Infogro TechnologyThree year2021-22
    10Brainovision Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.Three year2021-22
    11Uniq TechnologiesThree year2021-22
    12Zenardy Technologies Private LimitedThree year2021-22
    13Pantech E LearningThree year2021-22
    14Wisetech Source Pvt LtdThree year2021-22
    15Embeddvar Technology SolutionsThree year2021-22
    16Liberwin Technologies Private LimitedThree year2021-22
    17Mulesoft (A Salesforce Company)Three year2021-22
    18Enterprise Building Training Solutions (EBTS)Three year2021-22
    19MIT Square Group of CompaniesThree year2021-22
    20Bhumi NGO, ChennaiThree year2021-22
    21Youth United Council of India (YUCI), ChennaiThree year2021-22
    22ATHEENAPANDIAN PRIVATE LIMITED Chennai branch Chennai.Three year2021-22
    23ICTACADEMYThree year2020-21
    24Embeddvar Technology SolutionsThree year2020-21
    25Imarticus Learning Pvt Ltd.Three year2020-21
    26Knowledge Xchange CommunityThree year2020-21
    27Wise source tech private limitedThree year2020-21
    28Pantech Prolabs India Pvt. Ltd.,Three year2020-21
    29Sansbound Solutions Pvt Ltd.Three year2020-21
    30Netalla Innovations Pvt LtdThree year2020-21


    Name of the Project/Endowments, ChairsName of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigatorDepartment of Principal InvestigatorYear of AwardAmount SanctionedDuration of the ProjectName of the Funding AgencyType (Government/non-Government)
    Automatic Ration Distribution SystemDr.D.C.Jullie JosephineComputer Science and Engineering19-20250006 monthsSM MICRRO SystemNon Government
    Accident speed dialingMrs.J.M.Sheel LavanyaComputer Science and Engineering19-2098005 monthsHozanna TechnologiesNon Government
    Crop recommendation systemDr.SureshComputer Science and Engineering19-20105006 monthsVee EeeTechologies Solutions Pvt LtdNon Government
    Voice of Charity: Prospecting the Donation Recurrence and Donor Retention in CrowdfundingMrs.Gracia NissiComputer Science and Engineering19-2080006 monthsAverts TechnologyNon Government
    Hybrid smart home automationMrs.D.Sterlin RaniComputer Science and Engineering19-20127506 monthsChase TechnologiesNon Government
    An E-Agricultural platform for farmers using Structural Balance TheoryDr.M.ParameswariComputer Science and Engineering19-20120006 monthsDLK Techologies Pvt LtdNon Government
    Query Authentication For Outsource DatabaseDr.M.SreenivasaluComputer Science and Engineering19-20120005 monthsDLK Techologies Pvt LtdNon Government

    Professional Bodies

    Professional Society provides exposure to the students and faculties about the current trends , interact with the like-minded people establishing the contacts across various institutions and domains thereby presenting innovative ideas and projects.Professional society’s supports grant to the students and faculties innovation ideas to convert into prototypes. The department is member of CSI, ISTE, ICT Academy.

    ISTE - Student Chapter
    1Computer Society of IndiaStudent chapter
    2ICT AcademyStudent chapter
    3ISTEStudent chapter