About the Department

The Undergraduate Programme B.E. Biomedical Engineering started in the year 2019 and is functioning effectively to impart quality education to Undergraduate Engineering students in the field of Biomedical Engineering.

The department has highly qualified and well experienced faculties in areas like Instrumentation, Biomedical Engineering, Medical electronics, Applied Electronics and Communication Systems. The faculty members are actively involved in Teaching–Learning Process and Research activities in the field of electronics with medical applications.

The faculty members actively take part in attending and organizing various events to abreast with the latest technological advancement for the betterment of faculties, students and the institution.


To endorse knowledge and invention that incorporates engineering and life sciences for the progression of human health. To build a centre of academic excellence in biomedical engineering for betterment in healthcare through industrial oriented teaching and research contributions. The Biomedical engineering department is to become a centre of excellence to deliver a quality health service for the success of the country through education and research.


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    To train the students as knowledge based engineers by innovative thinking to meet the challenges in the field of medical and electronics engineering for healthier India.

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    To encourage faculty members and students to detonate their ingenuity to cultivate innovative products by employing modern technologies to assist the society.

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    To teach the students on the industrial need in biomedical engineering through significant training and value added courses.

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    To bring out technically passionate engineers through innovative teaching practices.

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    To educate students to realize that human body is a combined system, through computable engineering investigation and customizing to design better therapeutic policies, devices, and diagnostics.

HOD Message

Dr. A. R. Venmathi, M.E.,Ph.D.

Professor and Head

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Biomedical Engineering, KEC. Her work has been at the interface of the engineering and medical fields; biomedical engineers have a fascinating and demanding job ahead of them. It has been years since we began a profound transformation across every aspect of the department in order to adapt to the great demands of the healthcare industry. The department has long positioned itself as a leader in prioritizing stakeholder engagement that can massively benefit the organization, providing a competitive advantage while contributing the best to the world we live in.

Best of luck to our future leaders!

Faculty List
S.NoName of the Faculty MemberQualificationDesignation
1Dr. Venmathi A RM.E., Ph.D. HOD & Professor
2Dr. Vishnu Priyan SM.Tech., Ph.D.Associate Professor
3Dr. Saravana Kumar M NM.E., Ph.D.Associate Professor
4Mr. Prakash KM.E., (Ph.D.)Associate Professor
5Mr. Muthukumaraswamy PM.E., (Ph.D.)Assistant Professor
6Mr. Tamilselvan JM.E., (Ph.D.)Assistant Professor
7Ms. Maria Celestina DM.E. Assistant Professor
8Ms. Saranya DM.E. Assistant Professor
9Dr. Ramya RM.E., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
10Mr. Sheejin NM.E.Assistant Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of Solutions
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool usage
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long Learning
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

Enable the students to understand and recognize the measurements to be made with living systems, with the help of measuring devices.
Use of software tools, mathematics, science and engineering for accurate diagnosis and therapeutic applications.
Ability to develop automated healthcare information system for remote access.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

To educate students with quality foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering basics which are essential to communicate, analyse and solve engineering complication in healthcare sector.
To exhibit leadership, decision making with ethical responsibilities, utility and communicate efficiently in multidisciplinary fields of Engineering.
To teach students with assistances for research, design and development of biomedical devices and associated integrated systems for the benefit of human society.
To promote entrepreneurial importance among students and to create enthusiasm for use of engineering in addressing societal concerns.

Academic Time Table

Academic Schedule
Academic Schedule


Regulation 2021
Regulation 2017

Infrastructure Facilities

Class rooms
HOD Room
Staff room with partition
Department Library
Seminar Hall

Bio Chemistry Laboratory

It focuses on the study of chemical substances and processes that occur in plants, animals, and microorganisms and of the changes they undergo during development and life. It deals with the chemistry of life, and as such it draws on the techniques of analytical, organic, and physical chemistry, as well as those of physiologists concerned with the molecular basis of vital processes.

Biosciences Laboratory

It focus on teaching the multiple science subjects including physiology, pharmacology, pharmacy, biochemistry, molecular biology, cell culture, nutrition, microbiology and other related subjects.

Pathology and Microbiology Laboratory

It identifies the pathogenic microbes that cause disease and distinguish them from normal flora and from environmental organisms not causing disease.

Human Physiology Laboratory

It demonstrates the understanding of chemical and biological principles and knowledge that serve as the foundation for understanding human anatomy and physiology.

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment Laboratory

It demonstrates the recording of various bio-potentials and the working principle of life saving equipment.

Bio Medical Instrumentation Laboratory

It focuses on introducing the fundamentals of transducers as applicable to physiology, exploring the human body parameter measurements setups and it makes the students to understand the basic concepts of forensic techniques.

Sensors and Measurements Laboratory

It familiarizes the students with various types of sensors and transducers. And, enables the students to select and design suitable instruments to meet requirements of various industrial applications.

Embedded and IoMT Laboratory

It enables the students and faculties of the institute to witness and be the part of the vision in which the internet prolongs into the real world embracing everyday objects.

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

It enables the students to simulate and experiment with digital signals and systems and apply the theory they have studied in DSP courses.

Digital Image Processing Laboratory

Enhancement: Improving the quality of an image by adjusting brightness, contrast, sharpness, and reducing noise or artifacts.

Restoration: Recovering and restoring images that have been degraded due to factors like noise, blurring, or compression.

National Level Technical Symposium

The Department of Bio Medical Engineering organized the "MEDINNO" – National Level Technical Symposium, held on 05.03.24 — an immersive event that seamlessly integrates cutting-edge technical exploration with engaging non-technical experiences. Dived into the latest advancements through insightful presentations, while also enjoyed creative challenges, team-building exercises and offered a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange, innovation, and community building.
National Level Technical Symposium

Inauguration of MEDINNO" – National Level Technical Symposium, held on 05.03.24

Second Slide

Valedictory function of MEDINNO" – National Level Technical Symposium, held on 05.03.24

Workshop & Conferences


Guest Lecture on “Application of machine learning in medical equipments” held on 13.05.2022


Activities & Programs

Paper Presentation

Inauguration of Bio-Fest

Inauguration of “Bio-Fest” held on 18.04.24

Valedictory function of Bio-Fest

Valedictory function of “Bio-Fest” held on 18.04.24

The Department of Biomedical Engineering, Kings Engineering College has conducted the “Bio-Fest” held on 18.04.24 – Inter-department paper presentation event in the theme of “Recent Trends in Healthcare”. Groundbreaking Research papers and Projects were manifested.

Faculty Development Program

Faculty Development Program
Faculty Development Program
Department of Bio Medical Engineering was successfully conducted a virtual six days Faculty Development Program on “BM8601 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment-I” from 14.03.2022 to 19.03.2022.

Refresher Course

Bio Medical Engineering department conducted the Refresher Course – “Programming Language C” for second year and third year students of BME to enhance practical knowledge on C language.

Club Activities

Club Activities

Third year students Presented their “Idea Presentation Event” on Innovations in Medical Devices, held on 05.11.2022

Club Activities

First year students shown their talent on “Glass Painting Event” held on 13.10.2023 helloooooooooooooooooooooo

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    Department of Bio Medical Engineering "Idea Presentation Event" held on 05.11.2022.

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    Department of Bio Medical Engineering in association with Medical Design Club conducted the "Poster Presentation Event" on account of "World Health Day", held on 07.04.2023.

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    Medical Design Club of the Kings Engineering College in association with Biomedical Engineering Department has conducted the "Glass Painting Event" on account of "World Student's Day", held on 13.10.2023.

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    Medical Design Club of the Kings Engineering College and Department of Biomedical Engineering has conducted the "Idea Presentation Event" on account of "World Student's Day", held on 16.10.2023.



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    Mr. P. Muthukumaraswamy, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Digital Circuits NPTEL course.
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    Mr. P. Muthukumaraswamy, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Biomechanics of Joint & Orthopedic Implants NPTEL course.
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    Mr. P. Muthukumaraswamy, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Switching Circuits & Logic Design NPTEL course.
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    Mr. P. Muthukumaraswamy, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Biomedical Signal Processing NPTEL course.
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    Mr.P.Muthukumaraswamy, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Integrated Circuits, MOSFETS, Op Amps & their Applications NPTEL course.
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    Mr. K. Prakash, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Electrocardiogram-Interpretation & Application in Clinical Practice NPTEL course
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    Mr.K.Prakash, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the completed the Animal Physiology NPTEL course.
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    Ms. X. Sagaya Deva Niranjana, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Animal Physiology NPTEL course.
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    Ms. X. Sagaya Deva Niranjana, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Bioinformatics: Algorithms & Applications NPTEL course.
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    Ms. X. Sagaya Deva Niranjana, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Biomechanics of Joint & Orthopedic Implants NPTEL course.



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    K Siva, 3rd year Student BME, completed the Bio-electro chemistry NPTEL course.
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    S. Ranjith Kumar, 2nd year Student BME, completed the Animal Physiology NPTEL course.
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    S. Ranjith Kumar, 2nd year Student BME, completed the Medical Biomaterials NPTEL course.
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    S. Reshma, 4th year Student BME, completed the Bioinformatics: Algorithms & Applications NPTEL course.
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    P. Chriseeda Shinny, 4th year Student BME, completed the Bioinformatics: Algorithms & Applications NPTEL course.
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    S.Vijaysamson, 4th year Student BME, completed the Bioinformatics: Algorithms & Applications NPTEL course.
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    A. Aathiraja, 4th year Student BME, completed the Bioinformatics: Algorithms & Applications NPTEL course.
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    M. Janani Selvi, 4th year Student BME, completed the Bioinformatics: Algorithms & Applications NPTEL course.
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    A. Emmanuel and S. Ranjith Kumar from third year have successfully completed Period of one month internship at the Leather Sector Skill Council provided valuable hands-on experience, shaping their understanding of the industry and equipping them with essential skills for future endeavors Joel T.
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    George, S.L.P Rushil, V. Magesh, and S. Mohamad Nazeer Khan from final year have pioneered an innovative wearable device for real-time monitoring. This groundbreaking technology promises to revolutionize healthcare and enhance safety across industries.
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    R.Chanthini, P.M Jeevitha, M.Kokilavani, and S.Vinodini from final year have performed the research which unveils a sustainable approach, extracting Chitosan from Red Snapper scales to create Bioplastic Films.

Internships/Industrial Visits

All the year students from the department of Biomedical Engineering were undergone Internship and Hospital visit to the reputed hospitals such as

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    Stanely Medical College Chennai
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    Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai
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    Saveetha Medical College & Hospitals, Chennai
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    Sudar Hospitals, Chennai
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    Biovision Medical Systems, Chennai
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    Deepam Hospitals, Chennai
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    IIT Madras Incubation Cell Chennai
Final year student's undergone Hospital visit to Vijaya Hospital, chennai on 17.02.2022


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    Deepam Hospitals,West Tambaram, Chennai, signed on 14.03.2022.
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    Atheenapandian Private Limited, Chennai, signed on 13.05.2022.
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    Biovision Medical Systems, Chennai, signed on 30.08.2023.
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    Saveetha Medical College & Hospital, Chennai, signed on 31.10.2023.

Research Publications by Faculty Team

S.NoTitle of the PaperFaculty NameJournalYear
1Image segmentation based on markov random field probabilistic approachDr. A R VenmathiProceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing2019
2Detection of Micro calcification Clusters using Statistical Parameters and Dyadic Contourlet Transform-based Precision EnhancementDr. A R VenmathiEuropean Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine2020
3An Automatic Brain Tumors Detection and Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network with VGG- 19Dr. A R VenmathiIEEE Conference proceedings2023
4Enhancing efficiency in electrical distribution systems: A novel approach via modified genetic optimization algorithm for loss reduction in optimal network distributionDr. S. VishnupriyanJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press2024
5Enhanced melanoma detection using a fuzzy ensemble approach integrating hybrid optimization algorithmDr. S. VishnupriyanBiomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevier2024
6A New Deep Neuro-Fuzzy System for Lyme Disease Detection and classification using UNet, Inception, and XGBoost Model from Medical ImagesDr. S. VishnupriyanNeural Computing and Applications, Springer2024
7A Fusion of Deep Neural Networks and Game Theory for Retinal DiseaseDiagnosis with OCT ImagesDr. S. VishnupriyanJournal of X-Ray Science and Technology IOS Press2024
8GAN Based Image Segmentation and Classification Using Vgg16 for Prediction of Lung CancerDr. S. VishnupriyanJournal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology2023
9Reconfiguration of Distribution Network based DG and Capacitors using Grey Wolf Algorithm for Power Loss ReductionDr. S. VishnupriyanJournal of Physics: Conf. Series2024
10Enhancing Dehazing performance of single satellite optical images using gamma correction and DCP in YCbCr ColorspaceDr. S. Vishnupriyan IEEE Xplore2024
11IoT and Artificial Intelligence-based Low-Cost Smart Modules for Smart Irrigation SystemsDr. S. VishnupriyanIEEE XploreInternational Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS)2023
12IoT-based Underground Cable Fault DetectionDr. S. VishnupriyanIEEE Xplore International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems (ICAISS)2023
13IoT-based Underground Cable Fault DetectionDr. S. VishnupriyanIEEE Xplore2023
14Reconfiguration of Distribution Network based DG and Capacitors using Grey Wolf Algorithm for Power Loss ReductionDr M N Saravana KumarJournal of Physics: Conf. Series2024

Patent Details

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    Dr. A. R. Venmathi, "A Smart Suite for assissting the pregnant women", ApplicationNo.202041008057A, 06/03/2020 (Published)
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    Dr. S.Vishnu Priyan , "Automatic Number Plate Recognition using Rashberry Pi & Python", 06/01/2023 (Published)
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    Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar, "Computer based breath analysis device for blood sugar detection", Application No. 380599-001, 02 March 2023 (Granted)
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    Dr. A. R. Venmathi, Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar, Dr. S. Vishnu Priyan, Mr. P. Muthukumaraswamy, Mr. K. Prakash, Mr. J. Tamilselvan, Ms. X. Sagaya Deva Niranjana, Ms. D. Maria Celestina , "Bio Tissue Classification using Machine Learning Algorithm", Application No. 202341026481 , 05/05/2023 (Published)

Books/Chapters Published

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    Dr. A. R. Venmathi, "Electronic Circuits:EC8351", 9 January 20 (KindleEdition)
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    Dr. A. R. Venmathi, "Antennas and microwave Engineering", Charulatha Publications.
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    Dr. A. R. Venmathi, "Microprocessors and Microcontrollers", Publishinghouse: LAPLAMBERT Academic Publishing.
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    Dr. M N Saravana Kumar, (2020) "Machine Learning and Applications (MLA - Volume 1)", DIPTI Press (OPC) Private Limited, Chapter 7, pp. 282-288.
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    Dr. M N Saravana Kumar, (2020) "Data Security in Internet of Things based RFID and WSN Systems applications", CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Chapter 9, pp. 107-114.
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    Dr. S. Vishnu Priyan, (2022) "Routing Strategy: Network-on-Chip Architectures (Chapter: 9), VLSI Architecture for Signal, Speech, and Image Processing Advances, Challenges, and Potential”, CRC Press Taylor& Francis Group
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    Dr. S. Vishnu Priyan, Electronic Devices & Circuits, Charulatha Publications, ISBN. No:978-93-5577-459-0, 2023.
Professional Bodies

Professional Society provides exposure to the students and faculties about the current trends, interact with the like-minded people establishing the contacts across various institutions and domains thereby presenting innovative ideas and projects. Professional society's supports grant to the students and faculties innovation ideas to convert into prototypes. The department is member of ISTE, ICT Academy.

1ICT Academy Student chapter, Faculty chapter
2ISTEStudent chapter

About the Department

The Undergraduate Programme B.E. Biomedical Engineering started in the year 2019 and is functioning effectively to impart quality education to Undergraduate Engineering students in the field of Biomedical Engineering.

The department has highly qualified and well experienced faculties in areas like Instrumentation, Biomedical Engineering, Medical electronics, Applied Electronics and Communication Systems. The faculty members are actively involved in Teaching–Learning Process and Research activities in the field of electronics with medical applications.

The faculty members actively take part in attending and organizing various events to abreast with the latest technological advancement for the betterment of faculties, students and the institution.


To endorse knowledge and invention that incorporates engineering and life sciences for the progression of human health. To build a centre of academic excellence in biomedical engineering for betterment in healthcare through industrial oriented teaching and research contributions. The Biomedical engineering department is to become a centre of excellence to deliver a quality health service for the success of the country through education and research.


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    To train the students as knowledge based engineers by innovative thinking to meet the challenges in the field of medical and electronics engineering for healthier India.

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    To encourage faculty members and students to detonate their ingenuity to cultivate innovative products by employing modern technologies to assist the society.

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    To teach the students on the industrial need in biomedical engineering through significant training and value added courses.

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    To bring out technically passionate engineers through innovative teaching practices.

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    To educate students to realize that human body is a combined system, through computable engineering investigation and customizing to design better therapeutic policies, devices, and diagnostics.

HOD Message

Dr. A. R. Venmathi, M.E.,Ph.D.

Professor and Head

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Biomedical Engineering, KEC. Her work has been at the interface of the engineering and medical fields; biomedical engineers have a fascinating and demanding job ahead of them. It has been years since we began a profound transformation across every aspect of the department in order to adapt to the great demands of the healthcare industry. The department has long positioned itself as a leader in prioritizing stakeholder engagement that can massively benefit the organization, providing a competitive advantage while contributing the best to the world we live in.

Best of luck to our future leaders!

Faculty List
S.NoName of the Faculty MemberQualificationDesignation
1Dr. Venmathi A RM.E., Ph.D. HOD & Professor
2Dr. Vishnu Priyan SM.Tech., Ph.D.Associate Professor
3Dr. Saravana Kumar M NM.E., Ph.D.Associate Professor
4Mr. Prakash KM.E., (Ph.D.)Associate Professor
5Mr. Muthukumaraswamy PM.E., (Ph.D.)Assistant Professor
6Mr. Tamilselvan JM.E., (Ph.D.)Assistant Professor
7Ms. Maria Celestina DM.E. Assistant Professor
8Ms. Saranya DM.E. Assistant Professor
9Dr. Ramya RM.E., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
10Mr. Sheejin NM.E.Assistant Professor

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Knowledge
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of Solutions
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool usage
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long Learning
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

Enable the students to understand and recognize the measurements to be made with living systems, with the help of measuring devices.
Use of software tools, mathematics, science and engineering for accurate diagnosis and therapeutic applications.
Ability to develop automated healthcare information system for remote access.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

To educate students with quality foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering basics which are essential to communicate, analyse and solve engineering complication in healthcare sector.
To exhibit leadership, decision making with ethical responsibilities, utility and communicate efficiently in multidisciplinary fields of Engineering.
To teach students with assistances for research, design and development of biomedical devices and associated integrated systems for the benefit of human society.
To promote entrepreneurial importance among students and to create enthusiasm for use of engineering in addressing societal concerns.

Academic Time Table

Academic Schedule
Academic Schedule


Regulation 2021
Regulation 2017

Infrastructure Facilities

Class rooms
HOD Room
Staff room with partition
Department Library
Seminar Hall

Bio Chemistry Laboratory

It focuses on the study of chemical substances and processes that occur in plants, animals, and microorganisms and of the changes they undergo during development and life. It deals with the chemistry of life, and as such it draws on the techniques of analytical, organic, and physical chemistry, as well as those of physiologists concerned with the molecular basis of vital processes.

Biosciences Laboratory

It focus on teaching the multiple science subjects including physiology, pharmacology, pharmacy, biochemistry, molecular biology, cell culture, nutrition, microbiology and other related subjects.

Pathology and Microbiology Laboratory

It identifies the pathogenic microbes that cause disease and distinguish them from normal flora and from environmental organisms not causing disease.

Human Physiology Laboratory

It demonstrates the understanding of chemical and biological principles and knowledge that serve as the foundation for understanding human anatomy and physiology.

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment Laboratory

It demonstrates the recording of various bio-potentials and the working principle of life saving equipment.

Bio Medical Instrumentation Laboratory

It focuses on introducing the fundamentals of transducers as applicable to physiology, exploring the human body parameter measurements setups and it makes the students to understand the basic concepts of forensic techniques.

Sensors and Measurements Laboratory

It familiarizes the students with various types of sensors and transducers. And, enables the students to select and design suitable instruments to meet requirements of various industrial applications.

Embedded and IoMT Laboratory

It enables the students and faculties of the institute to witness and be the part of the vision in which the internet prolongs into the real world embracing everyday objects.

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

It enables the students to simulate and experiment with digital signals and systems and apply the theory they have studied in DSP courses.

Digital Image Processing Laboratory

Enhancement: Improving the quality of an image by adjusting brightness, contrast, sharpness, and reducing noise or artifacts.

Restoration: Recovering and restoring images that have been degraded due to factors like noise, blurring, or compression.

National Level Technical Symposium

The Department of Bio Medical Engineering organized the "MEDINNO" – National Level Technical Symposium, held on 05.03.24 — an immersive event that seamlessly integrates cutting-edge technical exploration with engaging non-technical experiences. Dived into the latest advancements through insightful presentations, while also enjoyed creative challenges, team-building exercises and offered a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange, innovation, and community building.
National Level Technical Symposium

Inauguration of MEDINNO" – National Level Technical Symposium, held on 05.03.24

Second Slide

Valedictory function of MEDINNO" – National Level Technical Symposium, held on 05.03.24

Workshop & Conferences


Guest Lecture on “Application of machine learning in medical equipments” held on 13.05.2022


Activities & Programs

Paper Presentation

Inauguration of Bio-Fest

Inauguration of “Bio-Fest” held on 18.04.24

Valedictory function of Bio-Fest

Valedictory function of “Bio-Fest” held on 18.04.24

The Department of Biomedical Engineering, Kings Engineering College has conducted the “Bio-Fest” held on 18.04.24 – Inter-department paper presentation event in the theme of “Recent Trends in Healthcare”. Groundbreaking Research papers and Projects were manifested.

Faculty Development Program

Faculty Development Program
Faculty Development Program
Department of Bio Medical Engineering was successfully conducted a virtual six days Faculty Development Program on “BM8601 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment-I” from 14.03.2022 to 19.03.2022.

Refresher Course

Bio Medical Engineering department conducted the Refresher Course – “Programming Language C” for second year and third year students of BME to enhance practical knowledge on C language.

Club Activities

Club Activities

Third year students Presented their “Idea Presentation Event” on Innovations in Medical Devices, held on 05.11.2022

Club Activities

First year students shown their talent on “Glass Painting Event” held on 13.10.2023 helloooooooooooooooooooooo

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    Department of Bio Medical Engineering "Idea Presentation Event" held on 05.11.2022.

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    Department of Bio Medical Engineering in association with Medical Design Club conducted the "Poster Presentation Event" on account of "World Health Day", held on 07.04.2023.

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    Medical Design Club of the Kings Engineering College in association with Biomedical Engineering Department has conducted the "Glass Painting Event" on account of "World Student's Day", held on 13.10.2023.

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    Medical Design Club of the Kings Engineering College and Department of Biomedical Engineering has conducted the "Idea Presentation Event" on account of "World Student's Day", held on 16.10.2023.



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    Mr. P. Muthukumaraswamy, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Digital Circuits NPTEL course.
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    Mr. P. Muthukumaraswamy, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Biomechanics of Joint & Orthopedic Implants NPTEL course.
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    Mr. P. Muthukumaraswamy, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Switching Circuits & Logic Design NPTEL course.
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    Mr. P. Muthukumaraswamy, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Biomedical Signal Processing NPTEL course.
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    Mr.P.Muthukumaraswamy, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Integrated Circuits, MOSFETS, Op Amps & their Applications NPTEL course.
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    Mr. K. Prakash, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Electrocardiogram-Interpretation & Application in Clinical Practice NPTEL course
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    Mr.K.Prakash, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the completed the Animal Physiology NPTEL course.
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    Ms. X. Sagaya Deva Niranjana, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Animal Physiology NPTEL course.
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    Ms. X. Sagaya Deva Niranjana, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Bioinformatics: Algorithms & Applications NPTEL course.
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    Ms. X. Sagaya Deva Niranjana, Assistant Professor/BME, completed the Biomechanics of Joint & Orthopedic Implants NPTEL course.



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    K Siva, 3rd year Student BME, completed the Bio-electro chemistry NPTEL course.
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    S. Ranjith Kumar, 2nd year Student BME, completed the Animal Physiology NPTEL course.
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    S. Ranjith Kumar, 2nd year Student BME, completed the Medical Biomaterials NPTEL course.
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    S. Reshma, 4th year Student BME, completed the Bioinformatics: Algorithms & Applications NPTEL course.
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    P. Chriseeda Shinny, 4th year Student BME, completed the Bioinformatics: Algorithms & Applications NPTEL course.
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    S.Vijaysamson, 4th year Student BME, completed the Bioinformatics: Algorithms & Applications NPTEL course.
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    A. Aathiraja, 4th year Student BME, completed the Bioinformatics: Algorithms & Applications NPTEL course.
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    M. Janani Selvi, 4th year Student BME, completed the Bioinformatics: Algorithms & Applications NPTEL course.
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    A. Emmanuel and S. Ranjith Kumar from third year have successfully completed Period of one month internship at the Leather Sector Skill Council provided valuable hands-on experience, shaping their understanding of the industry and equipping them with essential skills for future endeavors Joel T.
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    George, S.L.P Rushil, V. Magesh, and S. Mohamad Nazeer Khan from final year have pioneered an innovative wearable device for real-time monitoring. This groundbreaking technology promises to revolutionize healthcare and enhance safety across industries.
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    R.Chanthini, P.M Jeevitha, M.Kokilavani, and S.Vinodini from final year have performed the research which unveils a sustainable approach, extracting Chitosan from Red Snapper scales to create Bioplastic Films.

Internships/Industrial Visits

All the year students from the department of Biomedical Engineering were undergone Internship and Hospital visit to the reputed hospitals such as

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    Stanely Medical College Chennai
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    Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai
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    Saveetha Medical College & Hospitals, Chennai
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    Sudar Hospitals, Chennai
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    Biovision Medical Systems, Chennai
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    Deepam Hospitals, Chennai
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    IIT Madras Incubation Cell Chennai
Final year student's undergone Hospital visit to Vijaya Hospital, chennai on 17.02.2022


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    Deepam Hospitals,West Tambaram, Chennai, signed on 14.03.2022.
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    Atheenapandian Private Limited, Chennai, signed on 13.05.2022.
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    Biovision Medical Systems, Chennai, signed on 30.08.2023.
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    Saveetha Medical College & Hospital, Chennai, signed on 31.10.2023.

Research Publications by Faculty Team

S.NoTitle of the PaperFaculty NameJournalYear
1Image segmentation based on markov random field probabilistic approachDr. A R VenmathiProceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing2019
2Detection of Micro calcification Clusters using Statistical Parameters and Dyadic Contourlet Transform-based Precision EnhancementDr. A R VenmathiEuropean Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine2020
3An Automatic Brain Tumors Detection and Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network with VGG- 19Dr. A R VenmathiIEEE Conference proceedings2023
4Enhancing efficiency in electrical distribution systems: A novel approach via modified genetic optimization algorithm for loss reduction in optimal network distributionDr. S. VishnupriyanJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press2024
5Enhanced melanoma detection using a fuzzy ensemble approach integrating hybrid optimization algorithmDr. S. VishnupriyanBiomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevier2024
6A New Deep Neuro-Fuzzy System for Lyme Disease Detection and classification using UNet, Inception, and XGBoost Model from Medical ImagesDr. S. VishnupriyanNeural Computing and Applications, Springer2024
7A Fusion of Deep Neural Networks and Game Theory for Retinal DiseaseDiagnosis with OCT ImagesDr. S. VishnupriyanJournal of X-Ray Science and Technology IOS Press2024
8GAN Based Image Segmentation and Classification Using Vgg16 for Prediction of Lung CancerDr. S. VishnupriyanJournal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology2023
9Reconfiguration of Distribution Network based DG and Capacitors using Grey Wolf Algorithm for Power Loss ReductionDr. S. VishnupriyanJournal of Physics: Conf. Series2024
10Enhancing Dehazing performance of single satellite optical images using gamma correction and DCP in YCbCr ColorspaceDr. S. Vishnupriyan IEEE Xplore2024
11IoT and Artificial Intelligence-based Low-Cost Smart Modules for Smart Irrigation SystemsDr. S. VishnupriyanIEEE XploreInternational Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS)2023
12IoT-based Underground Cable Fault DetectionDr. S. VishnupriyanIEEE Xplore International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems (ICAISS)2023
13IoT-based Underground Cable Fault DetectionDr. S. VishnupriyanIEEE Xplore2023
14Reconfiguration of Distribution Network based DG and Capacitors using Grey Wolf Algorithm for Power Loss ReductionDr M N Saravana KumarJournal of Physics: Conf. Series2024

Patent Details

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    Dr. A. R. Venmathi, "A Smart Suite for assissting the pregnant women", ApplicationNo.202041008057A, 06/03/2020 (Published)
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    Dr. S.Vishnu Priyan , "Automatic Number Plate Recognition using Rashberry Pi & Python", 06/01/2023 (Published)
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    Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar, "Computer based breath analysis device for blood sugar detection", Application No. 380599-001, 02 March 2023 (Granted)
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    Dr. A. R. Venmathi, Dr. M. N. Saravana Kumar, Dr. S. Vishnu Priyan, Mr. P. Muthukumaraswamy, Mr. K. Prakash, Mr. J. Tamilselvan, Ms. X. Sagaya Deva Niranjana, Ms. D. Maria Celestina , "Bio Tissue Classification using Machine Learning Algorithm", Application No. 202341026481 , 05/05/2023 (Published)

Books/Chapters Published

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    Dr. A. R. Venmathi, "Electronic Circuits:EC8351", 9 January 20 (KindleEdition)
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    Dr. A. R. Venmathi, "Antennas and microwave Engineering", Charulatha Publications.
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    Dr. A. R. Venmathi, "Microprocessors and Microcontrollers", Publishinghouse: LAPLAMBERT Academic Publishing.
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    Dr. M N Saravana Kumar, (2020) "Machine Learning and Applications (MLA - Volume 1)", DIPTI Press (OPC) Private Limited, Chapter 7, pp. 282-288.
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    Dr. M N Saravana Kumar, (2020) "Data Security in Internet of Things based RFID and WSN Systems applications", CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Chapter 9, pp. 107-114.
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    Dr. S. Vishnu Priyan, (2022) "Routing Strategy: Network-on-Chip Architectures (Chapter: 9), VLSI Architecture for Signal, Speech, and Image Processing Advances, Challenges, and Potential”, CRC Press Taylor& Francis Group
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    Dr. S. Vishnu Priyan, Electronic Devices & Circuits, Charulatha Publications, ISBN. No:978-93-5577-459-0, 2023.
Professional Bodies

Professional Society provides exposure to the students and faculties about the current trends, interact with the like-minded people establishing the contacts across various institutions and domains thereby presenting innovative ideas and projects. Professional society's supports grant to the students and faculties innovation ideas to convert into prototypes. The department is member of ISTE, ICT Academy.

1ICT Academy Student chapter, Faculty chapter
2ISTEStudent chapter