

Admission open now
Application Forms

Application form and prospectus for all courses will be issued on payment of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees thousand only) by cash or by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Kings Engineering College, payable at Chennai.

Administrative Office

Old No.59, New No-107,
Ranganathan Street, Guindy,
Ph: 044-4337 3999, 044-4355 0004

College Premises

Kings Engineering College,
Opposite to Hyundai Motors,
Chennai-Bengaluru Highway,
Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur-602117.

Important Note: Admission eligibility will be in strict accordance with the New Admission Policy for the current academic year which will be notified by the Commissioner of Technical Education, Chennai and Anna University, Chennai.

Eligibility Criteria

For B.E/B.Tech admissions, candidates should have passed the qualifying examination (+2 / XII / Junior College) and obtained minimum marks as per prescribed below, being the combined average as in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (core subjects).

CommunityPass with Minimum average marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together*
General Category45%
Backward Class including Backward Class Muslim40%
MBC & DNC40%

* Subject to changes which may be notified by Government
* Candidates from other state will be considered and belonging to OC only, irrespective of their community

Vocational Stream

Mathematics + Vocational Theory + Vocational Practicals.

Regular Stream

Mathematics + Physics + Chemistry

The other eligibility criterias such as marks, number of attempts, physical fitness and mode of admission will be as stipulated by the Department of Technical Education (DOTE) and Anna University from time to time.

UG/PG Admissions

Application to the courses offered by the institution should be made in the prescribed Application Form. Instructions must be carefully read and strictly followed. Incomplete application and failure to enclose the stipulated documents may result in rejection of the candidate's application. Furnishing of incorrect or misleading information could lead to suspension of the student from the college at any stage of the course.

Documents to be produced on Admission (Students from Tamilnadu)

List ICONCommunity Certificate

List ICON12th and 10th Std Mark Sheets

List ICON11th Marksheet

List ICONIncome Certificate

List ICONTransfer Certificate

List ICONConduct Certificate

List ICONMedical Fitness certificate from a Registered Medical practitioner

List ICONSelf Addressed Envelopes - 6 nos

List ICONCandidates Passport sized photographs (4 copies)

List ICONProficiency in Sports, Games and Extra curricular Activities, if any;

List ICONJoint Declaration by parent / guardian in the prescribed form

List ICONPhoto Copies of all the above certificates in Three sets-duly attested

List ICONFirst Graduate Certificate of the Government for Quota of First Generation Graduate student.

Lateral Entry

The Candidates who pass a Diploma in Engineering / Technology, awarded by the State Board of Technical Education are eligible for admission to the Third Semester of the B.E., / B.Tech., degree programmes through Lateral Entry System. They should pass a Diploma in Engineering / Technology awarded by the State Board of Technical Education of Tamil Nadu or any other authority accepted by the syndicate of the Anna University as equivalent thereto. Candidate with B.Sc., Degree is also eligible to apply, provided Mathematics is one of the subjects of their B.Sc., course.

Documents to be produced on Admission

List ICONProvisional /Diploma Certificate.

List ICONV, VI semester mark list / Consolidated Mark Statement.

List ICONTransfer Certificate